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Chapter VIII.


Relative to the improvement and distributon of the state maps.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives

of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general assembly State map met, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Sur- authorised to veyor General, be and they are hereby authorised and requi- be improved: red, to procure any additional information, relative to the particulars mentioned in the first section of the act entitled "An act directing the formation of a map of Pennsylvania," passed nineteenth March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, that may be necessary and proper for the further improvement of the state map of this Commonwealth, and to cause such alterations and additions to be made in the said map, and the plates thereof, as they may deem expedient for the improvement of the same; and they are hereby further authorised, to make all contracts and agreements necessary for effecting the purposes aforesaid.

And be it further resolved, That the sum of five hundred $500 approdollars be and it is hereby appropriated for the purpose of priated. carrying into effect the objects of the foregoing resolution.

And be it further resolved, Thatfall accounts of persons em- Accounts ployed by virtue of the provisions of the foregoing resolutions, how settled and paid. after being approved of by the accountant department, shall be paid by the State Treasurer: Provided, They do not ex- Proviso. ceed in amount, the sum herein before appropriated.

ted to distri

And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the Com- Secretary of monwealth be authorised and directed to dispose of the state Commonmaps as follows: To the Governor of the Commonwealth, for wealth direc the use of the executive chamber, one map; to the Secretary bute State of the Commonwealth, the Surveyor General, Auditor Gene- maps. ral, State Treasurer and the Secretary of the Land-Office, each one map, for the use of their respective offices; to the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, each two maps, for the use of the respective houses of the Legislature; to the chairman of the library committee, two maps for the use of the State Library; to the prothonotaries of the several counties in the Commonwealth and to the commissioners of such counties as are not organized for judicial purposes, each one map, to be put up in their respective office for public use; to the members of the Senate and to the members of the House of Representatives, each one map; and to the clerks and assistant clerks of the Legislature, each one map. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Speaker

of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four.


I CERTIFY, That in obedience to the directions of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, I have collated with, and corrected by the original rolls, the proof sheets of the printed copies of this edition of the Laws and Resolutions of the General Assembly, passed during their last session. MOLTON C. ROGERS, Secretary.

[blocks in formation]


ACADEMY-A supplement to the act establishing one in Orwigs-
burg, Schuylkill county,


in the borough and county of Huntingdon, trustees
appointed therefor, to continue until the first Mon-
day in April, 1826, and until others are duly elect-
ed, and they and their successors declared to be a
body corporate and politic, in law, &c.

Accounts, between the United States and this Commonwealth, to be
adjusted and settled by the Auditor General and the
Adjutant General, and the latter how paid,

of the late John Melish, dec'd. for the state map, to be set-
tled upon equitable principles, by certain officers, in fa-
vor of the legal representatives of the deceased,

Actions-see destruction of timber, and penalty therefor,
Administrators, executors and guardians, and other trustees, autho-
rised to invest their trust moneys,

Administratrix of Titon Grelaud, late auctioneer, of Philadelphia,
deceased, to receive $296 25, from the state treasury,
Agricultural interests and domestic manufactures may be protected
by establishing a tariff,
Alderman-see justice of the peace, and process against persons
removing from the county into the city, and from the
city into the county of Philadelphia,

Aldermen of the city of Lancaster, justices of the peace, and direc-
tors of the poor, in the counties of Lancaster, Chester and
Montgomery, vested with like powers as are given to
those officers in Berks county,

Alien-see Garbut Fisher, who is rendered able and capable, in law,
to take, hold, and enjoy, certain real estate,

Allison Thomas, to receive a gratuity and an annuity,

Allsworth Andrew,


Annuity and gratuity, granted to Elizabeth Manson, widow of John

Manson, a soldier, dec'd.

John Waters, Edward Peart and
Thomas Dobson, old soldiers,
John Huff, Michael Young, Henry
Bush and Andrew Allsworth,
revolutionary soldiers,

















Annuity and gratuity, granted to John Kennedy, a revolutionary



Adam Frederick Roeser, ditto, 29
Peter Cort,

ditto, 47


Nathan Hilands and Benj. Paul,
revolutionary soldiers,

James Smith and Peter Korr, ditto, 54
Mary Eagan and Nancy Demp-
sey, widows of ditto,

William Gunn, Senior, a revolu

tionary soldier,

Elizabeth M'Neal,




Markley, Elizabeth Shubert, and

Elizabeth Lyon, as widows of revolutionary soldiers,

William Hinton, Mary M'Lain
and Mary Shade,

Mary Lorentz, as the widow of an
old soldier,

Martin Zigler, John Kighler and
James Stewart, old soldiers,

Paul Mourer, Andrew Reed and
Thomas M'Henry, as revolution-
ary soldiers,

P. Ransom, Joseph Tweed and






Jacob Wolf, Samuel Utter, George

Ruth Thompson,


Thomas Allison, Samuel Carey,

and Edward M’Masters, revolu-
tionary soldiers,

Henry Miller, a revolutionary offi


Catherine Keasy, Jane Rogers, Jane
Bower, Elizabeth Statzer and
Jane M'Guire, widows of revo-
lutionary soldiers,
George Reynolds, Christian Merc-
kle, John Beatty, Barbara John-
ston, Catharine Eurick and Sa-
rah Wharton,
Christopher Shertzer, Adam Hart,
Robert Barr, Frederick Keefer,
Thomas Wilson Bradley, Fre-
derick Boyer, William Cline,
William Cowen and Alexander
Scott, as old soldiers,

Jacob Borrall, Adam Baird, John
Robenold, John Weygandt, Jno.
Campbell, John Underwood and
Thomas Campbell, as revolu.
tionary soldiers,







Annuity and gratuity, granted to Elizabeth Sailheimer, Sarah M'

Mullen, Mary Dean, Hannah Elmore and William Cort, George Nolff, Thomas Drennan, in trust for William Drennan, Jas. Horrel, James Gaghby, John Clendenin and George Esterly, as old soldiers,


of twenty dollars, granted to Agnes Crawford,
in addition to the pension heretofore grant-
ed and paid to her as the widow of Major
James Crawford, deceased,

Appropriation of 2,000 dollars towards erecting public buildings in
Warren county,

for erecting state penitentiaries at Philadelphia and
Pittsburg; for the former 80,000 dollars, and the lat-
ter 30,000 dollars,






of 2,500 dollars towards re-building the court house,
public offices, &c. at the town of Erie,


of 1,000 dollars for the relief of the indigent deaf and


for the expenses of government, and for the repair of
the public buildings,

of 15,000 dollars towards rebuilding the Wilksbarre
bridge, in Luzerne county,



of 15,000 dollars towards re-building the bridge over
Big Beaver creek, at Wolf-lane, in Beaver county, 225
of money for the Harrisburg and Millerstown turnpike
road, under what circumstances to be paid at the
state treasury, and how applied,

of 500 dollars for improving the state map, Arbitrations, a further supplement to the act regulating them, Attorney General, see suits, and turnpike road from New Alexan

dria to Pittsburg,





Auctioneers to have but one auction store, which is to be designated, 170 Auction sales, resolution relative to the imposition by Congress of a prohibitory duty thereon,

Auctions and auctioneers, an act prescribing certain regulations, and enjoining further duties on them, with penalties for non-compliance,




Auditor General, see act regulating retailers of foreign merchandize, 32 to settle and adjust the accounts of Captain Henry Reges, for militia expenses of his rifle company, which marched to Meadvilie in 1812, and Adjutant General to adjust and settle the accounts between the United States and the state of Pennsylvania,

Auditors and county commissioners, to be elected in Jefferson county, overseers of the poor may be elected in the borough of Lewisburg, in Union county,




county commissioners, and other county officers, whose elections are contested, how such elections to be tried, 53

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