BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDENT, DIRECTORS AND COMPANY FOR THE RIVER SCHUYLKILL, AT OR NEAR TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED THE ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE AUTHORIZING THE INCORPORATION, AND THE SUPPLEMENT THERETO. Printed for the use of the President, Directors, and PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY WILLIAM FRY, GEORGE STREET. .................. 1822. 9-10 Transj. rib. ACT OF INCORPORATION. AN ACT to authorize the Governor of this com- WHEREAS a number of the inhabitants of SECTION I. Be it therefore enacted by the a bridge over tioned, that is to say; they shall and may, on or before the first day of June next, procure one or more books, as they shall think necessary, and therein enter as follows, viz. "We whose names are hereunto subscribed, do promise to pay to the President, Directors and Company for erecting a bridge over the river Schuylkill, at or near the city of Philadelphia, the sum of one dollar at the time of subscribing, and one dollar in three months thereafter, for every share of stock in the said company set opposite to our respective names, and the residue thereof, at the rate of ten dollars for each share, in such manner and proportion, and at such times, as shall be determined by the President and Directors chosen in pursuance of an act of General Assembly, entitled 'An Act to authorize the Governor of this Commonwealth to incorporate a company, for erecting a permament bridge over the river Schuylkill, at or near the city of Philadelphia;" and shall thereupon proceed to receive subscriptions for the stock of the said company, which is hereby declared and intended to be the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into fifteen thousand shares, at ten dollars each, at such times and places as they shall think proper, of which . public notice shall be given in three or more newspapers (one of which shall be in the German language) printed in the city of Philadelphia, for at least twenty days before the first day of meeting; and if before the said stock be completed, they shall adjourn for more than three days, notice of the time and place when |