| New Jersey - 1874 - 1412 pages
...Hopkinson Names of and JH Jones, and their associates and successors are 00 hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic in deed and in law by the name, style and title of the "American Parlor Car Company," and by that name shall corporate have perpetual... | |
 | South Carolina - 1808 - 502 pages
...Smith, senior, John M'Pherson, Cornelius Dupont, and others, have petitioned the legislature to be made a body corporate and politic, in deed and in law, by the name of " The Society for promoting and encouraging the education of children, and assisting and establishing... | |
 | Joseph Brevard, South Carolina - 1814 - 528 pages
...Society, and their successors, members and officers thereof, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, in deed and in law, by the name and style of " the Philharmonic Society of SouthCarolina ;" and by the said name shall have perpetual... | |
 | Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1835 - 546 pages
...elected annually. Proviso. Itatio of votes Stock unless held 3 months not entitled to suffrage. said, into a body corporate and politic, in deed and in...by the name, style and title of " The West Chester and Port Deposite rail-road company ;" and by the same name the subscribers shall have perpetual succession,... | |
 | Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1849 - 880 pages
...persons who now are, or hereafter may he associated with them, he and they are hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of the " West Philadelphia hall association ;" and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and be able lo sue... | |
 | Kentucky - 1851 - 730 pages
...company shall be regarded as formed ; and from thenceforth the persons who have so taken stock shall form a body corporate and politic, in deed and in law, by the name and style, and forthe purposes aforesaid; and in all things to be represented by the commissioners... | |
 | Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1852 - 938 pages
...persons who now are or hereafter may be associated with them, bo, and they are hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic in deed and in law, by t!w name, style, and title of " The Erie City Hall Association," and by that name shall hare perpetual... | |
 | South Carolina - 1854 - 130 pages
...and their associates and successors, shall be and they are hereby incorporated and made and declared a body corporate and politic, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the "Carolina Gas Company," Carolina Gas with all the rights, powers and privileges,... | |
 | William B. Dana - 1862 - 616 pages
...pe:sons who shall or may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic in deed and in law, by the name, st) le, and title of " The union Pacific Railroad Company ;" and by that name shall have perpetual... | |
 | United States - 1868 - 1030 pages
...persons who shall or may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby created and erected into a body corporate and politic, in deed and in law, by the, name, style, and title of the ''Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Name of corCompany," and by that name... | |
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