THE MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE FIRST SESSION, THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, 1853-54. CONTAINED IN ONE VOLUME, WASHINGTON: BEVERLEY TUCKER, SENATE PRINTER. 1854. INDEX ΤΟ Agricultural Society of New Castle county, Delaware... Alabama. Memorial of the legislature of, praying that the horses and equipage pur- 47 Astoria, Oregon. Increase of mail service from New York and intermediate points to Austin to Waco, Texas. Increase of compensation of contractor for carrying the mail Bar. Removal of the, at Cape Fear river..... Bay, Mobile. Improvement of.. Brazos de Santiago. Collection district of, changed from Point Isabel to Brownsville... 33 Bridge, Potomac, (called "Long Bridge.") Remonstrance of the Georgetown corpora- |