The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser: With the Life of the Author and the Critical Remarks of Hughes, Spence, Warton, Upton, and Hurd, Volume 3Cadell and Davies ... and Samuel Bagster, 1807 |
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Common terms and phrases
Amoret armes battell beast beheld Blandamour bowre brest Britomart Britons CANTO chaunge cruell dame damzell daunger dayes deare despight devize dight dismayd doth dread dreadfull Eftsoones emongst eternall evermore FAERIE QUEENE Faery knight faire faire ladies farre fayre feare fell fierce Florimell flowre fowle gentle goodly grace griefe groning hand hart hath herselfe heven hight himselfe inly ioyous knight ladies late light litle living mayd mighty mote nigh noble nought Paridell perill powre prince Proteus rest ryde Satyrane sayd Scudamour seemd shame shee shew shield shyning sight sith skie sonne soone sore sory soveraine speare spide spright squire squyre steed straunge sunne sweet thee thence Thereat thereof thou thought trew Triamond twixt unto vaine vertue villein warlike wearie weene weet whenas whilest wicked wight wize wondrous wonne wont wound wretched wyde XXXVII
Popular passages
Page 15 - But true it is that, when the oyle is spent, The light goes out, and weeke is throwne away; So when he had resignd his regiment, His daughter gan despise his drouping day, And wearie waxe of his continuall stay...
Page 71 - To th' instruments divine respondence meet ; The silver sounding instruments did meet With the base murmure of the waters fall ; The waters fall with difference discreet, Now soft, now loud, unto the wind did call ; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all.
Page 56 - All these, and thousand thousands many more, And more deformed monsters thousand fold, With dreadfull noise and hollow rombling rore, Came rushing, in the fomy waves...
Page 195 - To see so faire thinges mard and spoiled quight : And their great mother Venus did lament The losse of her deare brood, her deare delight : Her hart was pierst with pitty at the sight. When walking through the gardin them she spyde, Yet no'te...
Page 85 - And her faire yellow locks behind her flew, Loosely disperst with puff of every blast : All as a blazing starre doth farre outcast His hearie beames, and flaming lockes dispredd, At sight whereof the people stand aghast; But the sage wisard telles, as he has redd, That it importunes death and dolefull dreryhedd.
Page 70 - ... saw, he drew him neare, And somewhat gan relent his earnest pace; His stubborne brest gan secret pleasaunce to embrace. The wanton maidens, him espying, stood Gazing a while at his unwonted guise; Then th...
Page 67 - And scorned partes were mingled with the fine,) That Nature had for wantonesse ensude Art, and that Art at Nature did repine; So striving each th...
Page 38 - As pale and wan as ashes was his looke, His body leane and meagre as a rake, And skin all withered like a dryed rooke, Thereto as cold and drery as a snake, That seemd to tremble evermore, and quake : All in a canvas thin he was bedight, And girded with a belt of twisted brake: Upon his head he wore an helmet light, Made of a dead mans skull, that seemd a ghastly sight.
Page 237 - And next to her sate sober Modestie, Holding her hand upon her gentle hart ; And her against sate comely Curtesie, That unto every person knew her part ; And her before was seated overthwart Soft Silence, and submisse Obedience, Both linckt together never to dispart ; Both gifts of God, not gotten but from thence, Both girlonds of his Saints against their foes offence.
Page 66 - In her left hand a cup of gold she held, And with her right the riper fruit did reach, Whose sappy liquor, that with fulnesse sweld, Into her cup she scruzd, with daintie breach Of her fine fingers, without fowle empeach, That so faire winepresse made the wine more sweet...