A FREE ENQUIRY INTO THE MEANING OF THE MOST EXCELLENT NAMB JESUS, SHEWING The TESTIMONY it bears to the By HENRY LEE, LL.B. The defire of our fouls is to THY NAME. If. xxvi. 8. THIS is life eternal that they might know THE LONDON: Joh. xvii. 3. Printed for John Rivington, at No. 62, in St. OTH CA・BOD MMIN R 101.f. 53. : THE PREFACE. T HE object of the following enquiry is not less the triumph of reason than it was ISRAEL's Song of old, and is now the CHRISTIAN's boaft. It is the name Jesus, renowned in both worlds for everlasting victories over those foes to which other conquerors, as well as the vanquished, have fallen a prey. And of what great concern it is to CHRISTIANS to have a right apprehension of this king of titles they can scarce want a proof, who recollect how much it behoves them, who were baptized in this NAME, to understand what is proposed to their faith; and how high in glory this stands in the facred volume. For much, very much must depend on the knowledge of what was judged of consequence to be brought by an ANGEL to the ears of man, and of which there is such frequent occurrence in SS; under which the SAVIOR would appear in preference to all others, on faith in which such a stress is laid, and which it is the very effence of the CHRISTIAN'S bliss to have glorified in him. 2 Th. i. 12. Yet though the learned may be, many others I fear are not acquainted with its import, whose instruction is here intended. Not that I would be thought to infinuate a person could not believe A 3 aright : aright that knew it not; as numbers doubtless believe Him what the name imports. But these, as preffing forward in knowledge as well as love and having the defire of their fouls unto this NAME, If xxvi. 18, may be prompted to say with JACOB and Manoan, What is THY NAME, that now THY fayings are come to pass we may do THEE honor? Nor will it afford them a little pleasure to find it proclaims HIM what they have believed He is, enabling them to fee more clearly the propriety of the miracles wrought under it, the fitness of the psalms to celebrate His praise, and of the expressions in their prayers; to view HIM with more stedfastneis in His mediatorial character and with greater confidence of their obtaining what they ask in it, particularly, the accomplishment of this promise, I WILL SET HIM UP, BECAUSE HE НАТИ KNOWN MY NAME, Pf. xci. 14. OTHERS there are who run into a variety of opinions concerning HIM, as if it did not report HIM the fame to all: a thing no more to be wondered at than that persons unskilled in a tongue should assign different meanings to a word in it. Yet to the candid who have their minds equally disposed to the truth, on whatsoever fide it shall be found to lay, the following treatise may be a peace-maker, causing them, as the apostle intreats his Corinthians, to be by this NAME, of the same mind and of the fame judgment. 1 Cor. i. 10. It may seem indeed of little consequence to the proselytes of fenfual wisdom, who, strangers to their wants and the purity of God and hating to be reformed, cry out away with HIM, away with HIM, |