VALUABLE BOOKS FOR ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, MASONS, BUILDERS AND OTHERS, POST-PAID TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. BURNS' BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. (Brick and Stone Work.) By ROBERT SCOTT Burns. Part I. Brickwork. Chap. 1. Drawing; Chap. 2. on the Employment of Brick in Construction. Part II. Chap. 1. Varieties of Stonework; Chap. 2. Miscellaneous Illustrations of Work in Stone; Chap. 3. Foundations; Chap. 4. Walls; Chap. 5. Arches; Chap. 6. Sewers, Drains, Tanks and Walls; Chap. 7. Concrete Building. Part III. Materials used in Building Construction. Chap. 1. Timbers ; Chap. 2. Brick and Stone; Chap. 3. Limes, Mortars, Cements, Concrete ; Chap. 4. Metals. Two vols.; I plates, I text. Elementary (abridged) Series. Price. Advanced (unabridged) Series. Price.. .$1 50 350 DRAWING FOR BRICKLAYERS. With the Elements of Freehand, Object and Plan Drawing. Containing two double and thirty-two single pages of Illustrations, adapted for Architectural Drawing. Cloth..... ....$1 50 DRAWING FOR STONE MASONS. With Elementary Lessons in Freehand and Object Drawing, and a concise History of Masonry. Containing six double and twenty-five single pages of Illustrations adapted for drawing copies. Cloth... ..$1 50 GOTHIC STONEWORK. Containing the History and Principles of Church Architecture, and Illustrations of the Characteristic Features of each Period, the Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Edifices, etc. With seven double and eighteen single page plates. Cloth..... $1 50 NOTES ON BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Part I. Contents: Walling and Arches; Brickwork; Masonry; Carpentry; Floors; Partitions; Timber Roofs; Iron Roofs; Slating; Plumbers' Work; Cast-Iron Girders, etc.....$3.50 Part II. Contents: Brickwork and Masonry; Timber Roofs; Roof Coverings; Built-up Beams; Curved Ribs, Timber and Iron Girders; Centres ; Joinery; Stairs ; Riveting; Fire-Proof floors ; Iron Roofs; Plasterers' Work ; Painting, Paper-Hanging and Glazing. Price... ..$3 50 Part III. MATERIALS: I1. Stone; 2. Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta, etc.; 3. Limes, Cements, Mortar, Concrete, Plaster and Asphalts; 4. Metals; 5. Timber; 6. Paints and Varnishes; 7. Glass; 8. Paper-Hanging; 9. Miscellaneous. Price... .$6 00 CAMERON'S PLASTERER'S MANUAL. Containing accurate descriptions and illustrations of tools and materials used in Plastering. Description of the appearance and action of every variety of lime and cement; instructions for making all kinds of mortar; instructions for doing all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering; cistern building; form of contract; useful tables; many important recipes, etc. By K. CAMERON. 12mo, cloth, price....$0 75 BICKNELL & COMSTOCK, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 27 WARREN ST., NEW YORK. BRAINERDS & CO.'S Brown Stone Quarry, PORTLAND, CONN. T HE Portland Brownstone Quarries are the most extensive in the world, and have been worked for upwards of one hundred and fifty years. This Stone is very extensively used as a building material. Also used in all parts of the country for monumental purposes. Also, Rubble and Junk Stone, FOR CHURCHES, DEPOTS, PIERS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, FOUNDATIONS, Etc., Etc., Fifteen hundred workmen have been employed in these Quarries, and from 50 to 75 vessels employed in transporting the Stone to market. Vessels always in readiness at the Quarry. EVERY MASON AND BUILDER SHOULD HAVE SIBLEY'S IMPROVED LEVELING INSTRUMENT. PRICE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. BARRE, VT. DEAR SIRS, I have used "Sibley's Leveling Instrument," and find it all it claims to be. It supplies a want I have long felt in leveling and squaring the foundations of buildings. I have also used it to find the angle, in measuring the distance of points, where it was inconvenient to measure with a chain. I am highly pleased with the one you sent me. Yours, etc. A. B. FISHER, Builder. JACKSON, MISS. DEAR SIRS,- I received the Instrument and Book on the 9th inst. in fine condition, as, in fact, everything has been that I have ordered of you. The Instrument is a much finer article than I expected, and am highly pleased with it. I will where it can be had, and will use all the influence order frequently. Yours respectfully, endeavor to let every mechanic in the city know I have to induce them to purchase. I hope to J. B. GUPTILL, Architect and Builder. JERSEYVILLE, ILL. GENTLEMEN,- I have received the Level in good order, and am well pleased with it. It works well, and is reliable. Your most obedient, WM. EMBLY, Architect and Gen'l Supt. AUGUSTA, GA. DEAR SIRS, Enclosed please find P. O. Order for five (5) of "Sibley's Improved Leveling Instruments," which we wish you to ship at once. ce. The two supplied to D. H. Denning and L. Rice were sold about as soon as they arrived here. D. H. & J. T. DENNING, Dealers in Building Material, 45 Jackson St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Very truly yours, GENTLEMEN, I notice in the Manufacturer and Builder a cut of "Sibley's Leveling Instrument," an article long wanted by the trade, and such a one as I have desired some one to furnish me long ago, thereby saving much lost time, carrying a load of sticks, boards, lines, levels, and the disagreeable necessity of traveling through mud and over various obstructions. Send me two (2), one for myself and one for a builder. JOHN RUGEE, Architect, 385 Oregon St. Price of Instrument Mounted Complete, $10.00. Forwarded by express on receipt of price. The charges of transportation from New York to the purchaser are in all cases to be borne by him, we guaranteeing the safe arrival of all instruments to the extent of express transportations, and holding the express companies responsible to us for all losses or damages on the way. Full description and directions for use sent on application. Address BICKNELL & COMSTOCK, Sole Agts., 27 Warren St., N. Y. The Fire-Proof Building Co. OF NEW YORK, COAL & IRON EXCHANGE, Room 54, 21 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL, AND LAFARGE PORTLAND CEMENT. MEDALS : Paris, 1855, 1867, 1878; Vienna, 1873; Phila., 1876; Algiers, 1876. The following data show the advantages and economy of the HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL and LAFARGE PORTLAND CEMENT: The best authorities on limes and cements concur in attributing the durability and hardening of mortars exposed to the action of water to the proportion of silicate of lime they contain. The advantages of Lafarge Cement and Teil Hydraulic Lime in this respect over English Portland are obvious. Cement being sold by weight, and the mixing for mortar being done by volume, the lighter the cement per cubic foot, the less expensive will be the mortar; the economy of Lafarge Cement and Teil Lime in this respect is manifest. Their crushing and tensile strengths are fully equal to any requirements. TEIL HYDRAULIC LIME. Production, 150,000 tons annually. Crushing strength of Teil Concrete, 1087 pounds per square inch (Dock Department Test, N. Y.); Teil Mortar, 614 pounds. Teil Lime sets strongly in 18 to 24 hours, and is suitable for Piers, Breakwaters, Quay-Walls, Dry-Docks, Canals, Aqueducts, Sewers, Tunnels, Bridges, Railroads, Foundations of Buildings, Cellars, Artificial Stone, &c. It has resisted the action of the sea for over half a century, and is employed in the great works of the following ports: Teil Lime is delivered in barrels of same size as English Portland, averaging 285 lbs. They are lined with sized paper, impervious to moisture. LAFARGE PORTLAND CEMENT. This cement is of remarkable regularity of strength, composition and fineness. It is slow setting, 12 to 18 hours. Containing no oxide of iron, it does not stain stone work. It does not contract and fissure in artificial stone work. Lafarge Mortar (1 to 2) in 8 days has a tensile strength of 142 lbs. per square inch. Pure Cement, 256 lbs. Its crushing strength (1 to 3) is 540 lbs. in a fortnight, and 1049 lbs. in 48 days. Piping made with it stands 14 atmospheres pressure. It is suitable for sidewalks, stone setting, pointing, cellars, artificial stone, coating sewers. It is delivered in barrels of same size as English Portland, and averaging 340 lbs. Owing to its lightness it is less expensive than English Portland and superior in strength. SEND FOR PAMPHLEТ. Established 1825. Incorporated 1871. SALAMANDER WORKS, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. OFFICE AND DEPOT, 61 & 63 BETHUNE STREET, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF DRAIN AND SEWER PIPE, From 2 to 24 inches Diameter. BRANCHES, CONNECTIONS, TRAPS, &c., Of all sizes constantly on hand. Our Pipe is as good as the imported article and is proof against acids, alkalies and gases. Estimates furnished and information given upon application. GEO. T. POWELL, Architect & Civil Engineer, 558 Jefferson Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J., Or address 141 CENTRE ST., NEW YORK. Designs for Stores, Churches, Banks, Factories, Residences, Villas, Country Houses, Park and Cemetery Entrances, Pavilions, Barns, etc. PLAIN AND ELABORATE DRAWINGS, Ornamental Designs, Specialties in Iron Construction, and designing for all classes of Structures, AT MODERATE PRICES. Specifications, Bills of Quantities, &c. Consultations in reference to Construction and Architecture, Preliminary Sketches made at nominal prices. |