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Map of ward districts to be made.

Inspectors of election.

Their qualitfications.

Two may act.

Notice to

§ 10. Whenever a ward shall be divided into two or more districts, the common council shall immediately publish the same, by making a map or description of such division, defining it by known boundaries, and keeping such map or description open for public inspection in the office of the clerk of such city, and also by posting up copies of such map in at least ten of the most public places in each district of such ward; and the common council shall, also, prior to every election, furnish copies of such map and description to the inspectors of election in each district of such ward.

§ 11. Until inspectors of election shall, by law, be chosen and appointed at the charter election of any city, the common council of such city shall, at least ten days befere every general election, appoint three inspectors of election for each election district in said city.

§ 12. The inspectors so appointed shall be qualified voters and residents in such districts, and shall be inspectors, also, of all special elections held in such city during the ensuing year.

§ 13. Any two of such inspectors may act, and in case of the death or inability of either of them, the common council may thereafter appoint another in his place.

§ 14. The Sheriff, Clerk, or County Judge of each county, who shall receive a notice of an election, shall, without delay, deliver a copy of such notice to the supervisor or one of the assessors of each town or ward in his county. He shall also cause a copy of such notice to be published in all the public newspapers in his county, once in each week until the election therein specified; if there be none printed in his county, then in some newspaper of an adjoining county.

§ 15. The Supervisor, Assessors and Town Clerk of Towns, how each town shall meet at the Town Clerk's office in such into election

to be divided

districts in

town on the first Tuesday in September next, at ten 1842
o'clock in the forenoon, and form themselves into a
board. And in case a majority of said officers, for
any cause, do not attend on that day, it shall be the
duty of those who do attend, to adjourn to some
future day, not exceeding five days, and shall imme-
diately thereupon give notice to those officers who do
not attend, of the time of such adjournment; and it
shall be the duty of all said officers to attend on said
adjourned day, and to proceed in the same manner
as though a majority had attended on the day
appointed by law; and adjournments from time to
time may be had by said officers, as occasion may
require; but no such adjournment shall extend
beyond the first day of October in said year. They
shall, in all cases where any town shall contain more
than five hundred electors, divide the same into a
convenient number of election districts, so that each
district shall be in a compact form within their town,
and shall contain not more than five hundred electors,
as far as the number can be ascertained. But where
any town shall contain less than five hundred electors,
the board may, in their discretion, divide the same
into districts. They shall make a certificate of such
division, under their hands, in which such districts
shall be numbered and described by known bounda-
ries, which shall be immediately filed in the office of
the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk shall, at least two

In every succeeding year.

New towns, how divided

Places of holding election, how designated.

weeks before the day of election, put up copies of the said certificates in at least four public places in each of the said districts, within ten days after such meeting; and he shall deliver a copy thereof to an inspector in each district before the day of election.

§ 16. In every succeeding year the same officers shall meet at the Town Clerk's office, on the first Monday of October, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and form a board. They shall determine whether any alteration in the existing election districts be necessary or expedient, and shall have power to make the same, subject to the same restrictions and limitations contained in the last preceding section; and shall, in like manner, make a certificate of such alterations, exhibiting the districts as altered, and their numbers respectively; which certificate shall be filed in the Town Clerk's' office. Such alteration shall not take effect until after the then next general election, except in case of the alteration, erection or division of a town, in which case it shall take effect immediately.

§ 17. When any new town shall be formed, the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors therein, shall meet at the Town Clerk's office, on or before the first Tuesday in September preceding the first general election to be held in such town, and divide the same into districts as here prescribed, and the same proceedings, in all respects, shall be had as herein provided in respect to towns now existing.

§ 18. The common council of each city, and the said town officers of each town, on the first Tuesday of September next, and on the first Monday in October in each year thereafter, shall designate the place in each election district in such city or town at which elections shall be held during the year; and they shall thereupon give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in each district, containing a description of such place so desig

be assigned

nated, and of the time of opening and closing the poll. The said town officers shall, at their meeting, on the officers to first Tuesday of September next, assign at least three and selected. of their number to hold the election in each district, and if there be not a sufficient number for that purpose, they shall assign one or more of their number to each district, and shall select from among the Justices of the Peace (the commissioners of common schools*), and the commissioners of highways of such town, as many as shall be necessary, in addition to those previously assigned, to constitute at least three inspectors of election for each district; and such inspectors shall be allowed to vote in the district where they shall be respectively assigned. The selections shall be made from the officers aforesaid, in the order herein named, residing in the district to which they shall be assigned, if there be sufficient for the purpoce. A certificate specifying the officers thus assigned and selected for each district, shall, at the same time, be signed by the board, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, who shall immediately cause notice thereof to be given to the officers selected. And in case a majority of said common council in any city, or a majority of said town officers, shall, for any cause, fail to attend for the purposes aforesaid, on the days above mentioned, the same powers are given in relation to adjournments, and the same duties are required in all particulars, as are given in the fifteenth and sixteenth sections of this title to town officers, except that no adjournments shall extend beyond the fifteenth day of October in each year.

spectors in

§ 19. The officers thus assigned and selected shall District inbe inspectors of all general and special elections held 1842. in the several districts for which they shall have been appointed, until the annual town meeting in such town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three.

* This office is abolished.


how supplied.

§ 20. In case any of the persons assigned or selected as inspectors shall not be in office at the hacancies, time appointed for holding any election, their successors shall be such inspectors; and in case of a vacancy in any of the said offices, or of the absence or inability of any officer to act as inspector at any election, by which the number of inspectors for a dis trict shall be reduced below three, the Supervisor of the town, or in case of a vacancy in his office, or his absence or inability, the Town Clerk, shall designate so many of the Justices of the Peace (or commissioners of common schools*) or of the commissioners of highways of the town, as shall be necessary to supply such numbers, in the order in which they are herein named, who shall be inspectors of such election for such district.

§ 21. At each town meeting to be held in the several towns of this State, and at each annual charter elecInspectors tion to be held in the several cities of this State, † which ally elected, are not organized into towns, after the first day of January next, the electors of such city or town shall be entitled to vote by ballot, on the same ticket with other town or charter officers, for two electors residing in each election district of such town or city, to be inspectors of election for such city or town; and the two persons in each district receiving the greatest number of votes shall be two of the inspectors of election for such district, at all elections to be held therein the ensuing year. The presiding officers of such town meeting, or charter election, shall, immediately after the votes of such town meeting or charter election shall be canvassed, appoint, by writing, subscribed by a majority of said presiding officers, another inspector of elections for each election district, to be associated with said two inspectors, so

to be annu

towns and


* Office abolished.

+ See chapter 396 Laws of 1870, as to inspectors in Brooklyn, at page 66.

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