Life Insurance Company Act of the District of Colum- Lim, Dr. Domenic-(See S. 3543.) Limestone, spalls, fragments and fines, importation Lina, Drs. Manuel S. and Constancia L. Ortega-(See Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, establishing- Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, coinage of money to Literacy-(See also Adult literacy.) Test restriction-See S. 2750, S. 3234; H.R. 1361, Tests to be in writing-(See S. 3576.) Literacy Test Bill-(See S. 2750, S. 3234; H.R. 1361, Lithium leases, authorizing-(See S. 3076.) Communist oppression and Catholic faith in, con- 295 Natchitoches, resolution to issue postage stamp New Orleans, Battle of, commission for celebra- Sabine River waters compact-(See H.R. 7855.) Ellender, Allen J.—(See Ellender, Allen J.) Long, Russell B.-(See Long, Russell B.) Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orleans, land exchange-(See S. 3802.) Louvaris, Nicoloas-(See S. 3696, S. 3770.) Lovic, Mrs. Elizabeth—(See S. 2455.) Lower Forest River, N. Dak., watershed protection.... 475 Lucky Linda, permit vessel to be documented for use in Lum, Jackson-(See S. 3779.) Luellen, Jette Lee-(See S. 3213.) Luisi, Rosina (Sister Mary Rosina) and Maria Fatibene Marshals, fees-(See H.R. 10651.) Magostrale. Vito-(See S. 2887.) Maine- Carvers Harbor, Vinalhaven- Modification-(See S. 3608.) Highway bridge between Maine and Canada, ex- Narraguagus River project, authorizing-(See S. Searsport Harbor project-(See S. 3571, S. 3578.) Muskie, Edmund S.-(See Muskie, Edmund S.) Social security coverage for police and firemen- Potomac River Compact of 1958, consent of Con- Prince Georges County Hospital, convey lands to— Prince Georges County School Board-(See S. Senators from- Beall, J. Glenn-(See Beall, J. Glenn.) Butler, John Marshall-(See Butler, John Mar- Silver Hill Voluntary Fire Department and Rescue Suitland Lodge No. 1856, Loyal Order of Moose, Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Mason, Anne B.-(See S. 3797.) Mason, Mrs. Elizabeth G.-(See H.R. 3922.) Mass transit (See S. 3126, S. 3242, S. 3243; H.R. Mass, transportation-(See Transportation-Mass.) 118 226 Officers, representation of-(See S. 3504.) Funds for Subcommittee on, of Committee on Mikhail; Dr. George R., Elizabeth, Marianne, and Mi- Mikulich, Joseph-(See S. 2375.) Milenovic, Mrs. Jeliza Prendic-(See S. 270.) Bounty land warrants, repealing laws and cancella- Construction-(See also Department of the 12870.) Draft of proposed legislation_ Reports_. 94, 109, 169, 189, 229, 275, 299, 364, 455, 468, Prime contracts_ 94 180 9, 11, Metry, Michael, Najeeb-(See S. 2565.) 37, 102, 184, 210, 223, 264, 362, 437, 536, 771 Minerals Electrometallurgical processes, susceptibility- (See S.J. Res. 136.) Exploration (See also Department of the Inte- rior-Office of Minerals Exploration.) Mining- Claims, residential occupants of unpatented-(See S. 3451, S. 3458, S. 3564.) Petrified wood, exclude deposits of from appro- Strip and surface, study-(See S. 3304.) Conveying mineral interests in South Carolina- Mica and mica ore, program for purchase and re- Oil and gas lessees, relief of-(See H.R. 11049.) Glenwood Hills Hospital, Minneapolis-(See S. Leech Lake, Cass Lake, and Winnibigoshish Lake, Humphrey, Hubert H.-See Humphrey, Hu- McCarthy, Eugene J.-(See McCarthy, Eugene SS. Mary and Joseph Church, Sawyer, convey- St. Paul, land conveyance-(See S. 3790.) Acquisition and exchange of lands-(See S. 22, 116 Report on the implementation of the Humphrey Twin Cities Arsenal, to lease portion of-(See S. Minority leader's report on legislation enacted, print- Minton, Lt. Col. Gustave M., Jr., U.S. Air Force- Mitropoulos, Sofia-(See S. 3708.) Mobile trade fairs (See Trade Fairs.) Mints-(See under Department of the Treasury.) Moco, Silvestero A.-(See S. 2682.) Mississippi- and monopolies.) Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, ship con- Jackson, conveyance of land to-(See S. 3539.) Monroney, Mike (Senator from the State of Okla- homa)- 3045.) John Elliott Rankin Memorial Veterans Hospital, |