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A Proclamation by the Governor, declaring that he has filed certain Bills in
the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, with

his objections thereto





The amendatory statutes passed at the recent session of the General Assembly are printed in the Pamphlet Laws in the form prescribed by the Act of March 16, 1923. In accordance with the provisions of that act the words, phrases or provisions stricken out or eliminated from the former law by the adoption of the amendment are enclosed between brackets ( ), and all new words, phrases or provisions inserted into or added to the law by the passage of the amendment are printed in ITALICS.

The reader, therefore, in order to ascertain the correct meaning, status and interpretation of the law as changed by the amendatory statute, should omit the words, phrases or provisions within brackets, and should read and interpret, as part of the new statute, the words, phrases or provisions printed in italics. The matter in brackets has been retained for the sole purpose of enabling the reader to discern more readily the changes made in the former law, and to compare it with the law as enacted.

Chanti demon

Secretary of the Commonwealth





No. 1


Providing for an additional associate judge of the separate Orphans' Court of the County of Philadelphia.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be the duty of the Governor to appoint a competent person, learned in the law, to be associate judge of the separate Orphans' Court of the County of Philadelphia, in addition to the judges now composing said court, who shall hold his office until the first Monday of January next succeeding the first municipal election which shall occur after the passage of this act, and who shall have the same powers, authority, and jurisdiction and shall receive the same compensation as the other judges of said court.


Judge of the Orphans' Philadelphia.

Section 2. That at the next municipal election which shall occur after the passage of this act, and thereafter at such time and times as may be prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, the qualified electors of the County of Philadelphia shall elect a competent person, learned in the law, to serve as associate judge of the said court, who shall be commissioned and hold his office for the term as now provided by law, and shall have the same powers, authority, and jurisdiction, and shall receive the same compensation as the other judges of the said court are now paid.

Election of.

Powers, authority and jurisdiction.

APPROVED-The 24th day of February, A. D. 1927.

No. 2


Authorizing the judges of the courts of common pleas and orphans' courts, in counties of the fourth class, to employ stenographers, typists, and clerks to facilitate the business of the courts, and to provide for the payment of their compensation by the county.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That to facilitate the labors of the judges of the courts of common pleas and orphans' courts, in counties of the fourth class in


Counties of fourth

Common pleas and

orphans' courts.

this Commonwealth, in the disposition of the business of the various courts, the said judges are hereby Clerical assistance. authorized to employ the help of stenographers, typists, and other clerks, and fix their compensation: Provided, That the cost of such help shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum for each of said judges.


Certification to commissioners.

The fact of the appointment of any stenographer, typists, or clerk, under the provisions of this act, shall be certified, by the judge making such appointment, to the county commissioners, together with the comPayment of sal- pensation fixed for such appointee; and the compensation of said stenographers, typists, and clerks shall be paid by the county out of the county treasurer, in the same manner as county officers are paid.



Section 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed; but nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal the act, approved the

Act of April 17, seventeenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred

1893 (P. L. 21), not repealed.

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and ninety-three (Pamphlet Laws, twenty-one), entitled "An act to facilitate the labors of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county in which the seat of government is or may be located, in the disposition of the business of the Commonwealth, by providing suitable clerical assistance," or its amendments; nor the act of the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seven (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred thirty-five), entitled "An act relating to the appointment of stenographers and assistant stenographers to report proceedings in the several courts of common pleas, and orphans' courts, courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, and courts of quarter sessions of the peace, of this Commonwealth, as well as before commissioners, masters, and special masters in chancery, referees, examiners, auditors, and other officers; prescribing their powers and duties, and when such reports shall be evidence of the facts reported; prescribing their compensation and allowances for expenses, when the same shall be paid by the county wherein such stenographers or assistant stenographers are employed, and when by the parties to such proceedings; and repealing an act, entitled 'An act directing the appointment of official stenographers in the several civil courts of this Commonwealth; authorizing the appointment of stenographers by examiners, masters, referees, commissioners, and auditors; authorizing the appointment of assistant stenographers; repealing 'An act to authorize the appointment of stenographers in the several courts of this Commonwealth, prescribing their duties and fixing their compensation,' approved May fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four; repealing 'An act to authorize the appointment of stenographers in the several courts

of this Commonwealth, prescribing their duties and fixing their compensation,' approved May eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and repealing An act defining the duty of court stenographers in the several counties in this State,' approved June tenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one,' approved the twenty-fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven; but such repeal not to revive any law repealed by the said act of twenty-fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven;" nor the act, approved the eleventh day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred and sixty-one), entitled "An act amending the second section of an act, approved the first day of May, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and seven, entitled 'An act relating to the appointment of stenographers and assistant stenographers to report proceedings in the several courts of con:mon pleas and orphans' courts, courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, and courts of quarter sessions of the peace, of this Commonwealth, as well as before commissioners, masters, and special masters in chancery, referees, examiners, auditors, and other officers; prescribing their powers and duties, and when such reports shall be evidence of the facts reported; prescribing their compensation and allowances for expenses, when the same shall be paid by the county wherein such stenographers or assistant stenograpers are employed, and when by the parties to such proceedings; and repealing an act, entitled 'An act directing the appointment of official stenographers in the several civil courts of this Commonwealth, authorizing the appointment of stenographers by examiners, masters, referees, commissioners, and auditors; authorizing the appointment of assistant stenographers; repealing 'An act to authorize the appointment of in the several courts of this Commonwealth, prescribing their duties and fixing their compensation,' approved May fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four; repealing 'An act to authorize the appointment of stenographers in the several courts of this Commonwealth, prescribing their duties and fixing their compensation,' approved May eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and repealing 'An act defining the duty of court stenographers in the several counties in this State,' approved June tenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one,' approved the twenty-fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven; but such repeal not to revive any law repealed by the said act of twenty-fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven,' by requiring the judges of the courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, and of the courts of

Act of May 11, 1911 (P. L. 161), not repealed.

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