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Indian Wash, Colo., watershed protection report_----
Attorney General, authorizing delivery of certain
papers to and attendance of former Senate
employees in a case pending before the su-
preme court of that State (See S. Res. 412.)
Clay County Hospital, Brazil-(See H.R. 4188.)
Lattas Creek, Stucker Fork, watershed protection.
Senators from-

Capehart, Homer E.-(See Capehart, Homer E.)
Hartke, R. Vance-(See Hartke, R. Vance.)
Indians and Indian reservations-

Bernalillo County Indian Hospital-(See S. 3056.)
Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma,
judgment fund disposition-(See S. 3250;
H.R. 11590.)

Chippewa (See Minnesota, infra.)

Choctaw Tribe, property, final disposition-(See
H.R. 12355.)

Colorado River Reservation, lease land-(See S.

Colville Indians, problems, memorial against ac-
tions of the Secretary of the Interior relating
Confederated Kootenai Tribe, Flathead Reserva-
tion, Montana, lands, set aside-(See H.R.
Confederated Salish Tribe, Flathead Reservation,
Montana, lands, set aside-(See H.R. 4592.)
Crow Creek Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., payment
to Indians and tribe for land acquisition—
(See H.R. 5165.)

Crow Indian Reservation—

Farming and grazing lands, leasing of-(See S.

[blocks in formation]

Highways rights-of-way-(See S. 2874.)

Land conveyance-(See S. 3678.)

Draft of proposed legislation_


Land sale or lease, authorize-(See S. 2875.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wind River irrigation project, Wyo.-

[blocks in formation]

Flathead Indian Irrigation project, Montana, ir-
rigation and power systems, completion-(See
S. 1912.)

Fly and Her Growth-(See under Lower Brule In-

Fort Belknap Reservation, land tenure improve-
ment (See S. 1316.)

Handicraft industry-(See S. 3548.)
Heirship land problem-(See S. 2899.)
Hopi, highway projects-(See S. 3033.)

Jicarilla Apache Tribe, Jicarilla Reservation, lands
held in trust for-(See S. 2971.)

Klamath Indian irrigation project, Oregon-
Non-Indian owned lands, cancel irrigation
charges against-(See S. 3342.)
Draft of proposed legislation_
Little Flower Mission, St. Cloud Diocese, convey-
ance of land to-(See S. 2895.)


[blocks in formation]

Industrial-Reserve-(See National industrial re-

Industries, price increases-(See S. 3167, S. 3168, S.

Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, Miss., ship
construction material, report___.

Inland Waterways Corporation, audit______
Inland Waterways Corporation Act (See S. 2852.)
Repealing-(See H.R. 10542.)

Insanity, care and custody of insane persons acquitted
of offenses because of-(See S. 2741, S. 2809.)
Insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, study of-(See
S. 3791.)

Institutions and organizations, nonprofit, report on
grants to‒‒

Insurance (See also National Service Life Insurance.)
Aviation-(See also Aviation-Insurance.)
Aviation war risk, report....

[blocks in formation]


Lower Brule Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., payment
to Indians and tribe for land acquisition-
(See H.R. 5144.)

Disability benefits-(See S. 2828.)

Health-(See Aged-Health.)



10, 58, 223, 496

Companies, bond discounts, taxes on-(See S.

National Service Life-(See S. 3597.)

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Draft of proposed legislation..

United States participate in loans to-(See S.

International North Pacific Fisheries Commission,

resolution commending....

--- 160, 162

International Printing Week, designation of—(See S.J.

Res. 223.)




Intercoastal Waterway to Bayou Dulac, La., modifica-
tion of project (See S. 3194.)

Interdepartmental Committee to Promote Economy

and Efficiency in Conduct of Educational and
Cultural Exchange Programs-(See S. 3799.)
Intergovernmental Relations Commission, appoint-
ment of members...

Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Committee
on, annual report.

Interior, Department of the-(See Department of the

Internal Revenue Code of 1939-(See S. 2669, S. 3520;
H.R. 12599.)

Internal Revenue Code of 1954-(See S. 2666, S. 2716,
S. 2755, S. 2816, S. 2932, S. 3003, S. 3196, S.
3222, S. 3249, S. 3252, S. 3257, S. 3296, S. 3367,
S. 3383, S. 3384, S. 3406, S. 3413, S. 3481, S.
3484, S. 3512, S. 3514, S. 3515, S. 3569, S. 3583,
S. 3586, S. 3593, S. 3616, S. 3617, S. 3618, S.
3736, S. 3752, S. 3765; S.J. Res. 173; H.R. 451,
H.R. 2016, H.R. 5260, H.R. 6145, H.R. 6371
H.R. 8754, H.R. 8824, H.R. 8846, H.R. 8847,
H.R. 8952, H.R. 10080, H.R. 10117, H.R. 10177,
H.R. 10620, H.R. 10650, H.R. 11879, H.R.
12030, H.R. 12470, H.R. 12526, H.R. 12599,
H.R. 12719, H.R. 13358.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kansas River and tributaries, Kansas, Nebraska, and
Colorado, review.............

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

and flood prevention...

Kerr, Robert S. (Senator from the State of Okla-

Conferee, appointed as....331, 338, 373, 374, 407, 530, 556,
559, 569, 590, 595, 671, 673, 734, 738, 759, 765,
769, 771.

Kessenich, Gregory J., estate of—(See S. 149.)
Kettle Creek Dam, Pa., change name-(See HR

Key West Harbor, Fla., print review of...
Khosrowkhah, All-(See H.R. 2371.)

Khoury, Georges-(See H.R. 1322.)

Kiaer Mrs. Edith-(See S. 2594; S. Res. 219.)

Kilgore, David B. and Jimmie D. Rushing-(See H.R.

Kim, Jong Dae-(See S. 1273.)

King, Basilio, his wife and children-(See H.R. 9430.)
King, Mrs. Hugh Moy-(See S. 3311.)
Kino, Eusebia Francisco, authorizing placing in Statu-
ary Hall collection at the United States
Capitol the statue of-(See H.J. Res. 439.)
Kinyoun, Joseph J., Distinguished Research Award, es-
tablish-(See S.J. Res. 237.)


[blocks in formation]

Klamath Indian irrigation project, Oregon, cancella-
tion of charges against non-Indian-owned
lands (See S. 3342.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Knoll, Mrs. Ethel-(See H.R. 7332.)

[blocks in formation]

Knowland, Hon. William F., resigned as member of

Kocher, Lester A.—(See H.R. 10199.)

U.S. Citizens Commission on NATO..


Koh, Chao Yao-(See S. 1074.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Labeling of products, use of the name of a country or
region on (See S. 3750.)

Labor, Department of—(See Department of Labor.)

Disputes, settlement-(See S. 3442.)
Farm-(See Farm-Labor.)

Organizations, activities in restraint of trade, to
prohibit (See S. 2931.)

Labor Management Relations Act, 1947-(See S.
3168, S. 3442.)

Labor Union Antitrust Laws Amendments of 1962-
(See S. 2931.)

Lackawanna River, Pa., interim report_

Lactarene, transfer to free list of tariffs (See H.R.


Lake Eufaula, Alabama and Georgia, name lake
formed by Walter F. George lock and dam—
(See S. 2742.)

Lake Francis Case, S. Dak., naming-(See S. 3476.)
Lake Kemp Dam, Wichita River, Tex.—



Lake O'Neill, San Luis Dam, Calif., designation as-
(See S.J. Res. 221.)

Lake Ontario, raising water level, claims for damage
because (See S. 2978.)

Lake Sharpe, S. Dak., change name-(See S. 2988.)
Lakios, Nikolos A.-(See S. 2921.)

Lalonde, Alban H.-(See S. 3561.)

Conservation fund-(See S. 3118.)

Message from the President on_.

Federal, survey to locate strategic minerals-
(See S. 1696.)

Law, International-(See International Law.)
Laws, cooperation with States in administration and
enforcement of-(See S. 3475.)

Lazo, Carlitos D.-(See S. 3739.)

Leach; Benjamin, Diogracias, Rogelio, and Maximo-
(See H.R. 12887.)

[blocks in formation]

authorization (See S. 3347.)

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Leonard, George Edward-(See S. 3375; H.R. 12217.)
Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company Incorpo-
rated-(See H.R. 7549.)

[blocks in formation]

Lexington Park Homes, Lexington Park, Md., author-
izing sale of-(See S. 2976.)

Lexington Park Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., con-
vey deed to-(See S. 3439.)

Li, Yeung Sing and Shee Lum-(See S. 3110.)
Liang, Edward Yin-(See S. 1578.)
Liberopoulos, Pangiotis-(See S. 3449.)

Depository, revising laws of-(See H.R. 8141.)
Public, extension of services-(See S. 3741.)

Appropriations, supplemental estimate of_____
Blind, music for, establishing-(See S. 3408.)
Copyright business and Trust Fund Board, report

160, 174





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