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S. 2867. A bill for the relief of Dimitrios Tyropanis; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mrs. SMITH of Maine (by request):

S. 2868. A bill to provide that certain written or typewritten matter, previously transmitted in the mails and the contents of which no longer possess the quality of a present communication, may be mailed as third-class or fourthclass mail; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

ADDED COAUTHOR OF SENATE BILL 2697 On motion by Mr. YARBOROUGH, and by unanimous consent,

Ordered, That the name of Mr. PELL be added as a coauthor of the bill (S. 2697) to amend chapters 33 and 35 of title 38, United States Code, to preserve the rights of reservists and National Guardsmen called or ordered to active duty on or after August 1, 1961. PROHIBITION OF MILITARY TRAINING IN THE UNITED STATES OF PERSONNEL FROM ENEMY COUNTRIES

Mr. TOWER submitted the following concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 58); which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services:

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That no funds will be appropriated for the purpose of training military personnel from any Communist country or any country dominated by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

All Communists and other representatives of enemy countries now being trained in the United States as pilots, technicians, and other military personnel shall be returned to their own lands at the earliest possible moment.

The transfer to Communist and other enemy nations of all planes and other weapons of war, and materials that may be converted to weapons of war, shall be terminated at once.

Any such material in process of transfer shall be stopped in transit and re

turned to the United States; and any and all agreements relative thereto shall be canceled immediately.

Any persons in Government found guilty of violating the provisions of this resolution shall be removed from office. FIFTIETH YEAR OF PUBLIC SERVICE AS MEMBER OF CONGRESS AND SENATOR OF HON. CARL HAYDEN, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Mr. MANSFIELD for himself and Mr. DIRKSEN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 296):

Whereas the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, senior Senator from Arizona, first became a Member of the House of Representatives on February 19, 1912, upon the admission of Arizona as a State of the Union; and

Whereas from such date until March 3, 1927, he continued to serve as a Member of the House of Representatives from Arizona; and

Whereas from March 4, 1927, until the present time, he has served as a United States Senator from Arizona; and

Whereas during his long and distinguished career as a Member of Congress he has been admired and respected for his outstanding ability, courage, and untiring devotion to duty, and has been loved for his modesty, sincerity, and understanding; and

Whereas his able and dedicated service as a Member of Congress has contributed immeasurably to the welfare of the peoples of his State and his Nation; and

Whereas today, the 19th day of February 1962, marks the fifteenth anniversary of continuous service by the Honorable CARL HAYDEN as a Member of Congress from the State of Arizona: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate, in tribute to his long and distinguished service to his State and Nation, extends to the Honorable CARL HAYDEN, senior Senator from Arizona and beloved President pro tempore of the Senate, its sincere congratulations and felicitations on this, the fiftieth anniversary of the commencement of his service as a Member of Congress, and expresses the fervent wish that the Senate and the Nation may, for many years to come, continue to benefit from the wise and capable guidance and leadership which he has so long and so generously rendered.

The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the said resolution: and after remarks in tribute to the public service of the President pro tempore of the Senate by Mr. MANSFIELD, Mr. DIRKSEN, Mr. Russell, Mr. MCCLELLAN, Mr. HILL, Mr. SALTONSTALL, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. CARLSON, Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. KUCHEL, Mr. MORTON, Mr. MCNAMARA, Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. LAUSCHE, Mr. AIKEN, Mr. JOHNSTON, Mr. BUSH, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. PASTORE, Mr. BYRD of Virginia, Mr MUNDT, Mr. SPARK MAN, Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota, Mr. GORE, Mr. TALMADGE, Mr. YARBOROUGH, Mr. MONRONEY, Mr. KERR, Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. MORSE, Mr. JORDAN, Mr. JACKSON, Mr. FULBRIGHT, Mr. PELL, and Mr. CHAVEZ, together with a statement from the Vice President.

The resolution was unanimously agreed to, and the preamble was agreed to.


Mr. EASTLAND submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 297); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration:

Resolved. That there be printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary three thousand copies of a hearing entitled "Export of Strategic Materials to the USSR. and Other Soviet-Bloc Countries, Part 2," held by its Interna! Security Subcommittee during the Eighty-seventh Congress, first session.


Mr. MANSFIELD (for himself and Mr. DIRKSEN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 298); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration:

Resolved, That there be printed as a Senate document, a compilation of tributes, together with other related material, delivered on the floor of the United States Senate, to commemorate the occasion of the fiftieth year of congressional service of the Honorable Carl HAYDEN, of Arizona; and that additional copies be printed for the use of Joint Committee on Printing.


A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its clerks:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 258) to amend the District of Columbia Sales Tax Act to increase the rate of tax imposed on certain gross receipts, to amend the District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942 to transfer certain parking fees and other moneys to the highway fund, and for other purposes.


The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. HICKEY in the chair› laid before the Senate its unfinished business, viz, the bill (H.R. 5143) to amend section 801 of the act entitled "An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia,” approved March 3, 1901. Pending debate,

On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent,

Ordered. That when the Senate concludes its business today it adjourn. Pending further debate,


On motion by Mr. Morse, at 5 o'clock and 46 minutes p.m.,

The Senate, under its order of today. adjourned.


The VICE PRESIDENT called the Senate to order, and Rev. Bayne E. Driskill, of Fort Worth, Tex., offered prayer.


On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent,

The reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, February 19, 1962, was dispensed with.


A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its clerks:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed the following bills, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate:

H.R. 947. An act to designate the new lock on the St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., as the John A. Blatnik lock; and

H.R. 9884. An act for the relief of certain officers of the naval service erroneously in receipt of compensation based upon an incorrect computation of service for basic pay.

The President has informed the. House that he has approved and signed the following acts and joint resolution:

On February 13, 1962:

H.J. Res. 612. Joint resolution making supplement appropriations for the Veterans' Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes.

On February 16, 1962:

H.R. 2147. An act for the relief of Mrs. Kenneth Stultz;

H.R. 2973. An act for the relief of Anthony Robert Lowry (Antonio Piantadosi);

H.R. 3710. An act for the relief of Giles L. Matthews;

H.R. 4194. An act for the relief of Mrs. Ann W. Edwards;

H.R. 4211. An act for the relief of Alessandro Bottero;

H.R. 4280. An act for the relief of Dimitri Elias Sartan;

H.R. 4381. An act for the relief of Walter H. Hanson;

H.R. 4876. An act for the relief of Mary C. Atkinson;

H.R. 5181. An act to amend Private Law 85-699;

H.R. 5324. An act for the relief of Dr. Serafin T. Ortiz;

H.R. 6025. An act to confer jurisdiction on the U.S. Court of Claims to hear. determine, and render judgment on the claim of George Edward Barnhart against the United States;

H.R. 6120. An act for the relief of Francis Ainsworth;

H.R. 6226. An act for the relief of Arlin David English;

H.R. 6243. An act extending to Guam the power to enter into certain interstate compacts relating to the enforcement of the criminal laws and policies of the States;

H.R. 6644. An act for the relief of Julius Benikosky;

H.R. 6938. An act for the relief of Dr. Robert E. Hiller;

H.R. 7473. An act for the relief of Albert R. Serpa;

H.R. 7740. An act for the relief of Mrs. Sharon Lee Harden;

H.R. 8325. An act for the relief of Harrison Thomas Harper; and H.R. 8779. An act for the relief of George B. Olmstead.

On February 19, 1962: H.R. 2470. An act to provide for the establishment of the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial in the State of Indiana, and for other purposes.


The bills this day received from the House of Representatives for concurrence were read the first and second times by unanimous consent.

Ordered, That the bill H.R. 947 be referred to the Committee on Public Works; and

That the bill H.R. 9884 be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

COMMITTEE AUTHORIZED TO SIT The Subcommittee on Irrigation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs was authorized to sit today during the session of the Senate, on the request of Mr. MANSFIELD.



On motion by Mr. RANDOLPH to discharge the Committee on Government Operations from the further consideration of the resolution (S. Res. 288) opposing Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1962,

On the question of agreeing to the motion,

Mr. MCCLELLAN raised a question of order, viz, that it had not been established that Mr. RANDOLPH was eligible to make the motion.

The VICE PRESIDENT inquired of Mr. RANDOLPH Whether he was for or against the resolution (S. Res. 288) of disapproval of the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1962.

Mr. RANDOLPH announced that he was against the proposal of the President of the United States for the creation of the new Department.

On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent,

Ordered, That the time for debate on the motion be controlled by himself and Mr. DIRKSEN.

Mr. MANSFIELD asked and obtained unanimous consent that a call for a quorum be had without charging it against the time for debate on the motion.

Mr. MANSFIELD raised a question as to the presence of a quorum; Whereupon

The VICE PRESIDENT directed the roll to be called;


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So the motion was not agreed to.

The VICE PRESIDENT, pursuant to the order of the Senate of January 24, 1901, designated Mr. RANDOLPH, from the State of West Virginia, to read Washington's Farewell Address on February 22 next.


TARY MEETING, OTTAWA, CANADA The VICE PRESIDENT appointed, as members on the part of the Senate to the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Conference to attend the meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada, from February 28 to March 4, 1962, the following: Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. LONG of Louisiana, Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey, Mr. DODD, Mr. MCNAMARA, Mr. SYMINGTON, Mrs. NEUBERGER, Mr. AIKEN, Mr. DwORSHAK, Mr. CASE of South Dakota, Mr. HRUSKA, and Mr. BOGGS.



The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following message from the President of the United States; which

was referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service:

To the Congress of the United States:

The success of this Government, and thus the success of our Nation, depends in the last analysis upon the quality of our career services. The legislation enacted by the Congress, as well as the decisions made by me and the department and agency heads, must all be implemented by the career men and women in the Federal service. In foreign affairs. national defense, science and technology. and a host of other fields, they face unprecedented problems of unprecedented importance and perplexity. We are all dependent on their sense of loyalty and responsibility as well as their competence and energy; and just as they have responsibilities to the Government, so does the Government have obligations to them.

We properly establish high standards for our public servants. We investigate their character and associations before considering them for employment. We hire them only after they have passed difficult examinations. We require them to abide by rigorous standards of conduct and ethics. We demand consistWe demand consistently high performance from them on the job. Accordingly, the salaries for the services they perform should be fixed under well-understood and objective standards, high enough to attract and retain competent personnel, sufficiently flexible to motivate initiative and industry, and comparable with the salaries received by their counterparts in private life. To pay more than this is to be unfair to the taxpayers-to pay less is to degrade the public service and endanger our national security.

Unfortunately these basic standards for Federal salary systems are not met today. Too many Federal employees are underpaid in proportion to their respon

sibilities. Too many receive smaller salaries than are paid by many private industries, and even by many State and local governments, for less responsible work. Too many top-grade or supervisory Federal employees are paid little more, and sometimes even less, than their subordinates. Too many key career employees are unable to afford continued public service.

Existing statutory Federal pay structures cannot be justified as sound and equitable, either internally or externally. equitable, either internally or externally. Internally, salaries between various levels of work should be enough to provide an incentive to undertake more responsible duties and to represent, dollarwise, fair differences in work requirements. Over the years, piecemeal statutory revisions—with primary emphasis on bringing the lower pay levels abreast of changes in the cost of living-have severely compressed the spread between the top and bottom salaries. The 8.8to-1 and 12-to-1 salary ratios between the highest and lowest Classification Act and postal field service grades existing prior to World War II have shrunk to ratios of less than 6 to 1, making it impossible to offer pay increases consistent with the added responsibilities of gradeto-grade promotion, or to offer an appropriate range of incentives within a sistency or logic in the salary differences particular grade. There is little conbetween existing grade levels. And employees paid under a wage board system, with wages based on the prevailing more than their supervisors whose rates in industry, are frequently paid salaries are fixed by the more rigid and less logical provisions of the Classification Act.

Externally, except for employees paid aries generally do not compare favorunder wage board systems, Federal salably and cannot compete successfully with private industry. Every objective survey has demonstrated that salaried Government employees at almost every work level receive less compensation, on a national average basis, than private employees performing similar work—and the greater the level of difficulty and responsibility the greater the gap between Federal and private pay. A Federal employee beginning a professional or administrative career can look forward to a maximum salary increase of no more than 4 times his entrance salary, whereas his counterpart in private industry can look forward to an increase of six or seven times his beginning salary. Moreover, the Federal employee's top salary, if he stays his private enterprise counterpart. to reach it, will be less than half that of

Even State and local governments have passed the Federal Government. The head of a Federal Cabinet Department receives less than the head of a New York State department-less than the average salary paid to the superintendents of schools in cities over 500,000 population. The highest paid Federal employees under the Classification Act wolud obtain higher salaries if they were working in the State career service in

Georgia, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, or California, for example or for the cities of St. Louis, Denver, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.

The dim:ulty has been the lack of both an accepted objective standard for determining Federal salary levels and a consistent procedure for review and adjustment. The result has been a steady attrition of valued employees, an inability to attract many top quality college graduates and, in the long run, a waste of Federal funds discouraging the initative, efficiency, and dedication that accompany recognition and stature. and requiring enormous expenditures each year to recruit and train new replacements for employees who leave the service for reasons of inadequate pay. We can no longer defer the necessary corrective measures or continue the existing lack of standards; and recent studies and measurement techniques now make possible the kind of wholly new approach that commonsense requires.


I am transmitting to the Congress with this message legislation designed to reform the major statutory salary systems of the Federal Government, benefiting all of the 1,640,000 employees throughout the world who are paid under the various Federal statutory pay plans-the Classification Act, the Postal Field Service Compensation Act, the Foreign Service Act, and the medicine and surgery salary system of the Veterans' Administration. Although flat increases for lower paid workers are included as a matter of equity, the essence of this bill's objectives is Federal pay reform, not simply a sult from the establishment of objective Federal pay raise. Where pay raises repay standards, they are primarily a reflection of the extent to which Federal salaries have lagged behind the national economy.

This proposal has two principal features:

1. It establishes a sound, objective, and continuous standard for determining proper salary levels by following the concept of comparability-reasonable comparability with prevailing private enterprise salaries for the same levels of work insofar as this is possible, as determined from painstaking statistical surveys and careful job comparisons; and 2. It establishes realistic and appropriate salary relationships both within and among the several statutory salary systems and each of their grade levels by following the principle of equal pay for equal work, with distinctions in pay consistent with distinctions in responsibilty and performance.


Adoption of the principle of comparability will assure equity for the Federal employee with his equals throughout the national economy-enable the Government to compete fairly with private firms for qualified personnel-and provide at last a logical and factual standard for setting Federal salaries. Reflected in this single standard are such legitimate

private enterprise pay considerations as cost of living, standard of living, and productivity, to the same extent that those factors are resolved into the going rate over bargaining tables and other salary determining processes in private enterprise throughout the country.

The principle has a history of wide acceptance. Within the Federal Government, it has been used for 100 years: first applied to navy yard workers, it is now applied to all Federal workers in trades and crafts, to employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and to work under Government contracts covered by the Walsh-Healey and Davis-Bacon Acts. Many State and local governments, as well as some other national governments (such as Canada and the United Kingdom), already rely on this principle.

It should be noted in this regard that, in marked contrast to the unfavorable situation of salaried employees, the Federal pay practices affecting over 660,000 workers in the skilled trades and crafts have functioned without serious conflict or confusion. Based on prevailing rates, and set on recommendation of wage boards, their pay has been continuously maintained at levels that are fair from the viewpoint of the Government, the taxpayer, and the employee.

I have found no more sensible standard for determining Government salaries. The Advisory Panel on Federal Salary Systems, chaired by Mr. Clarence Randall, in its recent report to me called it not only equitable but valid and eminently desirable. The application of this principle permits the Government to meet its difficult personnel needs without paying more than is necessary or less than is equitable. It was not feasible in earlier years; but now the recently introduced annual survey of professional, administrative, technical, and clerical salaries conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the objective comparative salary data needed for setting Federal pay scales. Occupational rates paid by private employers at a given work level of difficulty, responsibility, and required qualifications can be combined into a single national average private enterprise rate for work equivalent to a Classification Act grade. Classification Act rates in turn can be used to establish rates for the corresponding grades in the specialized salary systems of the Postal Field Service, the Foreign Service, and the Veterans' Administration.



The internal alinement principle rests on two basic concepts: equal pay for equal work, and distinctions in pay consistent with distinctions in work and performance. Although these concepts are stated in the present Classification Act and are implicit in the Postal Field Service Compensation Act, the regressive and flat percentage pay adjustments of the past 17 years have gradually blotted out much of the meaning in the current pay differentials of all our salary systems.

The pay schedules I am recommending will regularize and generally enlarge the differences in salaries between successive grade levels, recognizing more appropriately the differences in responsibility involved and providing a more uniform (not less than 10 percent) progression of salary levels between the entry rates of successive grades. This will furnish a greater incentive for employees striving to prepare themselves for higher responsibilities. At the same time, these new schedules will make more meaningful the within-grade promotions for competent performances of duties, and will provide better incentives for those who spend most of their careers within a single grade, by providing wider salary ranges (30 percent except for the top two grades) within each grade, more adequate and more numerous within-grade salary steps, and more flexible use of salary steps to recognize exceptional achievement.

Other provisions aimed at improving flexibility will (1) facilitate the adjust ment of salaries to meet critical needs by competing more equally with private industry in areas or in occupations in which a shortage exists; (2) permit the assignment of positions to the upper grades of the Classification Act on the basis of duties and responsibilities, instead of arbitrarily limiting the number of such positions; and (3) create new upper grades to bring within the salary provisions of the Classification Act all those with top administrative responsibilities who are not Cabinet or sub-Cabinet officers or heads of separate agencies.

The new salary ranges would provide a 30-percent range between the entry rate and the highest rate in the grade for most salaried employees under the Classification Act and a 40-percent range for the lower levels of the Postal Field Service. This is comparable to the private industry ranges, which vary between 30 percent and 50 percent for each position. The pay ranges in the lower levels of the Postal Field Service are somewhat broader than those in the Classification Act, in recognition of the pattern of long service in such positions in the Postal Field Service and the need for incentives for sustained performance during the entire period of service.


To maintain the comparability principle, and to assure that other features are improved with experience, the bill provides that the President shall submit an annual report to Congress on the relationship of Federal salaries to those reported by the BLS for private enterprise, recommending whatever adjustments in salary schedules, structure, and policy he finds advisable. Where adjusments are indicated, they would be accomplished by revision of the Classification Act pay scales and by linkage of the other statutory systems to the Classification Act. A systematic annual review of this kind is essential to prevent Federal salary schedules from relapsing to their present conditions.


Reform of the existing pay schedules necessarily involves immediate adjustment of salaries at almost all grade levels. But both our experience in the attrition of higher salaried men and women and all objective surveys have disclosed that the gap between private industry salaries and Government salaries is the widest at the upper levels. For example: The most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics survey shows that GS-14 and GS-15 employees receive 20 percent less than those employees in private industry in comparable positions. A 1960 survey of 21 large companies by the Civil Service Commission showed even more startling disparities at higher levels. Employees in these companies performing functions comparable to those of a GS-18 received twice as high a salary as their Federal Government employed counterpart.

Yet these are the very levels in the career service in which our need for quality is most acute-in which keen judgment, experience, and competence are at a premium. It is here that we face our most difficult personnel problems. It is at these grades that we employ our top scientists, doctors, engineers, experts, and managers. Surely if so many State and city governments, as earlier cited, are willing to compete with private industry for this talent, the Federal Government, with its urgent missions to perform, can face up to this problem as well. As a practical matter, the full principle of comparability cannot be applied to the higher salary levels of government; but I consider adequate adjustment in our top executive and professional positions to be the most vital single element of correction in this entire proposal.

This reform of top career salaries will, of course, boost the pay of many civil servants to a level above that paid to their chiefs in Cabinet, sub-Cabinet, and similar positions. I recognize, however, that the salary level of these top executives has been quite properly related in recent years with the salary level of the Congress; and, while both are, in my opinion, inadequate, it is neither customary nor appropriate to either provide such increases during current terms of office or specify congressional increases in a Presidential message. Representatives of the executive branch stand ready, however, to cooperate with the Congress in determining what executive and congressional pay scales would be appropriate following the terms of the present incumbents.


It is important for the Federal Government to adhere to its own precepts with respect to pay adjustments in the economy as a whole. Because of the salary lag that has developed over the past 17 years, full correction of the accrued inequities in 1 year would be unwise, involving the substantial cost of more than $1 billion. This cost would come at a time when heavy budgetary

demands have been placed upon us to meet great national security needs, and when the Government is urging private labor and management to exercise selfrestraint to avoid the creation of inflationary pressures. Therefore, to reduce the impact in any one year on the affected $10 billion Federal payroll, where each 1-percent increase costs $100 million, the plan that I recommend provides that the full 10 percent be distributed over three annual stages, beginning prospectively on January 1, 1963. The increase scheduled to take effect next year is clearly well within the national average productivity increase (in the private sector) which has taken place since the last Federal pay increase in July of 1960.

The substantial costs necessarily involved in achieving this pay reform make it especially important that these improvements in our pay systems take absolute priority over general percentage or dollar increases of the kind we have seen in the past-increases which make little if any contribution to efficiency of economy in Government.


As I stated in my budget message, the first requirement for efficiency and economy in Government is highly competent personnel. I believe that enactment of this plan for sound salary administration is fundamental to the maintenance of a standard of excellence in the Federal service. It is my belief that this measure, if enacted, will constitute the most important revision and reform in Federal personnel legislation in more than a decade. It is the most important proposal to improve the Federal service which has been presented by this administration; and I believe it is essential if we are to achieve and maintain proficiency in the Federal Government. If our civil servants are to fulfill with skill and devotion their obligations to the Nation, the Nation must fulfill its obligations to the career service.



The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Deputy Secretary of Defense, transmitting. pursuant to law, a report of a proposed loan of naval vessels to the Governments of Greece and Korea under section 7 of the act of October 4, 1961; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services.


The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics), transmitting, pursuant to law, a report for the month of December 1961 and the 6-month period of fiscal year 1962 on Army, Navy, and Air Force military prime contracts with small and large business firms for experimental, developmental, test, and research work in the United States; which,

with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency.


The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to repeal certain legislation relating to the purchase of silver; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency.


The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Administrator of General Services, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend section 3470 of the Revised Statutes to authorize the heads of departments and independent agencies to appoint agents to bid on behalf of the United States, at sales, on execution at the suit of the United States, of lands or tenements of a debtor: which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. CERTAIN LAND IN TRUST FOR THE OGLALA SIOUX INDIAN TRIBE

The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to declare that certain land of the United States is held by the United States in trust for the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation; which. with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to declare that certain land of the United States is held by the United States in trust for the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians in Kansas; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


SOTA TO LITTLE FLOWER MISSION The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide for the conveyance of certain lands of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Indians to the Little Flower Mission of the St. Cloud Diocese; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


The VICE PRESIDENNT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to declare that certain land of the United States is held by the United

States in trust for the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assist ant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to donate to the Devils Lake Sioux Tribe of Fort Tottem Indian Reservation, N.D., approximately 275.74 acres of federally owned land; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. AWARD OF A CONCESSION CONTRACT IN A NATIONAL PARK

The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a proposed concession contract in a national park under the National Park Service; which, with the accompanying papers, was refered to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


Mr. PROXMIRE presented a resolution of the House of Representatives of the State of Wisconsin favoring the Federal Government liberalizing the distribution of surplus commodities so as to provide more care for the aged and helpless; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.


Under authority heretofore granted. the following-named Senators have been added as coauthors of the bill (S. 2818) to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the purchase of United Nations bonds and the appropriation of funds therefor, and to afford an opportunity for the people of the United States to participate in the purchase of such bonds, previously introduced: Mrs. NEUBERGER, Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey, Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. DOUGLAS, and Mr. LONG of Hawaii. ADDITIONAL COAUTHORS OF SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 156

On motion by Mr. DIRKSEN, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the names of Mr. CAPEHART, Mr. ALLOTT, Mr. FONG, Mr. SALTONSTALL, Mr. Goldwater, Mr. KEATING, Mr. JAVITS, and Mr. KUCHEL be added as coauthors of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 156) authorizing the President of the United States to proclaim the period from February 10 to 16, 1963, as Negro History Week.

AMENDMENT OF ACT ESTABLISHING CODE OF LAW FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA On motion by Mr. SMATHERS, and by unanimous consent. The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished busines, viz, the bill (HR. 5143) to amend section 801 of the act entitled “An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia,” approved March 3, 1901.

Pending debate,

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