Order, questions of-Continued References Withdrawn. House bill (H.R. 3460), similar point of order a motion to discharge the committee from a Resolution not on calendar but in Senate commit- Voting- Division vote not in order after announcement Baker Federal reclamation project, construction— Crooked River Federal reclamation project, exten- Middle Fork, Hood River, watershed protection... Senators from- Morse, Wayne-(See Morse, Wayne.) Organize, define term-(See H.R. 3247.) Ornamental designs, protecting author-(See S. 1884.) Oriskany Battlefield National Historic Site, establish- Orken, Gerald A.-(See S. 2924.) Ormonde, Jacinto Machado—(See H.R. 1435.) Orr, Joan Rosa-(See H.R. 10605.) Patent Otsu, Yasuko (See S. 1560.) "Our Flag." printing copies of (See H. Con. Res. Fees payable for-(See S. 2225.) Automatic fire alarm, extension of-See Inven- Outdoor recreation-(See Recreation-Outdoor.) Paterson, Mrs. Leslie M., Janet, and Mary—(See H.R. Outlet Stores, Inc.-(See H.R. 1696.) 1469.) Peace Corps Act (See S. 2935, S. 3782; H.R. 10700.) Page Pennsylvania-Continued 370 Senators from- Peace Officers Memorial Day, to proclaim-(See S.J. Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, desig- Pears, marketing order funds-(See S. 3021, S. 3022.) Committee assignments-(See S. Res. 292, S. Res. Joint Committee on the Library, member-(See Resigned-(See S. Res. 372.) Clark, Joseph S., Jr.-(See Clark, Joseph S., Jr.) Tocks Island National Recreation Area, estab- Pension plans, voluntary, establishment of by self- Pericle, Paul J.-(See H.R. 8482.) Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930- Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial Draft of proposed legislation_. Pershing County Water Conservation District, Hum- Page 318 505 109 88,120 370 Report on---- Study, authorizing-(See S. Res. 266.) Pennsylvania- Alvin R. Bush Dam, designating-(See H.R. 6676.) Brandywine Creek, watershed protection_ Federal medical school in Pittsburgh, resolution Pittsburgh, resolution favoring establishing 93 Telephones, Interstate Highway System Phillips, Dr. P., Foundation, of Orlando, Fla., convey- 140 Independence National Historical Park, Phila- Phonograph records bearing forged or counterfeit Phosphate, conveyance of rights in lands-(See S. Poultry- 289 Diseased, interstate transportation-(See S. 3120.) Poultry Products Inspection Act-(See H.R. 7866.) Freedom of-(See S. Res. 356.) Offering in schools, permitting-(See S.J. Res. Page 180 351, 363 Resolutions_______ 366, 370, 404, 406, 410, 438, 453, 626 President and Vice President- Campaign costs, recommendations on commission Contributions and expenditures of persons seeking Equal opportunity requirements, suspend for |