ہو It Colorado. Laws, statutes,ere. Revised statutes SUPPLEMENT TO COURTRIGHT'S COLORADO STATUTES CONTAINING ALL NEW ACTS AND AMENDMENTS COMPILED BY WILLIAM H. COURTRIGHT, LL. B. = DENVER: THE W. H. COURTRIGHT PUBLISHING CO., 1914. PREFACE This supplement to Courtright's Colorado Statutes contains all new General Laws passed since the publication of that work. To use the supplement all that is necessary is to open it to the same section as the original work and there you have the legislative change, if any. In the front of the volume there is a complete table showing where any section of a 1913 Session Law is given in the supplement, so that this will do away with the necessity of using the Session Laws. In the back of the volume will be found a brief Index, though there will probably be no necessity of using same, unless it is to look up some 1913 law. For the faults and mistakes, if any, I ask no indulgence, but hope they will be called to my attention. Feb. 15, 1914. W. H. C. |