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NOTE. For action on bills and resolutions see History of Bills and Resolutions, pages 809 to 939, inclusive, under number designated.

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Abramovich, Arie-(See S. 2736.)

Academic-(See also School.)

Performance of the States, printing of-(See S.
Res. 354.)

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Resolution___‒‒‒‒‒‒‒93, 190, 202, 211, 229, 245, 293, 320
Agena, Yasuko and Carl Williams-(See H.R. 11746.)
Agency, coordination, economy, and efficiency, author-
izing study of-(See S. Res. 276.)

Agencies (See also Departments; Independent Agen-

Easements, authorized to grant-(See H.R. 8355.)
Organization of, report__.

Procurement of property and services-(See S.

Agganis, Constantinos-(See S. 2797.)

Commission on, establishing-(See S. 2779.)

Retirement income, printing hearings on-(See

S. Res. 310.)

Agourakis, Haralambos-(See S. 241.)

Agreements (See Agricultural-Products; Treaties.)

Attachés (See S. 3430.)



Administrative Expenses Act of 1946-(See S. 2765;

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Administrative Procedure Act-(See S. 3410.)

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Adult Literacy Act of 1962-(See S. 2827.)

International programs of assistance utilizing,

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providing for-(See S. 2847.)
Maintain prices-(See S. 3225.)

Launch vehicle, facilities for testing and related
work, use of funds for, report_.

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Reasonable and stable prices for-(See S. 2786.)
Reduce stock-(See S. 3225.)


Surplus, new uses, research program for-(See
S. Res. 415.)

Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations-

(See Intergovernmental Relations.)

Aeronautics-(See Civil Aeronautics Board.)

Aeronautics and Space-(See also National Aero-
nautics and Space.)

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Marketing, funds collected-(See S. 3021, S. 3022.)

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Agricultural Act of 1956-See S. 3006; H.R. 10788.)
Correct enrollment-See H. Con. Res. 493.)
Draft of proposed legislation.
Agricultural Act of 1961-(See S. 2688; H.R. 11413.)
Agricultural Adjustment Act-See S. 2670, S. 3022;
H.J. Res. 809.)

Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938-(See S. 3050,
S. 3151, S. 3398; S.J. Res. 201; H.R. 10594,
H.R. 11027, H.R. 12855.)

Agricultural Enabling Amendments Act of 1961-(See
H.R. 8842.)

Agricultural Marketing Act-See S. 2788; H.R. 10374.)
Draft of proposed legislation..

Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937-(See
S. 3021, S. 3022, S. 3278.)

Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of
1954 (See S. 2847, S. 3285.)

Agreements under-(See Department of Agricul-
ture-Foreign Agricultural Service Commu-
nications, etc.-Reports by, on-Agreements.)
Agriculture, Department of-See Department of

Agriculture (See also Smith-Lever Act of May 8,

Commission on the Revision of Federal Agricul-
tural Laws and Programs, establishing-(See
S.J. Res. 238.)

Experiment stations, provide additional facilities-
(See H.R. 12712.)

Federal Extension Service—

Funds, distribution of-(See H.R. 12589.)

Nonsurplus crops on diverted acreage, to permit
planting-See H R. 11413.)

Aguilar, Sgt. Ernest I.-(See H.R. 9128.)
Aid, foreign-See Foreign-Aid.)

Aikawa, Shunichi-See S. 2340.)

Aiken County Historical Commission, Aiken, S.C.,
property conveyance-(See S. 3703.)

Aiken, George D. (Senator from the State of Ver-

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Pollution (See Pollution-Air.)

Traffic control, retirement of employees-(See S.

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Air Products, Inc., Allentown, Pa., equipment construc-
tion, examination....

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Aircraft (See also Armed Forces-Aircraft.)

Accidents, investigation of—(see S. 962.)

International North Pacific Fisheries Com-
mission, resolution commending....


Roads, planning and construction, resolution

Loan guaranties-(See S. 2815; H.R. 10129.)

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Purchase, coinage of money commemorating the
anniversary—(See S. 3055.)

erning-(See S. 2773.)

Railroad safety rules, establishing for employees-
(See S. 3717.)

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Air Force, Department of the (See Department of
the Air Force.)

Airline strikes, outlaw jurisdictional—(See S. 3540.)
Airmail package rates to Army post offices overseas,

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Senators from-

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