29th District-Senator Thomas W. Bradford. 34th District-Senator W. B. Nolen. 35th District-Senator R. F. Hall. Centre, Ala. Russellville, Ala. Greensboro, Ala. Mobile, Ala. Ashland, Ala. Haleburg, Ala. Autauga-F. Maury Howard. Bibb-N. E. Stewart. Blount-F. G. Stephens. Autaugaville Baker Hill, R. F. D. Clayton Blocton, R. F. D. Oneonta Union Springs Fitzpatrick, R. F. D. Greenville Butler Springs Anniston Piedmont LaFayette Waverly Round Mountain, R. F. D. Clanton Robjohn Thomasville TO GENERAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF 1927 PREPARED BY HON. GEORGE PEGRAM OF MARENGO NOTE-Index to the Acts of the Special Session of the Legislature, Banking Department, examiners, assistants and stenographers, Act of Sept. 29th, 1923. Bessemer, circuit court, Act of Aug. 18, 1919. Capitol at Tuscaloosa, Act of Jany. 28, 1852. Cities with 100,000 or more population. Commission form of Government. Act of Sept. 25, 1915. Impeachment of Officers, Act. Aug. 28, 1915. Cities with Commission form of Government, Act of April 11, 1911. Act of April 8, 1911. Cities with not less than 25,000 or more than 50,000 population. Commission form of Government. Page 90 64 711 561 254 302 491 461 494 Inferior courts in Act. Sept. 7, 1923. 188 490 233 Counties with 200,00 or more population. Law Libraries, Acts of Sept. 29, 1919, and Sept. 27, 1923... 262 286 Counties with more than 90,000 and less than 150,000, In cities of not less than 25,000 or more than 50,000 population. EXCISE TAX ON MOTOR FUELS. Act of Feby. 10, 1923. 16 |