ious departments and agencies of the Government, recommended for disposition, which appear to have no permanent value or historical interest; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to a Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of Papers in the Executive Department; and The PRESIDENT pro tempore appointed Mr. JOHNSTON and Mr. CARLSON as members of the committee on the part of the Senate. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. PETITIONS AND MEMORIAL The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of California favoring Federal funds for construction of the highway between San Jose and Patterson; to the Committee on Public Works. A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island favoring the enactment of legislation granting repayment of funds made available during the 1958 program for unemployment compensation by a uniform tax on all employers in all jurisdictions or by cancellation of said funds; to the Committee on Finance. A memorial of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, in convention at Lakewood, N.J., remonstrating against certain statements by the Attorney General relative to mistreatment of criminals by police; to the Committee on the Judiciary. INTRODUCTION OF BILL Mr. KEFAUVER (for himself and Mr. GORE) introduced a bill (S. 3206) to authorize and direct the Atomic Energy Commission to convey to the city of Oak Ridge certain real property for the establishment of a public park at Oak Ridge, Tenn.; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent and referred to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Mr. HUMPHREY, at 12 o'clock and 27 minutes p.m., The Senate adjourned. TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1962 The PRESIDENT pro tempore called the Senate to order, and the Chaplain offered prayer. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, The reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, April 23, 1962, was dispensed with. COMMITTEES AUTHORIZED TO SIT The Committee on Finance and the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary were authorized to sit today during the session of the Senate, on the request of Mr. MANSFIELD. MEDICAL STOCKPILE OF CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report for the quarter ended March 31, 1962, of actual procurement receipts for medical stockpile of civil defense emergency supplies and equipment; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. AIR FORCE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS WITHOUT FORMAL ADVERTISING The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Air Force, transmitting, pursuant to law, a semiannual report for the period ended December 31, 1961, of military construction contracts awarded by the Department of the Air Force without formal advertising; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. FACILITATE THE WORK OF FOREST SERVICE The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to facilitate the work of the Forest Service; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. MILITARY PRIME CONTRACTS WITH BUSINESS FIRMS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics), transmitting, pursuant to law, a report covering the period July 1, 1961, to February 1962, on Army, Navy, and Air Force on military prime contracts with small and large business firms for experimental, developmental, test, and research work in the United States; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency. REPORT OF AVIATION WAR RISK INSURANCE The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Acting Secretary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report for the quarter ended March 31, 1962, of the activities under title XIII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to provide aviation war risk insurance; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. REPORT OF REVIEW OF PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN MAJOR SHIPBOARD EQUIPMENT The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Comptroller General of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the review of the procurement of certain major shipboard equipment by the Bureau of Ships, Department of the Navy; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. AMENDMENT OF LAW RELATING TO PERSONAL PROPERTY COMING INTO CUSTODY OF POLICE DEPARTMENT The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend provisions of law relating to personal property coming into the custody of the property clerk, Metropolitan Police Department; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. AUDIT REPORT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Comptroller General of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, an audit report of the Government Printing Office for fiscal year 1961; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. PETITIONS AND MEMORIAL The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: Concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of the State of California, as follows: A concurrent resolution favoring the establishment of a Youth Conservation Corps; and A concurrent resolution favoring Federal funds to subsidize able foreign students attending State institutions of higher learning in the United States; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. A memorial of the City Council of Pittsburg, Calif., remonstrating against any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States which would result in a tax on the income from interest on local or State bonds; to the Committee on the Judiciary. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. DIRKSEN: S. 3207. A bill to provide for the expansion of the national cemetery at Alton, Ill.; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. MCNAMARA: S. 3208. A bill to provide for assistance to States in the promotion, establishment, and maintenance of safe workplaces and work practices, thereby reducing human suffering and financial loss and increasing production through safeguarding available manpower; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. JAMES M. NORMAN Morning business being concluded and so announced by the President pro tempore, Mr. MANSFIELD submitted a unanimous consent request that the Senate resume the consideration of its unfin 72100-SJ-87-2-15 mittee on Armed Services, the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monoply of the Committee on the Judiciary, the Subcommittee on Housing of the Committee on Banking and Currency, and the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation of the Committee on Commerce; on the request of Mr. DIRKSEN. IMPROVEMENTS OF FISCAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRACTICES OF THE BUREAU OF STANDARDS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend the act of March 3, 1901, to incorporate in the Organic Act of the National Bureau of Standards the authority to make certain improvements of fiscal and administrative practices for more effective conduct of its research and development activities; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND TRAILS FOR THE NATIONAL FORESTS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to construct and maintain an adequate system of roads and trails for the national forests; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Public Works. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Mr. CHAVEZ, from the Committee on Public Works, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2965) to provide standby authority to accelerate public works programs of the Federal Government and State and local public bodies, reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 1358) thereon, together with minority views, additional views of Mr. PROUTY. individual views of Mr. GRUENING and of Mr. MILLER, and supplemental views of Mr. COOPER, Mr. BOGGS, and Mr. FONG; which were ordered to be printed. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT Bills and joint resolutions were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. DIRKSEN (for Mr. Hick- By Mr. HART: S. 3214. A bill for the relief of Modesta Alzate Ogoy; and S. 3215. A bill for the relief of Kim Chong Koo; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HARTKE: S. 3216. A bill to repeal section 13a of the Interstate Commerce Act; to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. BUSH: S. 3217. A bill to provide Federal assistance for the establishment, expansion, and improvement of programs of technical education at the college level; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. By Mr. CASE of New Jersey: S. 3218. A bill to require compliance with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act in the performance of lease and lease-purchase agreements entered into by the Post Office Department, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. CLARK: S. 3219. A bill to amend the Civil Service Retirement Act to provide that annuities payable for disability retirement shall be 60 percent of the average salary, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. CARLSON: S. 3220. A bill to provide for the establishment of Fort Larned as a national historic site, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. DIRKSEN: S.J. Res. 180. Joint resolution to provide wartime benefits for members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are subjected to hostilities in any foreign country, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. KEFAUVER (for himself and Mr. DODD): S.J. Res. 181. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for representation of the District of Columbia in the Congress; to the Committee on the Judiciary. JAMES M. NORMAN On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate resumed the consideration S. 3209. A bill for the relief of Norma of its unfinished business, viz, the bill T. Sadumiano; S. 3210. A bill for the relief of Alicia A. Basco; and S. 3211. A bill for the relief of Elena A. Basco; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CASE of South Dakota: S. 3212. A bill to amend subsection (c) of section 303 of the Communications Act of 1934, with respect to the hours of operation of certain broadcasting stations; to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. JACKSON: S. 3213. A bill for the relief of Jette Lee Luellen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (H.R. 1361) for the relief of James M. Norman. THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962 Mr. E. L. BARTLETT, from the State of Alaska, called the Senate to order, and the Chaplain offered prayer. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE The Secretary read the following communication from the President pro tempore: U.S. SENATE, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, D.C., April 26, 1962. To the Senate: Being temporarily absent from the Senate, I appoint Hon. E. L. BARTLETT, a Senator from the State of Alaska, to perform the duties of the Chair during my absence. CARL HAYDEN, President pro tempore. Mr. BARTLETT thereupon took the chair. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, The reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, April 25, 1962, was dispensed with. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FACILITIES AT LIQUID ROCKET PLANT NEAR SACRAMENTO, CALIF. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Deputy Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the construction of new facilities and the procurement and installation of equipment at the Aerojet General-owned liquid rocket plant near Sacramento, Calif.; which was referred to the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. EXTENSION OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF FEDERAL AND STATE AGENCIES UNDER TERMS OF INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISSION The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of State, transmitting proposed changes in a bill submitted September 14, 1961 (S. 2568), to amend the act of September 7, 1950, to extend the regulatory authority of the Federal and State agencies concerned under the terms of the Convention for the Establishment of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, signed at Washington, May 31, 1949; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. PETITION The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a resolution of the City Council of Whitehall, Ohio, favoring the enactment of legislation which would permit public employees to be covered by the Federal Social Security Act as self-employed persons; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Mr. SALTONSTALL, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 175) authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to receive for instruction at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis two citizens and subjects of the kingdom of Belgium, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1359) thereon. Mr. BARTLETT, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 129) authorizing the Secretary of the Air Force to admit a citizen of the kingdom of Thailand to the U.S. Air Force Academy, reported it without amendment and submitted a report a report (No. 1360) thereon. Mr. ENGLE, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 9752) to authorize the Secretary of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, and Air Force equipment and to provide transportation and other services to the Boy Scouts of America in connection with the World Jamboree of Boy Scouts to be held in Greece in 1963, and for other purposes, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1361) thereon. Mr. ENGLE, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2719) to authorize the Secretary of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, and Air Force equipment and to provide transportation and other services to the Boy Scouts of America in connection with the World Jamboree of Boy Scouts to be held in Greece in 1963, and for other purposes, reported it with an amendment and submitted a report (No. 1362) thereon. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. JOHNSTON: S. 3221. A bill to provide for the exchange of certain lands in Puerto Rico; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. McCARTHY: S. 3222. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to extend the head of household benefits to all unremarried widows and widowers and to all individuals who have attained age 35 and who have never been married or who have been separated or divorced for 3 years or more; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. CAPEHART: S. 3223. A bill for the relief of Haralambos Mavritsakis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ERVIN (for himself and S. 3224. A bill to declare that the United States holds certain lands on the Eastern Cherokee Reservation in trust for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION CREATING THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS Mr. CAPEHART submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 333); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration: Resolved, That S. Res. 58, Eighty-first Congress, agreed to February 20, 1950, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "That there is hereby created a select committee to be known as the Committee on Small Business, to consist of seventeen Senators to be appointed in the same manner and at the same time as the chairman and members of the standing committees of the Senate at the beginning of each Congress, and to which shall be referred all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating to the problems of American small-business enterprises. "It shall be the duty of such committee to study and survey by means of research and investigation all problems of American small-business enterprises, and to obtain all facts possible in relation thereto which would not only be of public interest, but which would aid the Congress in enacting remedial legislation. "Such committee shall from time to time report to the Senate, by bill or otherwise, its recommendations with respect to matters referred to the committee or otherwise within its jurisdiction." SEC. 2. Subsection (d) of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate is amended by striking out in paragraph 2 the words "under this rule". JAMES M. NORMAN The Senate, by unanimous consent, resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the bill (H.R. 1361) for the relief of James M. Norman. The question being on agreeing to the amendment yesterday proposed by Mr. MANSFIELD (for himself and Mr. DIRKSEN) as a substitute for the bill, Pending debate, ADJOURNMENT On motion by Mr. HUMPHREY, at 6 o'clock and 15 minutes p.m., The Senate adjourned. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1962 The VICE PRESIDENT called the Senate to order, and the Chaplain offered prayer. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, The reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, April 26, 1962, was dispensed with. EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business; and after the consideration of executive business, LEGISLATIVE SESSION The Senate resumed its legislative session. REPORT OF REPROGRAMING ACTIONS BY THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Administrator of National Aeronautics and Space Administration, transmitting, pur suant to law, a report of four reprograming actions by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as follows: Modifications to Titan I launch complex at Atlantic Missile Range; Modifications to the Michoud plant; Hydrostatic test and cleaning facility, Michoud plant; and Vertical assembly building, Michoud plant. Ordered, That the communication be referred to the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 510 AND 591 OF REPORT OF PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Administrator of General Services Administration, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the proposed disposition of approximately 5 million pounds of molybdenum now held in the national stockpile; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. FEDERAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CIVIL DEFENSE The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate two communications from the Assistant Secretary of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to law, the quarterly reports of contributions to the States (including territories and possessions) for civil defense purposes for the quarters ended December 31, 1961, and March 31, 1962, respectively; which, with the accompanying papers, were referred to the Committee on Armed Services. OVEROBLIGATION OF APPROPRIATION IN EXCESS OF APPROVED APPORTIONMENTS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to law, 17 reports of 17 violations of regulations by incurring obligations in excess of approved apportionment of appropriations within the Department of Defense; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. OFFICERS OF AIR force assigned TO PERMANENT DUTY AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Air Force, transmitting. pursuant to law, a report of the number of officers assigned or detailed to permanent duty in the executive element of the Air Force at the seat of government for the quarter ended March 31, 1962: which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. SURANCE AND CERTAIN MARINE AND LIABILITY INSURANCE REPORT OF ACTIVITIES UNDER WAR RISK IN- proposed legislation to amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to provide for a Federal telecommunications fund; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, a quarterly report of the activities of the Department of Commerce under the act providing war risk insurance and certain marine and liability insurance for the period ended March 31, 1962; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. AMENDMENT OF MERCHANT MARINE ACT OF 1936 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Acting Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, to authorize investment of the war risk insurance fund in securities of, or guaranteed by, the United States; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF THE SPREAD OF COMMUNICABLE AND PREVENTABLE DISEASES The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend the act entitled "An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make regulations to prevent and control the spread of communicable and preventable diseases," approved August 11, 1939; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. REPORT OF REVIEW OF SELECTED ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY PROGRAM IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Comptroller General of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the review of selected activities of the Federal-aid highway program in the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Commerce: which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. REPORT OF REVIEW OF FEE ARRANGEMENTS WITH LENDING INSTITUTIONS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Comptroller General of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the review of fee arrangements with lending institutions, Small Business Administration; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Administrator of General Services Administration, transmitting a draft of REPORT OF APPLICATION FOR LOAN UNDER SMALL RECLAMATION ACT OF 1956 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of an application for a loan under the provisions of the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 for the BantaCarbona Irrigation District of San Joaquin County, Calif.; which was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. RELIEF OF D. C. JENSEN AND B. E. WOOLNER The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of State, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation for the relief of Don C. Jensen and Bruce E. Woolner, employees of the US. Foreign Service: which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. TEMPORARY ADMISSION OF CERTAIN ALIENS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of certain aliens granted temporary admission into the United States under the authority of section 212(d)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 26th annual report of the Board for the fiscal year 1961; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. PETITIONS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: Concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts, as follows: A concurrent resolution favoring equal legal rights for women; to the Committee on the Judiciary; A concurrent resolution favoring the establishment of a Civilian Conservation Corps; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; and A concurrent resolution favoring nancial aid to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for purification of the waters of the Merrimack River; to the Committee on Public Works Mr. SALTONSTALL (for himself and Mr. SMITH of Massachusetts) presented concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts, identical with the foregoing, respectively; which were referred to the committees as indicated. Resolutions of the Governor's meeting of 12 of the Atlantic Seaboard States, in convention at Trenton, N.J., as follows: A resolution favoring appropriations for the construction of permanent adequate shoreline protection facilities with State financial participation along the coastline of the several States; to the Committee on Appropriations; A resolution favoring passage of Senate bill 3066, providing financial assistance to those suffering property losses in flood disasters; to the Committee on Banking and Currency; and A resolution favoring passage of Senate bill 543, providing shoreline preservation and conservation; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. CHAVEZ, from the Committee on Public Works, to whom were referred the following bill and joint resolution, reported them each without amendment and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 2806. A bill to amend the act entitled "An act to provide better facilities for the enforcement of the customs and immigration laws," to increase the amounts authorized to be expended (Rept. No. 1366); and S.J. Res. 137. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of Commerce, in cooperation with the State of Alaska, to undertake studies and surveys relative to a highway construction program for Alaska, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1371). Mr. CHAVEZ, from the Committee on Public Works, to whom were referred the following bills, reported them each with an amendment and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 3099. A bill to authorize an adequate White House Police force, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1367); S. 3156. A bill to amend section 142 of title 28, United States Code, with regard to furnishing court quarters and accommodations at places where regular terms of court are authorized to be held, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1369); S. 3157. A bill to repeal subsection (a) of section 8 of the Public Buildings Act of 1959, limiting the area in the District of Columbia within which sites for public buildings may be acquired (Rept. No. 1370); and H.R. 8355. An act to authorize executive agencies to grant easements in, over, or upon real property of the United States under the control of such agencies, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1364). Mr. CHAVEZ, from the Committee on Public Works, to whom was referred the bill (S. 3123) to provide an office building for the Housing and Home Finance Agency, reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 1368) thereon. Mr. JOHNSTON, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted a report (No. 1363) entitled "Trading With the Enemy Act," pursuant to Senate Resolution 60 (87th Cong., 1st sess.), as extended, together with the individual views of Mr. KEATING; which was ordered to be printed. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. PASTORE: S. 3226. A bill for the relief of Anthony F. Bernardo and Ambrose A. Cerrito; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. KEATING: S. 3227. A bill for the relief of Young Wai; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. ELLENDER, from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, submitted a report (No. 1365), accompanied by a bill (S. 3225) to improve and protect farm income, to reduce costs of farm programs to the Federal Government, to reduce the Federal Government's excessive stocks of agricultural commodities, to maintain reasonable and stable prices of agricultural commodities and products to consumers, to provide adequate supplies of agricultural commodities for domestic and foreign needs, to conserve national resources, and for other purposes, which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent and ordered to be placed on the calendar. Ordered, by unanimous consent, That the supplemental views on the said bill by Mr. HART, Mr. MCCARTHY, Mr. YOUNG of Ohio, and Mrs. NEUBERGER be printed. TO PRINT AS A SENATE DOCUMENT A LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF H.R. 6775, 87TH CONGRESS Mr. ENGLE submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 334); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration: Resolved, That a compilation of materials constituting a legislative history of H.R. 6775 of the 87th Congress (a bill to amend the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, to provide for the operation of steamship conferences) be printed as a Senate document, and that there be printed two thousand additional copies of such document for the use of the Senate Committee on Commerce. JAMES M. NORMAN The Senate, by unanimous consent, resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the bill (H.R. 1361) for the relief of James M. Norman. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. MANSFIELD (for himself and Mr. DIRKSEN) as a substitute for the bill, Pending debate, IMPOSITION OF FORFEITURES FOR CERTAIN VIOLATIONS OF RULES OF FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. JORDAN in the chair) laid before the Senate the amendment heretofore received from the House of Representatives for con On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, April 27, 1962, was approved. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVALS A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. Miller, his secretary: Mr. President: The President of the United States on April 27, 1962, approved and signed the following acts and joint resolution: S. 505. An act for the relief of Seymour Robertson; S. 508. An act for the relief of John E. Beaman and Adelaide K. Beaman; S. 683. An act to amend the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, by eliminating the requirement of an oath or affirmation on certain documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission; S. 704. An act for the relief of Marylys E. Tedin and Elizabeth O. Reynolds; S. 1057. An act to provide for a National Portrait Gallery as a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution; S. 1371. An act to amend subsection (e) of section 307 of the Communica |