INDEX TO GENERAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF 1927 PREPARED BY HON. GEORGE PEGRAM OF MARENGO NOTE-Index to the Acts of the Special Session of the Legislature, Commission form of Government. Act of Sept. 25, 1915...... 254 302 491 Cities with Commission form of Government, Act of April 11, 1911. 461 Act of April 8, 1911.. 494 Cities with not less than 25,000 or more than 50,000 population. Counties with 200,00 or more population. Law Libraries, Acts of Sept. 29, 1919, and Sept. 27, 1923... 262 286 Counties with more than 90,000 and less than 150,000, 259 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Telephones for offices. Act of Sept. 25, 1919. 218 COURTS INFERIOR. In cities of not less than 25,000 or more than 50,000 population. GASOLINE AND MOTOR FUELS. Act of Feby. 10, 1923. Act of Feby. 10, 1923. Grove Hill, Endowment Fund. Act of Aug. 20, 1915.. leges tax .Act. Sept. 15, 1919. Solicitors, Election of in Bessemer Div. of 10th Judicial Circuit 16 326 606 693 57 103 ACTS REPEALED Counties with more than 200,000 population. Highways in. Act of Mch. 17, 1915.... 492 Counties with not less than 90,000 or more than 300,000 popula- 601 190 Grove Hill, Local Act as to Sage Endowment Fund. Money Brokers. Counties with less than 45,000 population, 607 269 270 Motor Vehicles. Certificate title, etc. Act. Sept. 14, 1923. ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF Authorized to adjust and pay damages caused by Speigner 427 Authorized to pay fund to Washington County Board of Edu- 426 President of, with others, may incorporate Bridge Corporation... Commissioner of, duties as to acids, alkalis and caustics... AMERICAN LEGION AND AUXILIARIES Members of employed by State granted leave of absence......... 46 ANIMALS, VEHICLES, GEARS, ETC Used in transportation of prohibited liquors. Code Sec. 4778 715 Banking Department. Ordinary expenses of. 684 Blind. Alabama School for at Talladega. Expenses of. 26 686 Boys Industrial School, Alabama. Expenses of. 718 685 Child Welfare Department. Capitol. Additions, repairs, improvements, refurnishings.. Child Welfare Department. Expenses, additional. 686 29 284 Circuits, Judicial. Judges, salaries and traveling expenses. 688 Solicitors, Salaries and traveling expenses.. 688 Assistants. Salaries 688 Clark County. Certain Endowment fund to be paid to Board Clerk of House, Secretary of Senate, expenses of. Court of Appeals, Compensation of Judges, Clerks, Secretaries and Assistants 687 Coyle, Perry J., Relief of.. 499 Dairy Farms and Milk Plants. Inspection of.. 261 27 423 688 686 Education Board, State. Fiscal year ending 1927. 23 442 Examiners of Accounts, Department of. Expenses.. Fourth Dist. Agr. School. Purchase of buildings, etc.. Fuel, Lights and Water.. General Bill for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1927. General Bill for years 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931. Gettysburg, Erection of Monument... Governor. Contingent Fund. Interest Contingent Fund... Mansion Fund. Light, Heat, Service, Expenses.. Repairs and Improvements. 682 682 Establishment and 473 74 708 686 252 681 510 686 686 686 29 Proclamations. Publication of.. 686 Home, Alabama. Buildings and equipment... Indexing Code 1923 and Acts 1927. Commissioner. 471 629 Industrial Institute at Camp Hill. Maintenance, etc... Kate Duncan Smith D .A. R. School, at Grant, Ala.. 705 Law Enforcement Dept. Expenses of, salaries, etc.. 685 42 Additional 188 Livingston, Municipality of. Pay for school buildings. Officers, Salaries of where not otherwise provided for. 688 Real Estate. Pavment for obligations in City of Montgomery. 687 617 Residence Property. Owned or rented by State, repairs etc.. APPROPRIATIONS-Continued. Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House. Expenses etc.. 703 Service Commissioner, State. Salary and expenses.. 95 427 Stationery and Office Supplies. 686 Stearnes, Mrs. Stancil R., Relief of 702 Supreme Court Chief Justice and Associate Justices. Compensation... 687 687 Librarian and Assistant. Compensation.. 687 Reporter, Compensation 687 Tax Commission, State. Ordinary expenses of. Telephone and Telegrams Official. Temporary Clerks in various departments. Salaries of. Text Books. Revolvings Fund for.. Training School for Girls, State. Maintenance etc.. White House of the Confederacy, First. Maintenance. ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT ATTORNEYS. 616 92-95 Who may practice as. Code Sec. 6248 Amended. 669 AUBURN Trustees Ala. Poly. Institute authorized to receive grants of 269 AUCTIONEERS Tax on gross commissions. Act. Sept. 15, 1919, amended 57-58 BAILIFFS Code Sec. 6717 amended as to 440 In counties of more than 200,000 population. 714 |