TITLES OF ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE First Session of the Thirteenth General Assembly, 1864. An act to create special tribunals for the trial of capital offences committed by slaves, free negroes and mulattoes. An act to amend an act entitled an act to establish and permanently locate the county site of Manatee county, approved Dec. 5, 1881. An act to repeal an act entitled "an act to consolidate the offices of Clerk of the Circuit Court and Judge of Probate in and for Manatee county," approved December 8, 1862. An act to organize militia troops for the State of Florida. An act to amend the laws relating to slaves. An act relating to the accounts of Ex-Governor M. S. Perry and H. V. Snell, late Quarter-Master General. An act relative to holding Commissioners' Courts of Lafayette county. An act to amend an act entitled "an act for the protection of cattle owners in the counties of Levy, Lafayette, Taylor, Wakulla and Duval," approved November 27, 1863. An act for the relief of our sick and wounded soldiers. An act to provide for the appointment of county officers in certain cases. An act to authorize William F. Russell to enter one hundred and sixty acres of land. An act to provide for taking the census in the year 1865, in this State. An act to amend "an act to provide for the establishment of two Seminaries of Learning." An act for the education of soldiers' children. An act to amend an act entitled "an act to allow the Supreme Court of this State to hold extra terms in certain cases therein specified," approved December 28, 1854. An act to fix the county site of Brevard county, and for other purposes. An act to facilitate the transaction of business in the Quarter-Master General's Office. An act in relation to estates in this State. An act to increase the price of Public Lands. An act to amend the laws providing for the stay of executions. An act to amend "an act to incorporate the city of Lake City." An act to authorize the administrator of the estate of Anna L. Casey to make titles to certain lots in Columbia county. An act in relation to the commissions of executors, guardians, curators and administrators. An act to amend an act entitled "an act to amend the election laws of this State as regards the mode of voting, and for other purposes," approved December 8, 1862. An act to appropriate a fund for clothing of troops from Florida in the Confederate service, and to purchase and distribute cards. An act relative to the fees of the Clerk of the Supreme Court and Jailors. An act in relation to the public defence. An act to protect the citizens of Florida. An act for the relief of C. L. Demilly. An act to extend the term of the Solicitors in the several Judicial Circuits in this State to the first day of January, 1866, and for other purposes. An act in relation to the recording of deeds and other papers in Lafayette county. An act for the relief of soldiers' families. An act to define the duties of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Board, An act making appropriations for the expenses of the first session of the thir. teenth General Assembly and for other purposes. RESOLUTIONS. Resolution making valid the Election held in Duval County on the first Mon. day in October, 1864. Joint Resolution of confidence in and thanks to President Jefferson Davis. Resolution of thanks to Captain J. J. Dickison. Resolution for the destruction of redeemed State Treasury Notes and Bonds of 1856 and 1861. Resolution relative to relief for Soldiers' Families. Resolution relative to the examination of the offices of Comptroller, Treasurer and Register of Public Lands. Joint Resolution requesting our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence in procuring the re-enactment of a certain act of Congress Resolution in relation to the rights of the States. Resolution of thanks to our Soldiers. Joint Resolution of thanks to the citizen soldiery of Florida. Joint Resolution relating to the appointment of an agent at Columbus, Ga. Resolution in relation to mails in this State. Resolution in relation to destruction of redeemed Bonds of 1856 and '61 in Treasury office. Resolution to relieve Archibald C. Black, Tax-Assessor and Collector for Gadsden County. Resolution for the relief of the Tax-Assessors of Leon and Madison Counties. Joint Resolution authorizing and requiring the Attorney General to print a general index of the decisions of the Supreme Court, and for other purposes. Joint Resolution relative to the examination of the Treasurer's and Comptrol ler's office. Resolution in relation to estates of deceased persons, orphans and minor children, and their protection from frauds. Resolution to ask that the Florida,brigade in Virginia [be] sent to Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Resolution on Confederate relations. Resolution for the relief of Wm. H. Durrance, W. S. Spencer and Jas. J. Ward Resolution in relation to the Florida brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. Finley. LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, PASSED AT THE First Session of the Thirteenth General Assembly, 1864. JOHN MILTON, Governor; B. F. ALLEN, Secretary of State; WALTER GWYNN, CHAPTER 1,430—[No. 1.] AN ACT to create special tribunals for the trial of Capital Offences committed by Slaves, Free Negroes and Mulattoes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That slaves, free negroes and mulattoes accused of capital crimes shall be tried by a tribunal composed of two Justices of the Peace and twelve citizens, qualified Jurors of the county where the crime may have been committed. Tribunal composed of two Justices of the Arrest of accused. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever a slave, free negro or mulatto shall be accused of a capital offence by any person under oath, the Justice of the Peace before whom the complaint is made shall cause the accused to be arrested and confined in the county jail to await his trial, and shall notify another Justice in the county of the charges that have been preferred against such slave, free negro or mulatto, and shall require such Justice to attend at his office the day after the receipt of such notification, or as soon afterwards as practicable, for the purpose of choosing of Justices. twelve persons, qualified Jurors of the county, to assist at the trial of the accused. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Justices shall select twelve persons, qualified Jurors as aforesaid, who shall be summoned to assemble at the county site of the county, Notification and attendance Jurors |