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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by

Charles C. Little & James Brows,

in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.







2lct0 of tl)c <£l)irteenil) Congress of tlje Hnitco States.

STATUTE I.—1813.

_ r*t

Georgetown. An act concerning-certain streets in Georgetown. June 14, 1813 1

Fisheries of the United States. An act for the government of persons in certain fisheries.

Jane 19, 1813 2

jlrmy of the Vniled States. An act to amend the act in addition to the act entitled " An act to raise an additional military force, and for other purposes." (Obsoiete.) July 5, 1813 3

Barges for tht Defence of the Ports and Harbours of the United States. An act authorizing the President of the United States to cause to be built barges for the defence of the ports and harbours of the United States. (Repealed.) July 5, 1813 3

HUitary Land Warrants. An act further extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants. (Obsolete.) July 5, 1813 3

Reward of the Officers and Crew of the Hornet, and Lieutenant Elliott. An act to reward the officers and crew of the sloop of war Hornet; and Lieutenant Elliott and his officers and companions. July 13, 1813 4

Franking Privilege to the Superintendant-General of Military Supplies. An act freeing from postage all letters and packets to and from the superintendant-general of military supplies. July 13,1813 4

Claims of the United States to Goods, fyc., captured by private armed Vessels. An act to relinquish the claims of the United States to certain goods, wares, and merchandise captured by private armed vessels. (Obsolete.) July 13, 1813 4

Turnpike Road in the County of Alexandria. An act to incorporate a company for making a

certain turnpike road in the county of Alexandria. July 13, 1813 5

Turnpike Road in the County of Washington. An act to incorporate a company for making a certain turnpike road in the county of Washington, in the District of Columbia. July 13, 1813 18

Defence of the Ports and Harbours of the Untied States. An act providing for the further

defence of the ports and harbours of the United States. July 16, 1813 18

Suits and Costs in the Courts of the United States. An act concerning suits and costs in

courts of the United States. July 22, 1813 19

Collection of Direct Taxes and Internal Revenues. An act for the assessment and collection

of direct taxes and internal duties. (Repealed.) July 22,1813 22

Forage to Officers of the Army. An act to regulate the allowance of forage to officers in the

army of the United States. July 22, 1813 34

Mobile nrnde a Port of Entry. An act to establish the town of Mobile a port of entry. July

22, 1813 35


Duties on Refined Sugar. An act laying duties on sugar refined within the United States ** (Repealed.) July 24, 1813 #

Commissioner of the Revenue. An act to establish the office of commissioner of the revenue

(Obsolete.) July 24, 1813 _g

Army of the United States. An act to continue in force, for a limited time, certain acts authorizmg corps of rangers for the protection of the frontier of the United States and making appropriations for the same. (Obsolete.) July 24, 1813 .' 39

Duties on Carriages. An act laying duties on carriages for the conveyance of persons

(Repealed.) July 24, 1813 ......j. 40

Duties on Licenses to Distillers 0/spirituous Liquors. An act laying duties on licenses to distillers of spirituous liquors. July 24, 1813 42

Duties on Saks at Auction. An act laying duties on sales at auction of merchandise, and of

ships and vessels. (Repealed.) July 24, 1813 44

Sea Fencibhs. An act to authorize the raising a corps of sea fencibles. (Repealed 1

July 26, 1813 . 47

Appropriation for the Capitol. An act making an appropriation for finishing the Senate chamber and repairmg the roof of the north wing of the capitol. (Obsolete.) July

Accommodation of the Household of the President of the United States. An act to provide for the accommodation of the household of the President of the United States. (Obsolete.1 July 26, 1813 \ 48

Congress. An act fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress. July 27, 1813 48

Message of the President to be transmitted free of Postage. An act Jo authorize the transportation of certain documents free of postage. July 28, 1813 48

Fisheries. Duties on imported Salt; Bounty on pickled Fish. An act laying a duty on imported salt; granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries. July 29, 1813 49

Naturalization. An act supplementary to the acts heretofore passed on the subject of a

uniform rule of naturalization. July 30, 1813 ... 53

Direct Taxes. An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States. (Repealed.) Aug. 2,1813 53

Duties on Licenses to Retailers of Wines, tjc. An act laying duties on licenses to retailers of

wmes, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise. (Repealed.) Aug. 2, 1813 72

Pensions. An act to provide for the widows and orphans of militia slain, and for militia

disabled in the service of the United States. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813 78

Army of the United States. An act explanatory of an act entitled "An act to raise ten

additional companies of rangers." (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813 74

Appointment of Officers of the Army in the Recess of the Senate. An act to authorize the appointment by the President of certain officers in the recess of the Senate. (Obso, lete.) Aug. 2, 1813 74

Sale of Lots in Pittsburg. An act authorizing the sale of sundry lots, the property of the

United States, in the borough of Pittsburg. Aug. 2, 1813 75

Duties on Goods captured by private armed Vessels. An act for reducing the duties payable on prize goods captured by the private armed vessels of the United States. (Obsolete.) Aug.2, 1813 75

Srmy of the United Slates. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act for the better

regulation of the ordnance." (Obsolete.) August 2, 1813 75

Loan. An act authorizing a loan for a sum not exceeding seven millions five hundred

thousand dollars. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813 75

Duties on Stamps. An act laying duties on notes of banks, bankers, and certain companies; on notes, bonds, and obligations discounted by banks, bankers, and certain companies; and on bills of exchange of certain descriptions. (Repealed.) Aug. 2, 1813. 77

Appropriations. An act making additional appropriations for the support of government during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813 81

Bounty for Prisoners taken by private armed Vessels. An act allowing a bounty to the owners, officers, and crews of the private armed vessels of the United States. (Obsolete.) Aug.2, 1813 81

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