INTRODUCTORY REPORT, To the Nobility, Gentry, and the commercially interefted Inhabitants of the weft Part of LANCASTER AND CHESTER. My Lords and Gentlemen, T the request of feveral refpectable gentlemen AT in both counties, and the contiguous parts, I have heretofore given my sentiments, in a fummary manner, of the practicability and importance of erecting a bridge across the river Merfey, at a place called Runcorn Gap; the object of which is to fave a circuitous paffage, and thereby form a more direct and immediate communication with the weft parts of the counties of Lancafter and Chefter: but they, confidering the concern of great moment, and that many are interested therein, thought any information upon this fubject ought not to be confined to a few individuals. They, therefore, requefted me to make an ocular furvey, and treat the fubject more at large, as I |