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out of funds collected by the Recorder of Licenses and Permits, and on order and approval of the Commission. The Chairman of the Commission shall be ex-officio the Recorder of Permits and Licenses and for his services as such shall receive one-third of all monies collected.

Section 5. The Commission may appoint and remove at pleasure, such number of Inspectors of Athletics as in its judgment is necessary to aid in the proper discharge of its duties. No compensation shall be paid an Inspector, but he shall be paid his actual traveling expenses when ordered to attend a match or exhibition, in the same way and manner as expenses of members of the Commission are paid. It shall be the duty of the Commission, either by one of its members or by a duly appointed. Inspector, to attend every boxing, wrestling or sparring match or exhibition held in the State of Alabama. The Commission may appoint and remove at pleasure, a Secretary to the Commission, who shall perform such duties as the Commission may prescribe, and who shall keep a full, complete and up-to-date record of all the proceedings of said Commission, including all licenses and permits issued by the Recorder of Permits and Licenses, and all sums collected, and make a report thereof to the State Auditor annually, on or before the 15th day of January in each year.

Section 6. The Commission shall maintain a general office for the transaction of its business at a place to be designated by the Chairman. It may fix the salary of its Secretary at a sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per month, which shall be paid by the Recorder of Permits and Licenses on order and approval of the Commission, out of any funds on hand, for which the Recorder of Permits and Licenses is accountable to the State of Alabama.

Section 7. The Recorder of Permits and Licenses shall give a bond in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars with a surety company authorized to do business in Alabama, payable to the State of Alabama, conditioned that he will faithfully account for and pay over to the State Treasurer all monies collected by him, less any disbursements or deductions authorized by law, and it shall be his duty to make a report of and pay into the State Treasury on or before the 15th day of January and July, in each year, all monies received, after first paying all salaries, accounts. and other expenditures authorized by law and approved by the Commission.

Section 8. All contracts relating to the holding or staging of any boxing, wrestling or sparring match or exhibition in Alabama, or relating to any participation therein, shall contain a provision to the effect that all rules passed or adopted by the Commission, either before or after the execution of the contract,

shall be considered as a part of the contract, the same as if said rules were fully set out in the body of the instrument.

Section 9. Any person who shall voluntarily engage in a pugilistic encounter between man and man, or wrestling match or exhibition, for money or any other thing of value, or upon the result of which any money or other thing of value is bet or wagered, or to see which an admission fee is charged, either directly or indirectly, or any person who shall be concerned directly or indirectly in the promotion of any boxing, wrestling or sparring match or exhibition, or any person who shall voluntarily box or wrestle, or voluntarily attempt to box or wrestle, for money or any other thing of value, or in a public place or in a place where an admission fee is charged, either directly or indirectly, or any person who acts or attempts to act as referee, judge, match maker, promoter, manager, trainer, announcer, director, second, medical examiner, ticket seller, ticket taker, or time keeper, in connection with any boxing, wrestling or sparring match or exhibition in this State without first having obtained a license or permit from the Alabama Athletic Commission so to do, must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than two nor more than five years.

Section 10. Any person who shall wilfully violate any rule or regulation passed or adopted by the Alabama Athletic Commission, relating to boxing, sparring or wrestling, must on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than two or more than five years.

Section 11. All licenses and permits issued by the Commission shall be on a form prescribed by the Commission, which shall be furnished to the Commission on its order at the expense of the State. All stamps, books and other incidentals used by the Commission shall be paid for on order of the Commission, by Recorder of Permits and Licenses, out of funds on hand, for which he is accountable to the State Treasurer.

Section 12. This Act shall take effect upon its approval by the Governor, and if any paragraph or provision thereof is declared unconstitutional by any court, such holding shall not affect any other paragraph or provision thereof not in itself unconstitutional.

Approved July 1, 1927.

No. 136.)


(H. 138. Simpson

To create a State Service Commissioner, and to fix the duties and compensation of such Commissioner, and to make an appropriation to carry out the purpose of this Act.

Section 1: Be it Enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, that there is hereby created the office of State Service Commissioner.

Section 2: The State Service Commissioner shall be appointed by the Governor of Alabama, and shall hold office at the discretion of the Governor of Alabama, provided that such Commissioner shall be appointed from among three ex-service men who were in the military or naval service of the United States during the period between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918, and have been honorably discharged therefrom, whose names shall be selected and submitted to the Governor by the Department Executive Committee of the American Legion, Department of Alabama, and all subsequent appointees to such office shall be selected in like manner and possess like qualifications.

Section 3: The duties of the State Service Commissioner shall be to aid all residents of the State of Alabama who served in the military or naval forces of the United States during any war in which the United States has been engaged, their relatives, beneficiaries and dependents, to receive from the United States any and all compensation, hospitalization, insurance, or other aid or benefit to which they may be entitled under existing laws of the United States, or such as may hereafter be enacted, and he shall perform such other duties in connection therewith as may be assigned by the Governor.

Section 4: The State Service Commissioner shall have a seal of office, and he shall be authorized to administer oaths to any person or persons who may desire to swear to the correctness of any statement or statements made in connection with any application for compensation, hospitalization, insurance or other aid or benefit to which such person or persons, or any other person or persons on whose behalf the affidavits are made, may be entitled under existing laws of the United States, or such as may hereinafter be enacted; and he shall likewise be authorized and empowered to certify to the correctness of any document or documents which may be submitted in connection with any such application or applications.

Section 5: The State Service Commissioner shall maintain an office in that City of the State of Alabama where the Regional Office of the United States Veterans' Bureau for the State of Alabama is located; and said State Service Commissioner shall reside in the City where said office is maintained during his term of office. In the event, however, that no Regional Office of the United States Veterans' Bureau is located in the State of Alabama, then the office of the State Service Commissioner shall be maintained at the capital city of the State.

Section 6. The compensation of the State Service Commissioner shall be thirty-six hundred ($3,600.00) Dollars per annum, payable monthly at the rate of three hundred ($300.00)

Dollars, on his own warrant drawn on the State Treasurer. The State Service Commissioner shall be furnished an office at the expense of the State, and shall also be allowed all necessary expenses for the conduct of his office, including clerk and stenographic assistance, and such as may be incurred from traveling within or without the State for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, such expenses to be paid by warrants approved by the Governor. Said State Service Commissioner shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, subscribe to and execute an oath of office and a bond in the penal sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, with sufficient surety to be approved by the Governor, conditioned on the faithful performance of his official duties.

Section 7: There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State of Alabama the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars per annum for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, provided that the expenses of the State Service Commissioner, including the salary and traveling expenses of said commissioner, and the salary of clerks and stenographers, and other persons employed by said commissioner, stationery, stamps and other incidental expenses that may be necessary or incidental to the conduct of the office of said State Service Commissioner, shall not exceed Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars per annum. And the appropriation hereinabove made, less the actual expenses hereinabove defined, shall inure to the benefit of the general fund of the State of Alabama.

Section 8: If any section, clause, paragraph or provision of this Act shall be held unconstitutional, such holding shall not affect any part or all of the remainder of said Act which is not in itself unconstitutional.

Section 9: This bill shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor.

Approved July 6, 1927.

No. 137)


(H. 340 Long.

To authorize and provide for the issuance and sale of State bonds for the purpose of cnstructing, improving, repairing and maintaining public roads, highways, and bridges as authorized by the Constitutional Amendment known as Article XXA of the Constitution of Alabama.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of Alabama:

Section 1. That there is hereby authorized to be issued and sold interest bearing negotiable State Bonds in an amount not to exceed the sum of Twenty-five Million ($25,000,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of securing funds to construct, improve, re

pair and maintain public roads, highways, and bridges in the State of Alabama.

Section 2. Said Bonds when issued and sold shall be exempt from all State, County and municipal taxes.

Section 3. The Governor, the Alabama Highway Director, in Alabama, and the Attorney General are hereby constituted a Bond Commission with full authority to have executed, issued and to sell the bonds herein authorized. No member of the Bond Commission shall receive compensation in any form in the sale of these bonds. The Commission shall meet at the call of the Governor, who is hereby constituted its Chairman, and said Commission shall elect a Secretary of the Commission.

Section 4. Three shall constitute a quorum of the Bond Commission for the transaction of business and all proceedings had and done by said Bond Commission must be reduced to writing by the Secretary and recorded in a substantially bound book, and true copies of such proceedings shall be certified to the Treasurer, by the Chairman of said Commission, attested by the Secretary of the Commission.

Section 5. The Bonds hereby authorized shall be executed, sold and delivered on the behalf of the State of Alabama from time to time, and shall be in such denominations and numbers and series, and shall mature at such times, and bear such rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent. (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, as may be deemed expedient by the Bond Commission; but such bonds shall not be sold for less than the par value thereof.

Section 6. Such bonds shall be signed by the Governor, the State Auditor, State Treasurer and shall have attached thereto attested by the Secretary of State the Great Seal of the State of Alabama. Coupons shall be numbered and signed by the State Treasurer; provided, however, that the facsimile copy of the Treasurer's signature upon the interest coupons upon said bonds may be lithographed in lieu of signing the same.

Section 7. That payment for said bonds shall be made to the State Treasurer and a record and registration of said bonds. shall be kept by the State Treasurer. The funds derived from the sale of such bonds shall be credited to the Highway fund and shall be used exclusively for the construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of the public roads, highways and bridges in Alabama, as authorized by law.

Section 8. The bonds issued under this Act shall be a direct obligation of the State and the full faith and credit of the State is pledged to the prompt payment of the principal and interest thereon. The bonds provided for by this Act are issued under the authority of the amndment to the Constitution known as Article XXA and adopted at an election held on April 12, 1927,

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