| Edmund Burke - 1764 - 606 pages
...inhabiting in, or rc'forting to, our /aid colonies, may confide in our royal proteiVion for the enjoymenr of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England ; for which purpoie we have 'given power wider our great .feal to the governors of our laid colonies refpeftiveJy,... | |
 | Thomas Salmon - 1767 - 926 pages
...as aforefaid, all perlons inhabiting in, or reforting to Our faid colonies, may confide in Our rove/ protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of Our ге^гэ of England ; for which purpofe We have given power, under Cfcr great leal, to the governors... | |
 | 1770 - 384 pages
...Protection /or the Enjoyment »f tbe Btntft ef tbe Laius of our Realm of England. For which Purpofe we have given Power under our Great Seal to the Governors of our faid Colonies refpeclively, to ereil and conilitute Courts of Judicature and Public Jurtice within... | |
 | 1772 - 420 pages
...inhabiting in or reforting unto - • • our our faid colonies, may confide in our royal prote£tion, for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England; for which purpofe we have given power under our great-feal, to the governors of our faid colonies, reflectively,... | |
 | 1772 - 336 pages
...perfons inhabiting in or reforting to " your Majefty's faid colonies may confide in your Majefty's royal " protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of your realm " of England; and that for that purpole your Majefty had given " power under the great feal... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1775 - 346 pages
...all perfons inhabiting in, or reforting to our faid 'colonies, may confide in our royal protedtion,. for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England," for which purpofe courts of juftice were to be eredted, &c, all which, Lord Camden obferved, had been done and... | |
 | Sir James Monk - 1789 - 192 pages
...protection for the enjoyment of the be" nefit of the laws of Our Realm of England : " for which purpofe, We have given 'power, " under Our Great Seal, to the Governors of " Our faid Colonies refpe&ively, to ere£t and "• conftitute, with the advice of Our faid Coun" cils refpectively,... | |
 | Bryan Edwards - 1793 - 532 pages
..." that all perfons inhabiting in, or refort" iog to, the ifland of Grenada, might confide in " the royal protection for the enjoyment of the " benefit of the laws of England, with the right " of appeal to the king in council, as fully as the " inhabitants of the other... | |
 | 1796 - 554 pages
...called as aforefaid, all perfons inhabiting in, or retorting to, our laid colonies, may confide in our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws oí our realm of England : for which purfofp we have given power under pur great féal to the governors... | |
 | Québec (Province) - 1800 - 444 pages
...be called as aforefaid, all peifons inhabiting in, or reforting to our faid colonies may confide in our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the Laws of our Realm of England ; for which purpofe, we have given power under our Great Seal to the Governors of our faid colonies refpcnivcly,... | |
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