Page images


Appropriations for public buildings. Letter from the Secretary
of War, transmitting estimates of...
Appropriations for the Chippewa Indians. Letter from the
Secretary of the Interior, submitting estimates of....
Appropriations for harbor and river improvements. Letter
from the Secretary of War, transmitting revised estimates of.
Appropriations for Indian service in California. Letter from
the Secretary of the Interior, submitting estimates for the ...
Appropriations for Sissiton and Wahpeton Indians. Letter
from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Appropriations, deficiency in, for Indian tribes.

Letter from

the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates of......
Appropriations for Indian treaties. Letter from the Secretary
of the Interior relative to
Appropriations for State Department. Message from the Presi-
dent of the United States, transmitting a report from the Sec-
retary of State relative to

Appropriations for Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary
of the Interior, transmitting estimates of additional .
Appropriations for Navajo Indians. Letter from the Seeretary
of the Interior, transmitting communication from Commis-
sioner of Indian Affairs relative to ...

Appropriations for treaty with Sioux Indians. Letter from the
Secretary of the Interior relative to ...

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Arkansas and South Carolina. Message from the President,
transmitting all papers relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Arkansas, election in. Letter from the General of the army,
transmitting Major General Gillem's report of....
Armory at Rock Island. Letter from the Secretary of War ad
interim, transmitting joint resolution relative to the..
Arms, manufacture of. Letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting report of the Chief of Ordnance relative to the..
Army, estimated diminution of the. Letter from the Secretary
of War, transmitting statement of the..

[blocks in formation]

Arsenal, Bergen Heights. Letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting papers relative to the

Arsenal, Schuylkill. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans-
mitting communication from the Quartermaster General rela-
tive to

[blocks in formation]

Assassination of President Lincoln. Message from the Presi-
dent of the United States, transmitting a report of Geo. H.
Sharpe relative to the..

Attorney General relative to the title to property at Harper's
Ferry. Letter from the


Attorney General relative to twenty per cent. additional com-
pensation. Letter from the....


Attorney General relative to Indian trust fund. Letter from


Attorney General relative to counsel employed by him. Letter
from the.


[blocks in formation]

Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department of the
operations of his office for the year ending June 30, 1867.
Annual report of the Sixth.....


Banks, national, securities of. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, transmitting a report relative to............
Battery in New York. Letter from the Secretary of War relative
to the purchase of certain land on the..

[blocks in formation]

Bingham's surge reliever. Letter from the Secretary of the
Navy relative to.

[blocks in formation]

Bonds, ten-forty. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury

relative to the amount of bonds issued or disposed of by de-
partment since October 1, 1867....

[blocks in formation]




Part. No. Page.

Bonds. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting
a statement of the purchase and sale of..
Bonds, commission paid on the sale of. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Treasury relative to....

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bosque Redondo reservation. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to the..

[blocks in formation]

Bounties paid. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
bounties paid under the act of July 28, 1866 ..
Bridge at Rock island. Letter from the Secretary of War,
recommending an appropriation for .

[blocks in formation]

Buffum, Robert. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans-
mitting a communication from the Judge Advocate General
relative to...

Buildings leased in New York and Brooklyn. Letter from the
Secretary of War in answer to a resolution of the House of
November 26, relative to..

Buildings leased in St. Louis. Letter from the Secretary of
War. transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the House of
the 26th of November, a statement of...


California and Nevada volunteers. Letter from the Secretary
of War relative to

Canal, ship, around the falls of the Ohio river. Message from
the President of the United States, transmitting report rela-
tive to the.........

Canal, Dismal Swamp. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas-
ury, transmitting an opinion by the Attorney General relative
to the sale of the

Canadian fisheries. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,
transmitting a communication from George W. Brega rela-
tive to...

Capitol extension. Annual report of the architect of the..
Capitol, repairs of. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
asking further appropriations for the...

[blocks in formation]

Chattanooga rolling mill.

Letter from the Secretary of War

relative to the sale of.

[blocks in formation]

Cherokee neutral lands. Letter from the Secretary of the In-

[blocks in formation]

Cierks in the Patent Office. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior relative to

[blocks in formation]

Clerks in the Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary
of the Interior, transmitting list of clerks appointed since
April 1 ....

[blocks in formation]

Coal, contracts for. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy,
transmitting statement relative to the purchase of
Coast Survey. Annual report of the Superintendent of the...
Coinage of five-cent pieces. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Collectors, deputy, pay of. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Colorado militia. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmit-
ting accounts of the ....


Columbia hospital. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting report of the directors of the

[blocks in formation]

Columbian hospital. Annual report of the directors of the...
Columbian Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Re-
port of the president of the

[blocks in formation]

Commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations.
Report of the Secretary of State of the...

[blocks in formation]

Commissary department. Letter from the Secretary of War
relative to an increase of officers in the...

Commissary General of Subsistence.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Confederate property in Europe. Letter from the Secretary of
the Treasury relative to certain efforts of that department for
the recovery of


Contracts by quartermasters' department.

[blocks in formation]

Letter from the

Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of..



Contracts by engineer department. Letter from the Secretary
of War, transmitting list of....

[blocks in formation]

Contracts by ordnance department. Letter from the Secretary

of War, transmitting a statement of....

[blocks in formation]

Contracts by quartermasters' department.
Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of......
Contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting statements of......
Contracts by the quartermasters' department. Letter from
the Secretary of War, transmitting statement during the
month of March, 1868, of.

Letter from the

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Cooper, Edmund. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
relative to....

[blocks in formation]

Corks, duty on. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
relative to....

[blocks in formation]

Correspondence, Grant and the President.
Secretary of War relative to......
Counsel employed by the Attorney General.
Attorney General relative to..
Court of Claims, judgment in.
the Treasury relative to....

Letter from the

[blocks in formation]

Letter from the Secretary of

[blocks in formation]

Cox, John T. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
report relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Currency. Annual report of the Comptroller of the.
Custom-house buildings at Pittsburg. Letter from the Sec-
retary of the Treasury relative to the condition of .
Custom-house at Toledo. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to the

[blocks in formation]

Davis, Jefferson, capture of. Letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting information on file in that department relative to.
Disbursements: contingent fund of the State Department.
Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting statements of.
Disqualifications of certain civil officers. Letter from the Sec-
retary of War, transmitting communication from the com-
manding general of first military district relative to
Dodge, General, report. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting...

[blocks in formation]

Duty on foreign stock. Letter from the Commissioner of
Agriculture relative to the.

[blocks in formation]



Education. Annual report of the Commissioner of....
Elections in first military district, expenses of. Letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting communication from General
Schofield relative to.

Elections in southern States Letter from the General of the
army, transmitting reports of the district commanders of the.
Elections in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Letter from the General of the army, transmitting report of
General Meade; also two orders of General Canby relative to.
Elections in North and South Carolina. Letter from the Gen-
eral of the army, transmitting abstract from General Canby's
report relative to the

Election in Alabama. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans-
mitting report from the General of the army relative to recent.
Engineer department. Letter from the Secretary of War,
recommending the passage of a resolution for the settlement
of accounts of certain officers of the......

Engineer of the army. Report of the operations of his depart-
ment during the year ended June 30, 1867.....
Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1869.

Papers accompanying the above.

Estimates of additional appropriations for 1868, and details...
permanent appropriations for three quarters 1868.
Letter of Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates

[blocks in formation]

Compensation and mileage of senators.....

of officers, clerks, &c., in service of the Senate.

Contingent expenses of the Senate

Compensation and mileage of members of House of Repre-

Compensation and mileage of officers, &c., in service of
House of Representatives....

Contingent expenses of House of Representatives...

Compensation of Congressional Printer, clerks, &c

Contingent expenses of office of Congressional Printer..
Compensation of librarian of Congress, &c

Contingent expenses of library, purchase of books, &c.
Salaries of Court of Claims ..

Contingent expenses, compensation of attorneys, payment of

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Part. No. Page.

Office of Second Auditor.

Third Auditor..

Fourth Auditor..

Fifth Auditor

Auditor Post Office Department..

Treasurer of the United States.
Register of the Treasury

Solicitor of the Treasury..

Comptroller of the Currency.

Paper, special dies, &c., of office of Comptroller of the

Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue

Rent, dies, &c, of office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Salaries and expenses of collectors, assessors, &c., of inter-
nal revenue

Detecting and bringing to trial persons violating internal
revenue laws...

Contingent expenses of the Treasury Department:
Temporary clerks in the Treasury Department.
Additional clerks in the Treasury Department.
Contingent of Treasury Department and bureaus
Stationery for Treasury Department and bureaus.

Furniture, carpets, &c., for Treasury Department and

General purposes of southeast executive building

Department of the Interior:

Salaries in office of Secretary of the Interior...
Commissioner General Land Office

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Chief Engineer.

Colonel of Ordnance

Military Justice

Salaries in signal office..........


Contingent expenses in office of Secretary of War and bureaus.
Salaries and contingent expenses of northwest executive


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Quartermaster General
Paymaster General..
Commissary General
Surgeon General....

[ocr errors]
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