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Of the Poor, the Insane, Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind.



AN ACT to provide two additional Trustees of the Poor for Wilmington Amended


Code, 1874,


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

Section 1, of

the Revised


SECTION 1. That section 1, of chapter 48, of the Revised chap 48 of Statutes of the State of Delaware, be and the same is hereby Code, amended, so that Wilmington hundred in New Castle county shall have four trustees of the Poor, and that the additional Wilmington trustees shall be entitled to the same compensation as any have four other trustee of the Poor now receives.

the poor.


acts repealed.

SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of Inconsistent acts inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Passed at Dover, January 27, 1875.



AN ACT to amend section 3, chap. 57, vol. 14, Laws of Delaware.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

Vol. 14, 66.

Section 3. chap. 57. of vol.

That section 3, chapter 57, volume 14, Laws of Delaware, amended.

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be and the same hereby is amended by striking out all the words after the word "unnecessary" and inserting in lieu thereof, the words following, to wit: "or that said indigent lunatic or An indigent insane person has not for one year past manifested any marked not having improvement in his or her condition, then such indigent luna

insane person

manifested marked


tic or insane person, upon the written request of the Goverimprovement nor addressed to the proper authorities of the said asylum, discharged hospital or institution, shall be discharged from a residence in hospital. the said asylum, hospital or institution, under the provisions of


this act."

Passed at Dover, March 4, 1875.

Judges of

court ex


trustees of


blind, deaf

and dumb, to whom appli

cation may

of any such




AN ACT for the benefit of the indigent Deaf and Dumb, and of the indigent Blind.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprebatmade for sentatives of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, the admission That the judges of the Superior Court, shall be ex officio trusinto any tees for the indigent deaf and dumb and for the indigent blind selected by persons of the State, to whom application may be made for said trustees. the admission of any such persons into any institution for the Governor to instruction of the deaf and dumb, or for the instruction of the applicants to blind that may be selected and named by the said trustees.

cause such

be admitted as the trustees shall


SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees recommend. shall recommend such of the applicants as they shall deem This act shall proper, to the Governor, who shall cause the persons recomnot prevent mended, to be admitted accordingly. This act shall not be from being held to prevent any person or persons maintained at any institution by the State of Delaware, from being so maintained or instructed, but said persons shall be under the authority of provisions of said judges, until discharged under the provisions of the law under which under which said persons were appointed to, * sent to such

maintained at any institution under the

the law

such person

was appoint. institution.

ed to such


* So enrolled.


may draw on the school

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That the Governor is Governor hereby authorized and empowered to draw his warrant on the the trustee of trustees of the school fund, in favor of the president or treas fund for urer of any institution wherein such pupils may be, for the board, &c. board and tuition of each indigent pupil from this State, pro- Proviso. vided, that the amount paid for each of said pupils, shall not Amount be greater than the sum paid by the State of Pennsylvania limited. for each indigent pupil of that State who is taught in the Pennsylvania institution for the instruction of the deaf and Further produmb, or in the Pennsylvania institution for the instruction of viso. the blind; and provided further, that no indigent pupil from Term of this State shall be maintained as a beneficiary in any such limited institution for a longer period than five years, except as here- five years. inafter provided.



be extended


SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That whenever the Term may principal of any institution for the instruction of the blind, or three years the principal of any institution for the instruction of the deaf by the and dumb, shall represent in writing to the Governor of this State, that any indigent pupil from this State, whose term has when. expired, is capable of making further improvement, and recommending the re-admission of said pupil, the Governor shall have power to extend the term of such pupil to any time not exceeding three additional years.


warrant shall

SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That the Governor's Governor's warrant shall specify the name and residence, to wit: The coun- specify. ty of each pupil for whose benefit it is drawn; and the trustee of Trustee to the school fund shall charge the sum paid for each pupil to deduct from the income of the school fund distributable to such county, apportionand shall deduct it therefrom at the next apportionment.

the county

ment of school fund.

make annual


SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees Trustees to shall communicate to the Legislature, the annual reports reports to the received from said institutions, with the details respectively, the number, names and residence of the indigent pupils from this State, and the expenditures in their behalf.

acts repealed.

SECTION 7. And be it further enacted, That all acts or parts Inconsistent of acts inconsistent with the foregoing provisions be and the same are hereby repealed.

Passed at Dover, March 23, 1875.


Of the General Police.

Penalty for killing or capturing muskrats




AN ACT for the protection of Muskrats.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That it shall be unlawful for any person within this State to Mare2515. take, kill or capture by any means whatever, any muskrat, between the twenty-fifth day of March and the fifteenth day of December in any year,and any person offending against the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, before any justice of the peace Fine. in this State, shall be fined five dollars for each muskrat so taken, killed or captured, and if such person shall fail or refuse to pay Commitment such fine and costs, the said justice shall forthwith commit him

for refusal to pay.

to the custody of the sheriff until the same are paid, one-half of said fine for the use of the State, the other half for the informer; Possession. and every person having such muskrat in his possession shall be deemed to have taken, killed or captured the same in violation of the provisions of this act, unless the contrary be proved, Not applica. Provided, however, this act shall not apply to the taking or killing muskrats on any embanked or improved marsh. This act shall not apply to New Castle county.


ble to New Castle county.

Passed at Dover, March 2, 1875.




AN ACT authorizing the Levy Courts of the several counties in this State, to adopt measures for the destruction of Hawks and Owls.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

to assess

for a fund for

SECTION 1. That the Levy Court of each county in this Levy Courts State, be and is hereby authorized and empowered to make county rates such provisions at their meeting, to assess and calculate a rate the destrucfor the county rates and levies, as to said Levy Court may be tion of hawks thought proper and advisable, for raising and collecting a fund, and applying the same to the destruction of hawks and o wls.

and owls.

shall make

rules as may

to execute

SECTION 2. That the said Levy Court be and is hereby fur- Levy Courts ther authorized and empowered to appoint all such persons, such appointand make such rules for their government, and from time to ments and time, to do and perform every matter and thing which a ma-be necessary jority of the members thereof may deem necessary for carry- the law. ing into effect the intent and design of this act, and shall compel such persons as may be charged with the application of any moneys belonging to said fund, to settle their accounts Accounts. with said Levy Court, and said Levy Court shall report the and reported. same to the auditor of this State, in the same manner as other public disbursements.

How settled

each scalp.

SECTION 3. That the Levy Courts in the several counties Bounty for of this State shall pay fifty cents for each and every hawk and owl killed and destroyed as aforesaid. And the person presenting the scalp of such hawks or owls shall make an affida- Affidavit. vit that such hawks or owls was* killed within the limits of this State. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be under- Proviso. stood to apply to fish hawks or mouse owls.

Act not ap

SECTION 4. That no provision of this bill apply to New Cas-plicable a tle county, Delaware.

Passed at Dover, March 23, 1875.

*So enrolled.

New Castle county.

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