AND FOUNDATION WALLS, FOR ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS, PILE DRIVING, BUILDING STONES & BRICKS, PIER AND WALL CONSTRUCTION, MORTARS, LIMES, CEMENTS, 60 ILLUSTRATIONS. PRACTICAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE VARIOUS METHODS OF BUILDING FOUNDATION SUSTAINED, AND THE SIZES OF WALL PIERS, ETC. USE OF PILES IN FOUNDATIONS, WITH TERMS, ETC. EXTRACTS FROM NEW YORK BUILD- BY GEORGE T. POWELL, Architect and Civil Engineer, New York. TO WHICH IS ADDED A TREATISE ON FOUNDATIONS, WITH PRACTICAL ILLUSTRA- CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Foundations on soil or stratum not liable to be affected by weather, air or CHAPTER. II. Foundations on soil affected by exposure and water; on soft and loose PAGE 7-9 10-19. CHAPTER III. Laws pertaining to excavations of vaults, sidewalks, etc.; where to obtain CHAPTER IV. Stone foundation Walls; Kneiss granite in New York City; fixing spread CHAPTER V. Arches in walls; construction of arches; chimney walls and building the 27-41 |