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Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of Albany,
on Wednesday, the Third Day of January, 1923






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injuries sustained by citizens throughout the State, resulting from careless operation of motor vehicles.

Within a week, the whole State was shocked by the disaster arising from automobile operation, which resulted in the death of one of New York's prominent citizens. The home that he made happy was plunged into the misery which comes from his absence.

The State cannot continue to use for general State purposes the money exacted in the form of license from the owners and operators of automobiles. A considerable portion of it must be spent under police supervision to ascertain the qualifications of a man to handle an automobile before he is permitted to operate it on the public highway, with an attendant danger to life and limb.

To wind up the session without attention to this matter is in effect to say that the State is more interested in dollars than it is in the preservation of human life and the protection of the people on the highways.

I again bespeak your favorable consideration of the matters set forth in my message of earlier date upon this subject.


The bill (No. 2094, Int. No. 460) entitled "An act to amend the Highway Law, in relation to the registration fees for motor vehicles," having been announced,

Mr. Speaker stated the question to be upon the adoption of the amendments offered April 18th, and now pending.

Debate was had.

Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said motion to amend and it was determined in the affirmative.

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Ordered, That said bill be reprinted and restored to the order of second reading.

The bill (No. 2343, Int. No. 1485) entitled "An act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation to practice of medicine," having been announced,

Debate was had.

Mr. Esmond moved to recommit said bill to the committee on public health.

Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said motion, and it was determined in the affirmative.

The bill (No. 2265, Int. No. 113) entitled "An act to amend the Workmen's Compensation Law, in relation to compensation for certain permanent partial disability," was read the second time.

On motion of Mr. O'Connor, said bill was placed on the order of third reading and referred to the committee on revision.

The bill (No. 2267, Int. No. 956) entitled "An act to incorporate the Interstate Vehicular Tunnels Company, and to authorize the acquisition of lands and the construction, maintenance and operation of a tunnel or tunnels, with the necessary approaches thereto for vehicular and pedestrian traffic under the Hudson river, between the States of New York and New Jersey. and to define the rights of the State and the city of New York respecting such tunnel or tunnels," was read the second time.

On motion of Mr. Steinberg, said bill was placed on the order of third reading and referred to the committee on revision.

The bill (No. 2257, Int. No. 1649) entitled "An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to a franchise tax upon corporations transacting the business of insurance," was read the second time. On motion of Mr. Hutchinson, said bill was placed on the order of third reading and referred to the committee on revision.

The bill (No. 2256, Int. No. 1648) entitled "An act to amend the Insurance Law, in relation to marine insurance," was read the second time.

On motion of Mr. Hutchinson, said bill was placed on the order of third reading and referred to the committee on revision.

The bill (No. 2053, Int. No. 38) entitled "An act to amend chapter one thousand and six of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled 'An act to provide for discontinuing and closing streets, avenues, roads, highways, alleys, lanes and thoroughfares in cities of more than one million two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants,' in relation to providing for the acquisition by any such city of the fee title to lands within closed streets, and to providing that the compensation to be made for damages caused by any such discontinuance and closing and by the acquisition by such city of the fee title to lands within closed streets shall be ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury," having been announced for a third reading,

On motion of Mr. Shields, and by unanimous consent, said bill was ordered placed on the third reading calendar for Tuesday


The bill (No. 2075, Int. No. 1736) entitled "An act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to the sale of ice, coal and fuel wood on Sunday," having been announced for a third reading,

On motion of Mr. O'Connor, and by unanimous consent, said bill was ordered placed on the third reading calendar for Monday next.

The bill (No. 1374, Int. No. 1276) entitled "An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claims of the representatives of Thomas O'Grady, deceased, against the State for services and expenses in connection with the alleged murders of Charles R. Phelps and Margaret Phelps, and the case of the people against Charles F. Steilow," was read the third time, having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage.

Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was determined in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present.

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