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The Eleventh Anniversary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, was held in the Meeting House of the Pearl-street Baptist Church in Albany, on Tuesday afternoon, April 25th, 1843.

The President, Hon. Heman Lincoln, of Massachusetts, took the Chair at 3 o'clock. The devotional exercises at the opening of the meeting consisted in the singing of a hymn, reading a portion of Scripture by Brother S. H. Cone, and solemn prayer by Brother J. H. Brouner, both of New-York; after which the President briefly addressed the Society relative to the important objects of the meeting.

Ministering brethren present, not delegates to the Society, were invited to a seat, to aid in the deliberations of the body.

The following Committees were appointed:

1st. A Committee on delegates from auxiliary bodies, consisting of brethren Daniel Haskell of Vermont, Henry Davis of New-York, Jonathan Aldrich of Pennsylvania, T. C. Teasdale of Connecticut, and E. M. Barker of New-Jersey.

2d. A Committee for the nomination of officers, consisting of brethren J. D. Cole of New-York, G. S. Webb of New-Jersey, O. N. Sage of Ohio, W. Crane of Maryland, and Thomas Shaw of Massachusetts.

The Treasurer, Brother R. W. Martin, of New-York, read his Report, accompanied with the certificate of its correctness by Brother J. R. Ludlow, Auditor; which, on motion of Brother Caldicott of Massachusetts, seconded by Brother D. C. Haynes of Utica, was accepted. and ordered to be printed.

The Committee on delegates from auxiliary bodies presented the following list of names, as duly elected delegates to this Society, who, to gether with the directors and members for life, and others specified in the Constitution, present, were declared entitled to a seat.


Maine Missionary Society, L. Colby.

New-Hampshire Convention, B. F. Braybrook, A. Harper.
Great Falls Church, N. H., B. F. Braybrook.

Shaftsbury Association, Vt., N. Potter

Massachusetts Convention, A. Wilbur, E. Thresher, Irah Chase, N. Williams, 1.

F. Caldicott, G. Barnard, A. Hervey, J. Higby.

Salem Association, Mass., J. S. Bacon.

Rhode Island Convention, D. Benedict, J. Dowling, D. Schauber.

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