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Bethel! Twenty years had elapsed, yet, saith God, I am He that gave thee those sweet promises in that place. I am the same for ever! While meditating on this, it seemed as if He said to me, I am the God who told thee, Thou shalt walk with me in white. Ah! my Lord, I hang on thee with a firm belief. Thy words are tried words, purer than silver. The Lord will keep His promise for ever.

December 23. I was much struck this morning in reading at the time of family prayer, the account of Jacob wrestling with the angel. I felt it kindle in me a degree of ardour which I did not feel before, to say with him, I will not let thee go unless thou bless me,-yea, with the full communion of thy love.

February 18. I have been confined near a month, and only able to speak in a low whisper. The disease is supposed to be a dropsy in the chest. I am sometimes in the night in danger of being suffocated. The night before last I was very bad: and as I lay waiting in peace before the Lord, that word was applied with unusual power, " Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Ah! my Lord, I do call on thee for more grace, but I cannot ask life or death; I love the dear people, and feel a pain in leaving them; yet I can only commit all to my adorable unerring Head.

April 5. Last night I laboured much for breath, and could not lie down. I saw myself encompassed with mercy and love. As I was reflecting on the uncertainty of the issue of my complaint, the thought struck me, my Lord was at this season sold into the hands of men, who strove to join with devils to afflict him; and if kind physicians should mistake, and make me suffer, I may be said to be given into the hands of men, -but not without the Lord. These words were sweet,

"I fain with thee would sympathize,
And share the sufferings of my Lord!"

As I was reflecting that I had nothing to plead, only

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a dart came across my mind, -What if Calvinism be true? Then you may be one he hates!-Immediately that word came, "He hateth nothing that he hath made, His mercy is over all his works." Well, my Lord, this I plead, I am thine, save me! Give me to glorify thee, through the fire and through water. The tenderness of Miss Tooth, whom the Lord hath sent to me, is very great.

April 11. The Lord hath permitted me to be sorely exercised through the want of breath. The night before last I was forced to sit up in bed till four o'clock. Last night, blessed be God, the fit lasted but one hour, and then I rested comfortably. My one act is that of clinging to the will of God.

June 2. Blessed be the Lord, He hath fulfilled his word. He bid me " call upon him in the day of trouble;" and in my deliverance I do glorify Him, and acknowledge his dear and powerful hand. I have been for some time restored to my comfortable meetings, and preserved in tolerable health, with power to lie down in peace, and take quiet rest. O that this late dispensation may rouse my soul more abundantly to labour after a more perfect rest! Lord, establish me with thy free Spirit! This morning one called who gave me the following extraordinary account. "On Saturday I had that word applied, 'As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you, abide ye in my love.' But on the Sunday night while you were speaking on-How we ought to venture on Christ, my soul was greatly lifted up, my faith began to rekindle, and I felt extraordinary power all the way home. At family prayer my soul was sweetly drawn out. Just as we were going to bed, I opened my Testament on those words, Ask what ye will, and I will do it for you.' I felt the power, and thought I will not go to bed; I will stay and wrestle with the Lord. I did so; and O, what did I feel! I have often had glorious times, but never such a time as that. Those precious words were applied. You are sealed to the day of redemption.' Since then, as I was hearing a sermon on the new Jeru


salem, I had such a glorious sight as I cannot describe! I cannot tell it to you." I asked, Was it a sight of the place, or of the Saviour! He answered, " It was both. I had four distinct sights; I saw the glory of the Father, the glory of the Redeemer, and then the Redeemer in his manhood, as covered with wounds:-and also the Holy Spirit in his glory, ready to seal every soul who would take shelter in those wounds! I now feel my soul all on the watch. I seem as if I feared to speak or move lest I should in any wise grieve that Holy Spirit."

My soul was much comforted at hearing this. Ah! Lord, hast thou begun? Then thou wilt go on. I do now believe an outpouring of thy Spirit will soon be given, and " times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord." This man had a taste of pure love some months ago, but lost it through unprofitable reasonings. Ever since his first awakening he has been a pattern to others, and, I believe, never lost his first love.*

July 4. When I awoke, I found those words applied, " Pray without ceasing, and in every thing give thanks." This morning reflecting on them while in prayer, the whole passage seemed to be applied to my heart, " Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." The last word made a deep impression, "concerning you;"-And I take it as a message from heaven. Lord, give me power to fulfil this sweet direction!

July 18. A few nights since those words seemed continually with me,

" In all my ways His hand I own,
His ruling providence I see."

The next day a change took place in my house, and several circumstances occurred in church affairs. O what a comfort was that sentence to me! Yes, my Lord, I do see thou dost order all things, and on thee I rest.

* It is with great propriety that Mrs. Fletcher bears this testimony concerning the spirit and conduct of a person who was favoured with such manifestations. Ed.

August 19. This last week has been very solemn. Eighteen years my dear husband has been in glory. O! how has each day brought its remembrance! O carry on thy work in my soul with more power! I cannot have much longer to remain here. I see and feel thy gracious hand extended over me for good, and I long for a full conformity to my Lord.

November 12. This day twenty-two years, at this very hour, I was in Batley church, solemnly engaging to be one soul, one body, one interest, with my beloved husband for ever! But what have I seen in these twentytwo years? What deep waters have I passed through! I have been brought through, and mercy hath followed me to this hour. On this day I devote myself afresh to God. Let our wedding-day be a fresh consecration unto Him who is the centre of our union! A little before my dear love's last illness he indulged a train of thoughts on what I should do, and how I should live without him. He spoke tenderly of my marrying again; but finding I could not bear the thought, he said no more. Since his death the light hath always shone quite clear on my soul! -that I was not called to join in marriage with any man on earth, but to preserve the privileges of a single life which are so graciously bestowed upon me. Satan has spared no pains to trouble me in this way; but blessed be the Lord, my light in this hath never been darkened one moment. I am the Lord's, and he hath opened my way before me, and still makes my cup run over with loving-kindness and mercy. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy-name."

November 14. In meeting the people on Sunday morning I was struck with that thought, "The mind is to the soul, what the mouth is to the body." I must take in food or lose my strength; but if I take poison I must die. Nay, if I avoid poison, but yet feed on wood and chaff, I shall as surely die. So the mind is the mouth of the soul; and though I should start at any thought apparently sinful, yet if I starve it instead of continually endeavouring to draw the sincere milk of the word, I still sow to corruption, and what I sow that I shall reap. Then let me fix my eye on the great mystery of God made man! Why did God become man? It was man by whom the covenant was broken, and therefore man must have suitable punishment laid upon him. It was God with whom it was broken, and therefore God must have suitable satisfaction made unto him. And as to that satisfaction, it was man that had offended, therefore it was man alone that could make it suitable. It was God that was offended, and therefore it was God alone that could make it sufficient. Now, being man as well as God, it behooved him to fulfil all righteousness, to keep the whole law in the perfect manner required by the Adamic dispensation: yet, as being God coequal with the Father, it was not from duty, but merely upon our account, that he thus subjected himself to the yoke of his own laws, himself, as God, being the Lawgiver, and so no more under it than the Father himself. Whatever therefore Christ did or suffered in the flesh, was meritorious, and the believer has accepted it. Mr. Wesley observes, in his note in the sermon on the Lord our Righteousness, This obedience of Christ, as it was infinite, pure, and perfect, did, without doubt, infinitely transcend all the obedience of all the sons of men, even if they had remained in their primitive state; for their obedience would still have been but the obedience of finite creatures, whereas the obedience of Christ was the obedience of one who was truly God as well as man, by which the laws of God had a divine obedience performed to them. They could command no more than the obedience of finite creatures; whereas the obedience of Christ was the obedience of one who was the infinite Creator, as well as a finite creature; and by this he hath purchased for us a far greater salvation than if man had not fallen. As our Head he hath also entered, yea, as our Forerunner, into that glorious union with the Deity which we could

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