Page Circuit Court in California. An act to alter and amend an act entitled "An act to establish a Cumberland Roud in Illinois, surrendered to that State. An act to surrender to the State of Illinois the Cumberland Road in said State. May 9, 1856, ch. 25.... Bounty Land Law extended. Evidence in Case of. An act to amend the act in addition to certain acts granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States, approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. May 14, 1856, ch. 26.. Grant to Iowa, for Railroads. An act making a grant of lands to the State of Iowa, in alternate sections to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said State. May 15, 1856, ch. 28.. Deficiency Appropriation Bill. An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six. May 15, 1856, ch. 29... Voting in Washington. An act to provide for at least two election precincts in each ward in the city of Washington, and for other purposes. May 16, 1856, ch. 30..... Grant of Land to Florida and Alabama for Railroads. An act granting public lands, in alternate sections, to the States of Florida and Alabama, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said States. May 17, 1856, ch. 31..... Vincennes Lands, Duties as to, transferred. An act to transfer certain rights and duties conferred upon the trustees of the town of Vincennes, Indiana, to the common council of the city of Vincennes. June 2, 1856, ch. 36 Grant of Land to Alabama for Railroads. An act granting public lands, in alternate sections, to the State of Alabama, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said State. June 3, 1856, ch. 41..... Grant of Land to Louisiana for Railroads. An act making a grant of lands to the State of Louisiana, to aid in the construction of railroads in said State. June 3, 1856, ch. 42..... Grant of Land to Wisconsin for Railroads. An act granting public lands to the State of Wisconsin, to aid in the construction of railroads in said State. June 3, 1856, ch. 43. Grant of Land to Michigan for Railroads. An act making a grant of alternate sections of the public lands, to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said State, and for other purposes, June 3, 1856, ch. 44.. .... ... Place of Session of Courts in Delaware. An act to change the place of holding the courts of the United States in the district of Delaware. June 14, 1856, ch. 45.. Suspended Entries and Preemptions. An act to revive and continue in force the provisions of the act of 1853, in relation to suspended entries of public lands," and the act of 1846, in relation to suspended preemption land-claims." June 26, 1856, ch. 47... Time of Session of Courts in West Virginia. An act changing the time of holding the District Court of the United States at Wytheville, in the Western District of Virginia. June 26, 1856, ch. 48.. Time of Sessions of Courts in Tennessee. An act to change the times of holding the United States Courts in Tennessee. July 3, 1856, ch. 50.... ch. 51.. 23 23 Entry of Land in Plattsburg District, (Mo.) An act granting to certain citizens of the State of Missouri the right to enter certain lands in the Plattsburg district, in said State. July 3, 1856, Improvement of Mississippi River. An act to remove obstructions to navigation in the mouth of the Mississippi River, at the Southwest Pass and Pass a l'Outre. July 8, 1856, ch. 54.... 24 Improvement of Channel over Flats of St. Mary's River, Mich. An act making an appropriation for deepening the channel over the flats of the St. Mary's River, in the State of Michigan. July 8, 1856, ch. 55..... 25 25 Improvement of Channel over St. Clair Flats, Mich. An act making an appropriation for deepening the channel over the St. Clair flats, in the State of Michigan. July 8, 1856, ch. 56....... 25 Limits of Land District in Minnesota. An act to explain the act approved twelfth April, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, entitled "An act to establish additional land-districts in the Territory of Minnesota.' July 8, 1856, ch. 57.. Additional Land Districts in Minnesota, established. An act to establish two additional land-districts in the Territory of Minnesota. July 8, 1856, ch. 58..... Kansas, survey of Southern Boundary of. An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the southern boundary line of Kansas Territory to be surveyed and marked. July 8, 1856, ch 59.... 26 26 26 27 Page Appropriation for a Road from Fort Ridgley to South Pass. An act for the construction of a road Ships Albany and Porpoise, when to be reckoned as lost. An act for the relief of the widows and or- ·Court of Claims, Quorum of; Officers of. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a court for the investigation of claims against the United States," approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. August 6, 1856, ch. 81.. Removal of Obstructions in Savannah River. An act to alter and amend, "An act to appropriate money to remove obstructions in the Savannah River, below the city of Savannah, in the State of Georgia," approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. August 7, 1856, ch. 82. Grant of Land to Mississippi for Railroads. An act granting public lands in alternate sections to the State of Mississippi to aid in the construction of railroads in said State, and for other purposes. August 11, 1856, ch. 83...... Georgetown, School Tax in; Voters in. An act to amend the charter of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia. August 11, 1856, ch. 84. Prairie du Chien, Titles in, confirmed. An act to confirm to certain persons therein named, their titles to certain lots in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. August 11, 1856, ch. 85... Schools in Washington, General Act respecting. An act to provide for the public instruction of youth in primary schools throughout the County of Washington, in the District of Columbia, without the limits of the cities of Washington and Georgetown. August 11, 1856, ch. 86...... 33 Running Boundary with British Possessions. An act to provide for carrying into effect the first article of the treaty between the United States and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of the fifteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six. August 11, 1856, ch. 87. 42 43 43 Settlement of Account of the Bank of the State of Missouri. An act to authorize and direct the settlement of the account of the Bank of the State of Missouri, for money advanced for the subsistence and transportation of volunteers. August 16, 1856, ch. 118.... District Court in South Carolina, Sessions of; Jurisdiction of. An act to alter the time for holding the District Court in South Carolina, and for other purposes. August 16, 1856, ch. 119.. Payment to Vermont. An act to reimburse the State of Vermont the expenses incurred by her in paying her militia called out in eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to preserve the neutrality of the country. August 16, 1856, ch. 120.... 43 Improvement of the Patapsco River. An act for the improvement of the navigation of the Patapsco River, and to render the port of Baltimore accessible to the war steamers of the United States. August 16, 1856, ch. 121..... Navy Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. August 16, 1856, ch. 122.... Compensation of Members of Congress. An act to regulate the compensation of Members of Congress. August 16, 1856, ch. 123...... Accounts for Fees; Courts in Territories. An act to amend the acts regulating the fees, costs, and other judicial expenses of the Government in the States, Territories, and District of Columbia, and for other purposes. August 16, 1856, ch. 124... Medical and Hospital Department in the Army. An act providing for a necessary increase and better organization of the Medical and Hospital Department of the army. August 16, 1856, 44 44 48 49 ch. 125.. 51 Improvement of the Des Moines Rapids. An act for continuing the improvement of the Des Moines 51 Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Salaries of. Regulations as to. An act to regulate the diplomatic Certain Civil Expenses, General Appropriation Bill for. An act making appropriations for certain civil 52 65 81 Post-Office Department, General Appropriation Bill for. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. August 18, 1856, ch. 130 .... Light-house, &c., Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for light-houses, light-boats, buoys, &c., and providing for the erection and establishment of the same, and for other pur- poses. August 18, 1856, ch. 160.... Ocean Steamer Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the transportation of the Uni- ted States mail by ocean steamers and otherwise, during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. August 18, 1856, ch. 161......... 101 General, Civil, and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the legisla- tive, executive, and judicial expenses of government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. August 18, 1856, ch. 162.......... Circuit Court of the District of Columbia to decree the sale of real estate in certain cases. August 18, 1856, ch. 163... .... 118 119 120 121 Guano Islands. An act to authorize protection to be given to citizens of the United States who may Jurisdiction of Washington City extended over Navy Yard Bridge. Regulation of Travel over Benning's Bridge. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the corporation of the City of Washington over the lower Eastern Branch or Navy-yard Bridge, and to regulate travel upon the upper Eastern Branch or Benning's Bridge, and for other purposes. August 18, 1856, ch. 165... 120 of defence, and for repairs of Barracks and Quarters, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. August 18, 1856, ch. 167.... Copyright of Dramatic Compositions. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting Copyright," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty- one. August 18, 1856, ch. 169. Commercial Information. An act to amend an act entitled "An act requiring Foreign Regulations of Commerce to be laid annually before Congress," approved August sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and for other purposes. August 18, 1856, ch. 170............ JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 138 139 .... 140 2. Appropriation for Printing and Paper. A resolution to supply a deficiency in the appropriations for printing for the second session of the thirty-third Congress. February 27, 1856..... 142 3. Appeals from Auditor of Post-Office Department. A resolution providing for the final adjust- ment of certain cases of appeal from the decisions made by the Auditor of the Treasury 5. Sale of Lands at certain Arsenals and Armories. Joint_resolution relating to the public lands appertaining to the Springfield and Harper's Ferry Armories, and the North Carolina 8. Improvement of Sheboygan Harbor. Joint resolution relating to the appropriation for the improve- ment of the harbor at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. May 12, 1856..... 14. Custom-House at Ellsworth. A resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to modify the plan of the Custom-House at Ellsworth, Maine. August 1, 1856.... 17. Texas Creditors, extension of Time for Claims of. Joint resolution extending the time for the creditors of Texas to present their claims. August 18, 1856...... 18. Messengers in Department, Pay of Employees. Joint resolution giving an increased compensation to all laborers in the employment of the executive and legislative departments of the govern- STATUTE II.-1856. Appropriation for Marine Hospital at Cincinnati and Custom-House at San Francisco. An act to supply an omission in the enrolment of a certain act. August 28, 1856, ch. 28. Army Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. August 30, 1856. Time for Election of a Representative in Delaware. An act to fix the times of holding in the State of Delaware, the election of a representative in the Congress of the United States. August JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 1. Ship Resolute, Purchase and Restoration of to the British Government. A resolution authorizing the purchase and restoration to the British Government of the ship Resolute, late of the British Navy. August 28, 1856.. 2. T. Williamson, J. F. Harrison, and Lieutenant Maury authorized to accept Medals. A resolution authorizing the acceptance of certain medals from Foreign Governments. August 30, 3. Arctic Expedition, Officers of may accept Testimonials from Great Britain. A resolution allowing Doctor E. K. Kane and the officers associated with him in their late expedition to the Arctic Seas in search of Sir John Franklin, to accept such token of acknowledgment from the Government of Great Britain, as it may please to present. August 30, 1856.. 4. A. D. Bache authorized to accept a Medal. A resolution authorizing Alexander D. Bache, to accept a medal presented to him by the King of Sweden. August 30, 1856.. STATUTE III.—1856-57. Payment of Postage on transient printed matter made compulsory. An act providing for the com- pulsory prepayment of postage on all transient printed matter. Jan. 2, 1857, ch. 2...... 153 Navy, retrial of officers dropped, &c., from. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to promote Pension Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred Attendance of Witnesses before Congress. An act more effectually to enforce the attendance of wit- nesses on the summons of either House of Congress, and to compel them to discover Reappropriation for John Guest and others. An act making a reappropriation from the surplus fund for the relief of Lieutenant John Guest, United States Navy, and others. Jan. 26, Insane Persons in District of Columbia, care of. An act supplementary to "An act to organize an in- stitution for the Insane of the Army and Navy, and of the District of Columbia, in the said district," approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 36. 157 Terms of Circuit Court in District of Columbia. An act for regulating the terms of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 37........... 158 Consular Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic ex- penses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 38.. Military Academy Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the support of the Mili- tary Academy for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Columbian Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institution incorporated. An act to incorporate the Columbian In- stitution for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind. Feb. 16, 1857, ch. 46. 161 Wagon Roads, appropriation for. An act for the construction of a Wagon Road from Fort Kearny via the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains and Great Salt Lake Valley, to the eastern portion of the State of California, and for other purposes. Feb. 17, 1857, ch. 50. 162 Increase of Pay of Army Officers. An act to increase the pay of the officers of the Army. Feb. Minnesota, authorized to form a Constitution. An act to authorize the people of the territory of Minnesota to form a constitution and state government, preparatory to their admission in the Union on an equal footing with the original States. Feb. 26, 1857, ch. 60........... 168 Military Roads in Oregon. An act making appropriations for the completion of military roads in Augusta, (Ga.) made a Port of Delivery. An act to establish Augusta, in the State of Georgia, a Port of Delivery. March 2, 1857, ch. 62...... Prohibition of Importation of Obscene Books, &c. An act to amend the twenty-eighth section of the act of Congress approved the thirtieth of August one thousand eight hundred and forty- two, entitled "An act to provide revenue from imports and to change and modify exist- ing laws imposing duties on imports and for other purposes,"-prohibiting the importa- tion of obscene and indecent articles, so as more effectually to accomplish the purposes for which that provision was enacted. March 2, 1857, ch. 63... Indian Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent ex- penses of the Indian department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. March 3, Three additional Land Districts in Kansas. An act to establish three additional land districts in the Territory of Kansas. March 3, 1857, ch. 94...... Atlantic Telegraph. An act to expedite telegraphic communication for the uses of the govern- ment in its foreign intercourse. March 3, 1857, ch. 95..... Post-Office Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-office department during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and Fortification, &c., Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defence, and for repairs of barracks and quarters for the year ending the thir- tieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. March 3, 1857, ch. 97.. Amended Tariff. An act reducing the duty on imports and for other purposes. March 3, 1857, Grants of Land to Alabama and Minnesota for Railroads. An act making a grant of land to the territory of Minnesota, in alternate sections, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said territory, and granting public lands in alternate sections to the State of Alabama, to aid in the construction of a certain railroad in said State. March 3, 1857, ch. 99.... 195 |