the provisions thereof, shall continue in force until altered, mo- ent with this dified, or repealed, by the governor and judges of the Indiana territory, as aforesaid. ue until altered, &c. by lands within the and tit le whereof All grants for the territories ceded, &c. the was, at the treaty of St. date of the the crown, &c. &c. section to grant, agreea $14. That all grants for lands within the territories ceded the French republic to the United States, by the treaty of thirtieth of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred three, the title whereof was, at the date of the treaty of St. Ildefonso, in the crown, government, or nation of Spain, and every act and proceeding subsequent thereto, of whatsoever nature, Ildefonso, in towards the obtaining any grant, title, or claim, to such lands, of Spain, &c. and under whatsoever authority transacted, or pretended, be, declared null, and the same are hereby declared to be, and to have been from the beginning, null, void, and of no effect in law or equity: Provided, nevertheless, That any thing in this section contained Proviso; noshall not be construed to make null and void any bona fide grant, thing in this made agreeably to the laws, usages, and customs, of the Spanish make void any government, to an actual settler on the lands so granted, for bona fide himself, and for his wife and family; or to make null and void Bly to the any bona fide act or proceeding done by an actual settler, agree- laws, usage ably to the laws, usages, and customs, of the Spanish govern- Spanish goment, to obtain a grant for lands actually settled on, by the per- vernment, &c. son or persons claiming title thereto, if such settlement, in either case, was actually made prior to the twentieth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and three: And Provided, further, Proviso; the That such grant shall not secure to the grantee or his assigns, red to, not to more than one mile square of land, together with such other and secure to the further quantity as heretofore hath been allowed for the wife and than a mile family of such actual settler, agreeably to the laws, usages, and Square, &c. customs, of the Spanish government. And that if any citizen making settleof the United States, or other person, shall make a settlement lands, &c. on any lands belonging to the United States, within the limits within the of Louisiana, or shall survey, or attempt to survey, such lands, siana, &c. to or to designate boundaries, by marking trees, or otherwise, such forfeit not exoffender shall, on conviction thereof, in any court of record of dolls, and sufceeding 1,000 the United States, or the territories of the United States, forfeit fer imprisona sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and suffer imprison- The Presi ment not exceeding twelve months; and it shall, moreover, be dent may employ the mililawful for the president of the United States to employ such tary force to military force as he may judge necessary to remove, from lands remove perbelonging to the United States, any such citizen or other person ing settlewho shall attempt a settlement thereon. grants refer grantee more Citizens, &c. ments on limits of Loui ment, &c. sons attempt ments. authorized to 15. The president of the United States is hereby authorized The president to stipulate with any Indian tribes, owning lands on the east stipulate with side of the Mississippi, and residing thereon, for an exchange of any Indian tribes, &c. for lands the property of the United States, on the west side of the an exchange Mississippi, in case the said tribes shall remove and settle there- of lands, &c. on; but, in such stipulation, the said tribes shall acknowledge The tribes to themselves to be under the protection of the United States, and themselves acknowledge shall agree that they will not hold any treaty with any foreign under the propower, individual state, or with the individuals of any state or United States, power; and that they will not sell or dispose of the said lands, &c. or any part thereof, to any sovereign power, except the United States, nor to the subjects or citizens of any other sovereign tection of the cease three &c. The duties to the said additional duty shall cease and be discontinued at the months after a expiration of three months after the ratification by the president treaty, unless, of the United States, of a treaty of peace with the regency of Tripoli, unless the United States should then be at war with any other of the Barbary powers, in which case the said additional duty shall cease and be discontinued at the expiration of three months after the ratification by the president of the United States Proviso; the of a treaty of peace with such power: Provided, however, That duty to be col- the said additional duty shall be collected on all such goods, goods, &c. im- Wares, and merchandise, liable to pay the same, as shall have ported previ- been imported previous to the day on which the said duty is to lected on all ous, &c. &c. two ves cease. The president 3. That the president of the United States, if he shall deem may cause to it necessary, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be purchased, be purchased or built, officered, manned, and equipped, two vessels of war, to carry not more than sixteen guns each, and likewise to hire, or accept on loan, in the Mediterranean sea, as many gun boats as he may think proper. sels of war, &c. and may hire, &c. gun boats, &c. Not exceeding 1,000,000 dolls. appro fraying expenses authorized by this act, &c. may borrow a rate of interest not ex pro 4. That a sum, not exceeding one million of dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriatpriated for de- ed, shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, (in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated for the same objects) for the purpose of defraying any of the expenses authorized by this act, which may be incurred during the present year: or, if necessary, the president of the United States is hereby authorized to The president borrow the said sum, or such part thereof as he think may the money, at per, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, from the bank of the United States, which is hereby empowered to lend the same, or from any other body or bodies politic or corporate, or from any person or persons; and so much of the proceeds of the duties laid by this act, as may be necessary, shall be, and is hereby, pledged for replacing in the treasury the said sum of one million of dollars, or so much thereof as shall have been thus expended, and for paying the principal and interest of the said sum, or so much thereof as may be borrowed pursuant to the authority given in this section; and an account of expenditures the several expenditures made under this act shall be laid before congress during their next session. [Approved, March 26, 1804.] ceeding 6 per cent. So much of the proceeds of duties laid by this act, as may be neces sary, pledged for paying principal and interest, &c. An account of to be laid be. fore congress, &c. Vol. ii. p. 850. CHAP. [47.] An act in addition to an act, entitled " An act to establish an uniform rule of vol. iii. p. naturalization; and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject." 1538. Any free white may become a citizen without complying with the con 1 § 1. Be it enacted, &c. That any alien, being a free white peralien, resident son, who was residing within the limits, and under the jurisdicwithin the U. tion of the United States, at any time between the eighteenth States, &c. day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, and the fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and two, and who has continued to reside within the same, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, without a compliance with the first condition specified in the first section of the act, entitled "An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject." dition referred to, §2. That when any alien, who shall have complied with the Aliens who have complied first condition specified in the first section of the said original with the first act, and who shall have pursued the directions prescribed in the condition, &c. second section of the said act, may die, before he is actually nat- fore actual and dying beuralized, the widow and the children of such alien shall be con- naturalization, sidered as citizens of the United States; and shall be entitled to all rights and privileges as such, upon taking the oaths prescribed by law. [Approved, March 26, 1804.] &c. Vol. i. p. 761. Money accru CHAP. [48.] An act in relation to the navy pension fund. §1. Be it enacted, &c. That all the money accruing, or which vol. iii. p. 1562. has already accrued, to the United States, from the capture of ing from the prizes authorized by law, and which has not already been paid capture of to the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the treasury, and ready paid, the secretary of war, as commissioners of the navy pension fund, shall be paid to the treasurer of the United States. prizes, not al &c. money and § 2. That it shall be the duty of the treasurer of the United The treasurer States to receive all the moneys so accruing, and to disburse the to receive the same, pursuant to warrants from the secretary of the navy, disburse it, countersigned by the accountant of the navy; and a distinct &c. quarterly account of the moneys thus received and disbursed, quarterly acshall be rendered by the said treasurer to the accounting offi- count of moncers of the treasury, in the same manner as is provided for other and disbursed, public moneys received by him. A distinct eys received &c. vy to receive 3. That it shall be the duty of the accountant of the navy The accountto receive and settle all accounts whatever, in relation to the ant of the na⚫ navy pension fund, and report, from time to time, all such settle- and settle all ments as shall have been made by him, for the inspection and accounts, &c. revision of the accounting officers of the treasury, in the same manner as in other cases of public accounts. ler authorized 4. That the comptroller of the treasury shall be fully au- The comptrolthorized and empowered to direct suits for the recovery of any to direct suits sums now due, or which may hereafter be due, to the United for sums due States, for prizes as aforesaid, and to prosecute the same in the to the United name of the United States, in the same manner as in other cases prizes, &c. for the recovery of moneys due to the United States. States, for navy pension fund may ap point a secre 5. That the commissioners of the navy pension fund be, The commisand they are hereby, authorized to appoint a secretary, who sioners of the shall perform all such duties, in relation to the fund, as they shall require of him; and shall receive for his services, a salary not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, to be paid quarter yearly, at the treasury of the United States, and charged to the same fund. tary, &c. sioners, &c. 6. That the commissioners of the navy pension fund be, The commisand they are hereby, authorized and directed to make such regu- directed to lations, as may to them appear expedient, for the admission of make regulapersons on the roll of navy pensioners, and for the payment of admission of the pensions. [Approved, March 26, 1804.]/ CHAP. [49.] An act to erect a lighthouse at the mouth of the Mississippi river, and also a highthouse at or near the pitch of Cape Look Out, in the state of North Carolina; and a beacon at the north point of Sandy Hook. tions for the pensioners, &c. § 1. Be it enacted, &c. That, under the direction of the pre- The secretary sident of the United States, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the treasury, &c. to con- tract for building a of the treasury to provide, by contract, to be approved by the president, for building a lighthouse at the mouth of the river lighthouse at Mississippi, on such site as the president of the United States the Mississip- may deem most proper for the convenience and accommodation thereof. the mouth of pi, &c. As soon as § 2. That, as soon as land sufficient shall be obtained at a land, &c. is obtained, the reasonable price for the purpose, and the jurisdiction of the secretary of land so to be obtained shall have been ceded to the United the treasury to -contract for States by the state of North Carolina, it shall be the duty of the building a lighthouse, secretary of the treasury to provide, by contract, for building a &c. lighthouse on or near the pitch of Cape Look Out, in the said state of North Carolina, which contract shall be approved by the president of the United States; and it shall be the duty of the The secretary said secretary to furnish the said lighthouses, on Cape Look of the treasury Out, and the mouth of the Mississippi, with all necessary supplies, agree for plies, and also to agree for the salaries or wages of the person The president or persons who may be appointed by the president for the suto appoint su- perintendence and care of the same. And the president is hereby authorized to make such appointments. to furnish sup wages, &c. perintendents. $25,000 dolls. erected on the 3. That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated for the purpose of defraying the charges and expenses which shall accrue in consequence of the two first sections of this act, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. The secretary § 4. That it shall be the duty of the secretary of the treasury, of the treasury to cause a as soon as the fee of the soil shall have vested in the United beacon to be States to cause a beacon to be erected on the north point of north point of Sandy Hook, and the sum of two thousand dollars, out of any Sandy Hook, unappropriated moneys, is hereby appropriated for that purpose. [Approved, March 26, 1804.] as soon as, &c. Vol. i. p. 219. CHAP. [50.] An act supplementary to the act, entitled "An act relative to the election of a president and vice president of the United States, and declaring the officer who shall act as president in case of vacancies in the offices both of president and vice president." When the the manner of sident and secretary of state to cause &c. § 1. Be it enacted, &c. That whenever the amendment, proamendment, posed during the present [session of congress, to the constitution &c. respecting of the United states, respecting the manner of voting for prevoting for president and vice president of the United States, shall have been vice president ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, is ratified, the the secretary of state shall forthwith cause a notification thereof to be made to the executive of every state, and shall also cause a notification, the same to be published in, at least, one of the newspapers printed in each state, in which the laws of the United States are The executive annually published. The executive authority of each state shall of each state cause a transcript of the said notification to be delivered to the transcript to electors appointed for that purpose, who shall first thereafter be delivered to meet in such state, for the election of a president and vice president of the United States; and whenever the said electors Whenever the shall have received the said transcript of notification, or whenever they shall meet more than five days subsequent to the publication of the ratification, of the above mentioned amendment, in one of the newspapers of the state, by the secretary of state, to cause a the electors, &c. electors have received the transcripts, &c. they are to vote for president sident in the manner, &c. three certifi and cause &c. they shall vote for president and vice president of the United and vice preStates, respectively, in the manner directed by the above mentioned amendment; and having made and signed three certifi- The electors cates of all the votes given by them, each of which certificates having signed shall contain two distinct lists, one of the votes given for presi- cates, &c. dent, and the other of the votes given for vice president, they seal them up, they are to shall seal up the said certificates, certifying on each, that lists of certifying, &c. all the votes of such state given for president, and of all the them to be votes given for vice president, is contained therein, and shall transmitted, cause the said certificates to be transmitted and disposed of, and, in every other respect, act in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement. And every other provi- The provision of the act to which this is a supplement, and which is not sions of the virtually repealed by this act, shall extend and apply to every &c. to extend, election of a president and vice president of the United States, &c. made in conformity to the above mentioned amendment to the constitution of the United States. And whereas, The above The amendmentioned amendment may be ratified by the legislatures of ratified, &c. three fourths of the states, and thereupon become immediately on a ay so near, &c. that valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the constitution, on the electors a day so near the day fixed by law for the meeting of the elect- may vote in a ors in the several states, that the electors shall not, in every longer constate, be apprized of the said ratification, and may vote in a formable to manner no longer conformable with the constitution, as amend- tion; to remed, whereby several states might be deprived of their vote in the edy which, election of a president and vice president: for remedy whereof, act referred to, ment may be manner no the constitu &c. each state, &c. dent and vice provisions of cording to the 2. That the electors who shall be appointed in each state The electors for the election of a president and vice president of the United appointed in States, shall, at every such election, unless they shall have re- unless, &c. to ceived a transcript of the notification of the ratification of the vote for presiabove mentioned amendment to the constitution, or unless they president acshall meet more than five days subsequent to the publication of cording to the the said ratification by the secretary of state, in one of the the constitunewspapers of the state, vote for president and vice president of tion, and acthe United States, in the following manner, that is to say they amendment shall vote for two persons as president and vice president, in &c. conformity with the first section of the second article of the constitution; and, in other respects, act in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this act is a supplement: And they shall likewise vote for one person as president, and for one person as vice president, in conformity with the above mentioned amendment of the constitution; and, in other respects, act in conformity with the provisions of the first section of this act. But those certificates, only, of votes given for president and vice Those certifi president of the United States, shall be opened by the presi- cales of votes dent of the senate, for the purpose of being counted, which ened and shall contain the list or lists of votes given in conformity with contain the the constitution, as in force on the day fixed by law for the lists of votes meeting of the electors, by whom the said votes shall have given, &c. been given. counted which is the duty of. § 3. That whenever. by the provisions of the second section Whenever it of this act, it shall be the duty of the electors for any state, to the electors to vote in conformity, both with the constitution and of the pro- vote, &c. the VOL. II. 99 |