"(f) An action to enjoin any nuisance defined in this section may be brought in the name of the District of Columbia by the Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia or any of his assistants in the Municipal Court for the District of Columbia against any person conducting or maintaining such nuisance or knowingly permitting such nuisance to be conducted or maintained. The rules of the Municipal Court for the District of Columbia relating to the granting of an injunction or restraining order shall be applicable with respect to actions brought under this subsection, except that the District as complaining party shall not be required to furnish bond or security. It shall not be necessary for the court to find the building, ground, premises, or place was being unlawfully used as aforesaid at the time of the hearing, but on finding that the material allegations of the complaint are true, the court shall enter an order restraining the defendant from keeping, possessing, selling, exhibiting, manufacturing, bartering, or giving away publications, pictures, films, recordings, or other things and devices forbidden by this section. When an injunction, either temporary or permanent, has been granted, it shall be binding on the defendant throughout the District of Columbia. Upon final judgment of the court ordering such nuisance to be abated, the court may order that the defendant, or anyone claiming under him, shall not occupy or use, for a period of one year thereafter, the building, ground, premises, or place upon which the nuisance existed, but the court may, in its discretion, permit the defendant to occupy or use the said building, ground, premises, or place, if the defendant shall give bond with sufficient security to be approved by the court, in the penal and liquidated sum of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000, payable to the District of Columbia, and conditioned that the acts prohibited by this section shall not be done or permitted to be done in or upon the buildings, grounds, premises, or place. On violation of such bond the whole sum may be recovered as a penalty in the name of and for the District of Columbia and shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia. "(g) In the case of the violation of any injunction, temporary or permanent, rendered pursuant to the provisions of this section, proceedings for punishment for contempt may be commenced by the Corporation Counsel, or any of his assistants, by filing with the court in the same case in which the injunction was issued a petition under oath setting out the alleged offense constituting the violation and serving a copy of said petition upon the defendant requiring him to appear and answer the same within ten days from the service thereof. The trial shall be promptly held and may be upon affidavits or either party may demand the production and oral examination of the witnesses. Any person found guilty of contempt under the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than twelve months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2. This Act shall not be considered as affecting the authority vested in the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Reorganization Plan Numbered 5 of 1952 (66 Stat. 824), and the performance of any function vested by said plan in the Board of Commissioners or in any office or agency under the jurisdiction and control of said Board of Commissioners shall continue to be subject to delegation by said Board of Commissioners in accordance with section 3 of such plan. Any function vested by this Act in any agency established pursuant to such plan shall be deemed to be vested in said Board of Commissioners and shall be subject to delegation in accordance with said plan. And the Senate agree to the same. VANCE HARTKE, BENJAMIN A. SMITH, Managers on the Part of the Senate. FERNAND J. ST. GERMAIN, Managers on the Part of the House. The Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and Resolved, That the Senate agree thereto. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. FLOOD CONTROL ACT OF 1962 On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 3773) authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes. The bill was amended on the motion of Mr. KERR, the motion of Mr. LONG of Hawaii (for himself and Mr. FONG), the motion of Mr. MCCLELLAN, the motion of Mr. YARBOROUGH, the motion of Mr. JORDAN of North Carolina. Pending debate, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its clerks: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11970) to promote the general welfare, foreign policy, and security of the United States through international trade agreements and through adjustment assistance to domestic industry, agriculture, and labor, and for other purposes. FLOOD CONTROL ACT OF 1962 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S. 3773) authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and har bors for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes. The bill was further amended on the motion of Mr. JOHNSTON (for himself and Mr. THURMOND) and the motion of Mr. RUSSELL (for himself and Mr. TALMADGE), jointly, inserting provisions for dams on the Savannah River. On motion by Mr. RUSSELL to reconsider the vote agreeing to his amendment, On motion by Mr. KERR, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVALS A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. Miller, his secretary: Mr. President: The President of the United States on October 3, 1962, approved the following acts and joint resolutions: S. 1291. An act to amend the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, as amended, to increase the fee charged for learners' permits; S. 2793. An act to amend the District of Columbia Columbia Traffic Traffic Act, 1925, as amended, to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to assess reasonable fees for the restoration of motor vehicle operators permits and operating privileges after suspension or revocation thereof; S. 2977. An act to amend the Life Insurance Act of the District of Columbia; S. 3358. An act to permit investment of funds of insurance companies organized within the District of Columbia in obligations of the Inter-American Development Bank; S.J. Res. 224. Joint resolution to authorize the President to order units and members in the Ready Reserve to active duty for not more than 12 months, and for other purposes; and S.J. Res. 230. Joint resolution expressing the determination of the United States with respect to the situation in Cuba. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. FLOOD CONTROL ACT OF 1962 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S. 3773) authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes. Pending debate, The bill was further amended on the motion of Mr. HARTKE. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. On motion by Mr. KERR, and by unanimous consent, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H.R. 13273) authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes; and having been amended on his motion by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the provisions of S. 3773, as amended, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time by unanimous consent. Resolved, That it pass. On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD to reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill, On motion by Mr. KERR, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. On motion by Mr. KERR, Resolved, That the Senate insist upon its amendment to the said bill and ask a conference with the House of Representatives thereon. Ordered, that the conferees on the part of the Senate be appointed by the Presiding Officer; and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. YARBOROUGH in the chair) appointed Mr. KERR, Mr. MCNAMARA, Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. COOPER, and Mr. FONG. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. Ordered, That the bill S. 3773 be postponed indefinitely. JANE FROMAN, GYPSY MARKOFF, AND JEAN ROSEN On motion of Mr. KEFAUVER, The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the bill (H.R. 12313) for the relief of Jane Froman, Gypsy Markoff, and Jane Rosen, heretofore received from the House of Representatives for concurrence, which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent. The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the said bill; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That it pass to a third read the United Nations to hold a World Food 3, and agree to the same with an amendCongress in the United States in 1963. The House has agreed to the report of the commitee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the House to the bill (S. 1552) to amend and supplement the laws with respect to the manufacture and distribution of drugs, and for other purposes. The House has agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (HR. 8140) to strengthen the criminal lawS relating to bribery, graft, and conflicts of interest, and for other purposes. The House has agreed to the amendment of the Senate to each of the following bills of the House; H.R. 10708. An act to amend section 203 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, with respect to communication service for the transmission of voice, sounds, signals, pictures, writing, or signs of all kinds through the use of electricity; and H.R. 12513. An act to provide for publice notice of settlements in patent interferences, and for other purposes. The House has receded from its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 1 and 6 to the bill (H.R. 12648) making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, and for other purposes, and agrees to the same; it has receded from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 2 to the said bill and agreed to the same with an amendment in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate; and it further insists upon its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 19, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54. CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 11970 Mr. BYRD of Virginia submitted the following conference report: The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11970) to promote the general welfare, foreign policy, and security of the United States through international trade agreements and through adjustment assistance to domestic industry, agriculture, and labor, and for other purposes, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: That the Senate recede from its amendments numbered 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 83, 85, and 91. That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 1, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, and 94, and agree to the same. Amendment numbered 3: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered ment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: world; and; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 4: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 4, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be stricken out by the Senate amendment insert the following: (3) to prevent Communist economic penetration. And the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 38: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 38, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: (3) notwithstanding any provision of any trade agreement under this Act and to the extent he deems necessary and appropriate, impose duties or other import restrictions on the products of any foreign country or instrumentality establishing or maintaining such foreign import restrictions against United States agricultural products, when he deems such duties and other import restrictions necessary and appropriate to prevent the establishment or obtain the removal of such foreign import restrictions and to provide access for United States agricultural products to the markets of such country or instrumentality on an equitable basis. And the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 49: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 49, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: into. and, when referring to a rate of duty. refers to the rate of duty (however established, and even though temporarily suspended by Act of Congress or otherwise) existing on such day.; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 51: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 51, and agree to the same with amendments as follows: Page 9, line 20, of the Senate engrossed amendments, strike out "section 350" and insert sections 323 and 350 Page 10, line 5, of the Senate engrossed amendments, after "United States" strike out the comma. Page 10 of the Senate engrossed amendments, strike out lines 7 to 22, inclusive, and in lieu thereof insert the following: "(2) The lowest preferential or nonpreferential rate of duty in rate column numbered 1 for each item in schedules 1 to 7, Inclusive, of the Tariff Schedules of the United States on the effective date provided in section 501 (a) of this Act shall be treated as the lowest preferential or nonpreferential rate of duty, respectively, existing on July 1, 1962; except that in the case of any such item included in a supplemental report made pursuant to section 101 (c) of this Act to reflect a change proclaimed by the President after July 1, 1962 (other than a change to which the United States was committed on July 1, 1962), the rate treated as the lowest nonpreferential rate of duty existing on July 1, 1962, shall be the rate which the Commission specifically declares in such supplemental report to be the rate which, in its judgment, conforms to the fullest extent practicable to the rate regarded as existing on July 1, 1962, under section 256(4) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. And the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 53: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 53, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: Page 12, lines 5 and 6, of the Senate engrossed amendments, strike out "on any fish in any form imported from such country into the United States," and insert in lieu thereof the following: on any fish (in any form) which is the product of such country,; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 55: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 55, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: Page 12, line 23, of the Senate engrossed amendments, strike out "or for the negotiation of an agreement under section 352"; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 70: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 70, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: Page 15, line 5, of the Senate engrossed amendments, strike out "such", and insert in lieu thereof interested; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 74: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 74, and agree to the same with amendments as follows: Page 42 of the House engrossed bill, strike out line 9 and all that follows through line 3 on page 43 and insert: (b) Effective with respect to net operating losses for taxable years ending after December 31, 1955, subsection (b) of section 172 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to net operating loss carrybacks and and carryovers) amended to read as follows: is "(b) Net Operating Loss Carrybacks and Carryovers. "(1) Years to which loss may be carried. "(A) (i) Except as provided in clause (ii), a net operating loss for any taxable year ending after December 31, 1957, shall be a net operating loss carryback to each of the 3 taxable years preceding the taxable year of such loss. "(ii) In the case of a taxpayer with respect to a taxable year ending on or after December 31, 1962, for which a certification has been issued under section 317 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, a net operating loss for such taxable year shall be a net operating loss carryback to each of the 5 taxable years preceding the taxable year of such loss. "(B) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), a net operating loss for any taxable year ending after December 31, 1955, shall be a net operating loss carryover to each of the 5 taxable years following the taxable year of such loss. "(C) In the case of a taxpayer which is a regulated transportation corporation (as defined in subsection (j) (1)), a net operating loss for any taxable year ending after December 31, 1955, shall (except as provided in subsection (j)) be a net operating loss carryover to each of the 7 taxable years following the taxable year of such loss. Page 43, line 5, of the House engrossed bill, strike out "subsection (i)," and insert subsections (i) and (j), Page 44, line 2, of the House engrossed bill, strike out "(1) (B)" and insert (1) (A) (ii) Page 44, line 25, of the House engrossed bill, strike out "(1) (B)" and insert (1) (A) (ii) And the Senate agreed to the same. Amendment numbered 82: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 82, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: or, if the article is dutiable but no rate existed on July 1, 1934, the rate existing at the time of the proclamation,; and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 84: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 84, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: 4 years (or, in the case of any such in"crease or imposition proclaimed pursuant to such section 7, 5 years); and the Senate agree to the same. Amendment numbered 88: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 88, and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: The conference report was agreed to. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. INCOME TAX TREATMENT OF TERMINAL RAILROAD CORPORATIONS AND THEIR SHAREHOLDERS On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (HR. 12599) relating to the income tax treatment of terminal railroad corporations and their shareholders; and the reported amendments to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An Act relating to the income tax treatment of terminal railroad corporations and their shareholders, and for other purposes." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. FEDERAL AID HIGHWAY ACT OF 1962 On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H.R. 12135) to authorize appropriations for the fiscal years 1964 and 1965 for the construction of certain highways in accordance with title 23 of the United States Code and for other purposes. Pending debate, On motion by Mr. MCNAMARA, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the committee amendments be agreed to en bloc and that the bill as amended be considered as original text for the purpose of amendment. Pending debate, VACCINATION PROGRAMS On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, 72100-S J-87-2-47 The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (HR. 10541) to assist States and communities to carry out intensive vaccination programs designed to protect their populations, particularly all preschool children against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus; and no amendment being made. Ordered, That it pass to a third read ing. School Lunch Act, and for other pur- signia which reasonably tends to convey poses. The Speaker of the House having signed 60 enrolled bills, viz, S. 136, S. 320, S. 453, S. 689, S. 1263, S. 1651, S. 1999, S. 2568, S. 2667, S. 2687, S. 2690, S. 2697, S. 2711, S. 2753, S. 2777, S. 2795, S. 2836, S. 2902, S. 2908, S. 2922, S. 2950, S. 2992, S. 3085, S. 3265, S. 3267, S. 3275, S. 3295, S. 3336, S. 3390, S. 3452, S. 3504, S. 3557, The said bill was read the third time. S. 3600, H.R. 946. H.R. 1362, H.R. 1483, Ordered. That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its clerks: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed without amendment the bill (S. 3631) to amend title 13, United States Code, to preserve the confidential nature of copies of reports filed with the Bureau of the Census on a confidential basis. The House has disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 5700) to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to permit the designation of certain carriers as carriers of bonded merchandise; it asks a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and has appointed Mr. MILLS, Mr. KING of California, Mr. BOGGS, Mr. MASON, and Mr. BYRNES of Wisconsin, managers at the same on its part. The House has disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 8952) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to the conditions under which the special constructive sale price rule is to apply for purposes of certain manufacturers excise taxes; it asks a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and has appointed Mr. MILLS, Mr. KING of California, Mr. BOGGS, Mr. MASON, and Mr. BYRNES of Wisconsin managers at the same. The House insists upon its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 7927) to adjust postal rates, and for other purposes; it asks further conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon and has appointed Mr. MURRAY, Mr. MORRISON and Mr. CORBETT managers at the same. The House has agreed to the amendments of the Senate to each of the following bills of the House: H.R. 1691. An act for the relief of Elaine Veronica Brathwaite; and H.R. 10605. An act for the relief of Joan Rosa Orr. The House has agreed to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 12402) for the relief of Concetta Maria, Rosetta, and Tomasino Mangiaracina. The House has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11665) to revise the formula for apportioning cash assistance funds among the States under the National H.R. 1598, H.R. 2978, H.R. 4483, H.R. 5695, H.R. 6987, H.R. 7600, H.R. 7617, H.R. 7876, H.R. 8855, H.R. 9469, H.R. 9491, H.R. 9590, H.R. 9737, H.R. 10316, H.R. 10897. H.R. 11552, H.R. 11594, H.R. 11678, H.R. 11732, H.R. 12080, H.R. 12092, H.R. 12093, H.R. 12451, and H.R. 12653, I am directed to bring the same to the Senate for the signature of its President. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED The Secretary reported that he had examined and found truly enrolled the following bills: S. 136. An act for the relief of Dinko Dorcic: S. 320. An act to amend the provisions contained in part II of the Interstate Commerce Act concerning registration of State certificates whereby a common carrier by motor vehicle may engage in interstate and foreign commerce with a State: the impression that any such agency is an agency of the government of the District of Columbia; S. 2836. An act for the relief of Carmelo Rafala: S. 2902. An act for the relief of Sumiko Takahashi; S. 2908. An act for the relief of Rosa Fumarola Balice; S. 2922. An act for the relief of Raymond Chester Hendon; S. 2950. An act for the relief of Dwijendra Kumar Misra: S. 2992. An act for the relief of MIchelangelo Comito (Nati); S. 3085. An act for the relief of Paul Huygelen and Luba A. Huygelen; S. 3265. An act for the relief of Respina Anastos (Psyhopeda); S. 3267. An act for the relief of Gunter Heinz Hillebrand; S. 3275. An act for the relief of Anna Sciamanna Misticoni; S. 3295. An act for the relief of Mathew Lengyel (also known as Brother Paul, S.V.D.); S. 3336. An act for the relief of Lazaro Loyola Arinque, Jr.; S. 3390. An act for the relief of Naife Kahl: S. 3452. An act for the relief of Dr. Hassan M. Nouri; S. 3504. An act to provide for alternate S. 453. An act for the relief of Robert representation of secretary officers on J. Scanlan; S. 689. An act for the relief of Karl Heinz Agar; S. 1263. An act for the relief of Marie Margaret Arvanetes; S. 1651. An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to delegate the function of approving contracts not exceeding $100,000; S. 1999. An act for the relief of Anna Marie Erdelyi; S. 2568. An act to amend the act of September 7, 1950, to extend the regulatory authority of the Federal and State agencies concerned under the terms of the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, signed at Washington, May 31, 1949, and for other purposes; S. 2667. An act for the relief of Sebastiana Santoro; S. 2687. An act for the relief of Robert D. Barbee; S. 2690. An act for the relief of Mona McIsaac Downey: S. 2697. An act to waive certain time limitations prescribed in chapters 33 and 35 of title 38, United States Code, in the case of certain veterans and eligible persons ordered to active duty with the Armed Forces, or whose period of duty with the Armed Forces was involuntarily extended, on or after August 1, 1961; S. 2711. An act for the relief of Tasia Demetropoulou (Dimitropoulos); S. 2753. An act for the relief of Duk Man Lee and Soon Mal Lee; S. 2777. An act for the relief of Arild Ericksen Sandli; S. 2795. An act to prohibit the use by collecting agencies and private detective agencies of any name, emblem, or in the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, and for other purposes: S. 3557. An act for the relief of Betty Sandra Fagann; S. 3600. An act for the relief of Chao Hua-Hsih; H.R. 946. An act to extend to oyster planters the benefits of the provisions of the present law which provide for production disaster loans for farmers and stockmen: H.R. 1362. An act for the relief of Calogera Virone Messina; H.R. 1483. An act for the relief of Priscillo Jose Sisson and Evelyn Sisson; H.R. 1598. An act for the relief of Michael Anthony Dedetsinas; H.R. 2978. An act for the relief of Rosa and Rita Quattrocchi; H.R. 4483. An act for the relief of Simon Karasick; H.R. 5695. An act for the relief of Forrest L. Gibson; H.R. 6987. An act for the relief of Maj. William R. Cook; H.R. 7600. An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to revise the effective date provisions relating to awards, and for other purposes; H.R. 7617. An act for the relief of John W. Schleiger; H.R. 7876. An act relating to the effective date of the qualification of the joint pension plan for employees of Local Unions 645, 1507, and 1511, Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America as a qualified trust under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; H.R. 8855. An act for the relief of Marie Silvia Arruda; H.R. 9469. An act of the relief of Charles L. Kays; H.R. 9491. An act to provide for the removal of an encumbrance on the title of certain real property heretofore conveyed to the board of education of the Vallejo School District, Vallejo, Calif., by the U.S. Housing Corporation; H.R. 9590. An act for the relief of Lt. Col. Edward Hirsch; H.R. 9737. An act to amend section 641 of title 38, United States Code, to provide that deductions shall not be made from Federal payments to a State home because of amounts collected from the estates of deceased veterans and used for recreational or other purposes not required by State laws, and to amend chapter 35 of such title in order to afford educational assistance in certain cases beyond the age limitations prescribed in such chapter; H.R. 10316. An act for the relief of Leopoldo Rocha Canas and Teofilo Caoile Servito; H.R. 10897. An act for the relief of Joseph Hammond; H.R. 11552. An act for the relief of Henry E. Keiser; H.R. 11594. An act to extend for 2 years the period for which payments in lieu of taxes may be made with respect to certain real property transferred by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its subsidiaries to other Government departments; H.R. 11678. An act to waive section 142 of title 28, United States Code, with respect to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, holding court at Akron, Ohio; H.R. 11732. An act to amend section 305 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended; H.R. 12080. An act to permit domestic banks to pay interest on time deposits of foreign governments at rates differing from those applicable to domestic depositors; H.R. 12092. An act for the relief of Arthur H. Brackbill; H.R. 12093. An act for the relief of Joseph Wolf, Jr.; H.R. 12451. An act to authorize reimbursement to appropriations of the U.S. Secret Service of moneys expended for the purchase of counterfeits; and H.R. 12653. An act to amend the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961 in order to increase the limitation on the amount of loans which may be insured under subtitle A of such act. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore thereupon signed the same. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Mr. RUSSELL, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported a joint resolution (S.J. Res. 234) making continuing appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and the Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year 1963, and submitted a report (No. 2777) thereon; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent. The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the said joint resolution; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said joint resolution was read the third time by unanimous consent. Resolved, That it pass and the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. On motion by Mr. RUSSELL to reconsider the vote on the passage of the joint resolution, On motion by Mr. BARTLETT, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY ACT OF 1962 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H.R. 12135) to authorize appropriations for the fiscal years 1964 and 1965 for the construction of certain highways in accordance with title 23 of the United States Code and for other purposes. The bill was further amended on the motion of Mr. BARTLETT. POSTAL SERVICE AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES SALARY ACT OF 1962 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SMITH of Massachusetts in the chair) laid before the Senate the message this day received from the House of Representatives, announcing its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 7927) to adjust postal rates, and for other purposes, and asking a further conference with the Senate thereon. On motion by Mr. JOHNSTON, Resolved, That the Senate further insist upon its amendment to the said bill, disagreed to by the House of Representatives, and agree to the further conference asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. Ordered, That the conferees on the part of the Senate be appointed by the Presiding Officer; and The PRESIDING OFFICER appointed Mr. JOHNSTON, Mr. MONRONEY, and Mr. CARLSON. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. DR. MEHMET VECIHI KALAYCIOGLU The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the message heretofore received from the House of Representatives, announcing its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 12907) for the relief of Dr. Mehmet Vecihi Kalaycioglu, and asking a conference with the Senate thereon. On motion by Mr. KEATING, Resolved, That the Senate insist upon its amendment to the said bill, disagreed to by the House of Representatives, and agree to the conference asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. Ordered, That the conferees on the part of the Senate be appointed by the Presiding Officer; and The PRESIDING OFFICER appointed Mr. EASTLAND, Mr. ERVIN, Mr. DIRKSEN, and Mr. KEATING. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 10129 Mr. MONRONEY submitted the following conference report: The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 10129) to amend the act of September 7, 1957, relating to aircraft loan guarantees, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend to their respective Houses, as follows: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: That subsection (a) of section 2 of the Act of September 7, 1957 (Public Law 85-307; 71 Stat 629), is amended to read as follows: "(a) 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Commerce." Sec. 2. Section 3 of such Act of September 7, 1957, is amended (1) by striking out "Board" the first place it appears in the first sentence of such section 3 and inserting in lieu thereof "Secretary"; (2) by inserting "Civil Aeronautics" immediately preceding "Board" the second place it appears in such first sentence; (3) by striking out the term “United States" each place it appears in clause (c) of such first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof in each such place "forty-eight contiguous States"; and (4) by striking out "Board" where it appears in the second sentence of such section 3 and inserting in lieu thereof "Secretary". Sec. 3. Section 4 of such Act of September 7, 1957, is amended (1) by striking out "$5,000,000" in subsection (d) and inserting in lieu thereof $10,000,000"; and (2) by striking out "Board" in subsections (e) and (f) and inserting in lieu thereof in each of such subsections "Secretary". Sec. 4. Section 5 of such Act of September 7, 1957, is amended by striking out "Board" and inserting in lieu thereof "Secretary”. Sec. 5. (a) Subsection (a) of section 6 of such Act of September 7, 1957, is amended (1) by striking out "it" the first place it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "him"; (2) by striking out "it" the second place it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "he"; and (3) by striking out "Board" and inserting in lieu thereof "Secretary". (b) Section 6 of such Act of September 7, 1957, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(c) The Secretary shall make available to the Comptroller General of the United Statees such information with respect to the loan guaranty program under this Act as the Comptroller General may require to carry out his duties |