| Michigan. Supreme Court, Randolph Manning, George C. Gibbs, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Elijah W. Meddaugh, William Jennison, Hovey K. Clarke, Hoyt Post, Henry Allen Chaney, William Dudley Fuller, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper - 1914 - 824 pages
...1906, chap. 3591, § 7, 34 US Stat. 593 (US Comp. Stat. Supp. 1911, p. 1307), which provides, in part: "That any common carrier, railroad, or transportation...a point in another State shall issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for any loss, damage, or injury... | |
 | Michigan. Supreme Court, Randolph Manning, George C. Gibbs, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Elijah W. Meddaugh, William Jennison, Hovey K. Clarke, Hoyt Post, Henry Allen Chaney, William Dudley Fuller, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper - 1919 - 800 pages
...that lengthy amendment of section 20 (of the 1887 act — section 7 of the 1906 act) is as follows : "That any common carrier, railroad or transportation...a point in another State shall issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for any loss, damage or injury... | |
 | 1907 - 396 pages
...ar.d receive evident. "That any common carrier, railroad or transportation company receiving proper for transportation from a point in one state to a point in another state shall ÎBfQfreceipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder tbereflM any loss,... | |
 | New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 pages
...™inas£| n e°awitshall have power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, and receive evidence. That any common carrier, railroad, or transportation...company receiving property for transportation from a Sbaemfa"r e°™ O°B point in one State to a point in another State shall issue ^^ earned' by a receipt... | |
 | Illinois. Supreme Court - 1914 - 720 pages
...shipment. The amendment to the Inter-State Commerce act referred to, makes it the duty of a railroad company receiving property for transportation from a point in one State to a point in another State to issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor. But the liability imposed by the act is not dependent... | |
 | 1916 - 506 pages
...elect. Section 7 wrhich amends Section 20 of the original Act, so far as material here, provides : "That any common carrier, railroad or transportation...a point in another state, shall issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for any loss, damage or injury... | |
 | American Bar Association - 1915 - 990 pages
...thereof, and to enlarge the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission,' approved June 29, 1906, as reads as follows, to wit: " ' That any common carrier,...and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for • 33 ICCR 684. any loss, damage or injury to such property caused by it or by any common carrier,... | |
 | 1912 - 1264 pages
...amendment to section 20 of the Interstate commerce act, found In US Сотр. St. Supp. 1909, p. 11GC: "That any common carrier, railroad or transportation...transportation, from a point in one state, to a point In another shall Issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof,... | |
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