Report of Major General Ord, commanding fourth military district
Report of Major General Sheridan, commanding fifth mili- tary district
Annual report of the Adjutant General of the army for the year 1866
Report of the Inspector General and inspector of the Mili- tary Academy
Report of the Judge Advocate General.
Report of the Quartermaster General....
Report of the Commissary General of Subsistence
Report of the Surgeon General
Report of the Paymaster General
Report of the Chief of Ordnance.
Report of Chief Signal Officer
Report of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Report of the Chief of Engineers...
War, transmitting joint resolution relative to the armory at Rock Island. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, transmitting statement of accounts of the Colorado militia for 1864-'65. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, recommending the passage of a resolution for the settle- ment of the accounts of certain officers of the engineer depart- ment. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of November 26, relative to buildings leased in New York and Brooklyn. Letter from the Secretary of......
War, transmitting a communication from the Quartermaster General submitting estimates for repair of wharf at Schuyl- kill arsenal. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in reference to the Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting estimate of funds for carrying on the depart- ment of the Quartermaster General. Letter from the Secre- tary of...
War, transmitting a statement of buildings leased in St. Louis. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in answer to a resolution relative to one Milliken, a re- turned rebel. Letter from the Secretary of.
War relative to California and Nevada volunteers. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting statements of contracts made by the quarter- masters' department. Letter from the Secretary of. War relative to the claim of Sainte Marie for compensation for information furnished in the Surratt case. Letter from the Secretary of..
War relative to an increase of officers in the quartermasters department. Letter from the Secretary of..
War relative to an appropriation for buildings at San Francisco. Letter from the Secretary of........
War relative to appropriations for reconstruction purposes. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War relative to twenty per cent. extra compensation. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting report respecting improvement of Pawtucket river. Letter from the Secretary of.
War relative to the claim of Adam Hardt. Letter from the Secretary of......
War relative to twenty per cent. extra compensation. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to establishing an arsenal at Fort David Russell. Letter from the Secretary of..
War relative to the hiring of buildings in New York for mili- tary offices. Letter from the Secretary of ....
War, transmitting report of the trial of Henry Wirz. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting a report by the quartermasters' department relative to southern railroads. Letter from the Secretary of. War, transmitting a letter from the Judge Advocate General relative to Robert Buffum. Letter from the Secretary of.... War, transmitting report of General George H. Thomas rela- tive to one Milliken, a returned rebel. Letter from the Secre- tary of.....
War, transmitting draught of joint resolution for the sale of Chattanooga rolling mill property. Letter from the Secre- tary of...
War, transmitting a report by the Chief of Engineers relative to a bill for the relief of the Terminal Central Pacific Rail- road Company. Letter from the Secretary of..... War, transmitting report of the Chief of Ordnance relative to the manufacture of arms at the Springfield armory. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting reports from military commanders relative to swamp lands granted to the States lately in rebellion. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, transmitting draught of joint resolution for the sale of the site of Fort Covington. Letter from the Secretary of... War, transmitting the petition of certain members of the late militia of Memphis. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting communication from the Chief of Ordnance relative to the removal of the St. Louis arsenal. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of Freedmen relative to desiccated mixed vegetables. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting report from the Quartermaster General rela- tive to the forfeiture of lands granted for railroad purposes. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, transmitting reports in reference to property seized in Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting papers relative to right of way across Fort Leavenworth reservation. Letter from the Secretary of. War relative to the petition of Walter B. Planden. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting information on file in his department rela- tive to the capture of Jefferson Davis. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting General J. H. Wilson's report on the survey of the Illinois river. Letter from the Secretary of...... War relative to alleged suffering of United States soldiers in Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of...... War relative to the condition of harbors at Oswego and Salmon river, on Lake Ontario. Letter from the Secretary of.. War, transmitting the report, by the Chief of Engineers, re- specting the survey of the harbor of Port Clinton, Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting list of contracts made by engineer depart- ment during the year 1867. Letter from the Secretary of. War, transmitting report relative to lands granted by Congress to southern States for railroad purposes. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting communication from the Chief of Engineers enclosing reports respecting the improvement of the Mis- souri river. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, transmitting a statement of contracts by ordnance depart- ment during 1867, and of the quartermasters' department. Letter from the Secretary of....
War relative to the military service of John T. Cox. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting statement of contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting correspondence between the President and General Grant relative to the Secretary of War.
War, transmitting Colonel Hunter's report of the survey of the Connecticut river. Letter from the Secretary of. War, transmitting report of the operations for removal of Mid- dle Rock, New Haven harbor. Letter from the Secretary of. War, transmitting communication relative to railroad on the west side of the Mississippi river. Letter from the Secretary of. War, transmitting statement of contracts made by quarter- masters' department. Letter from the Secretary of.... War, transmitting communication from the Quartermaster Gen- eral relative to the sale of the Fort Leavenworth military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting report of the survey of the Penobscot river. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, transmitting a letter from the President of the United States relative to the Department of War. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, transmitting papers in the case of Samuel H. Moore. Let- ter from the Secretary of.... War, transmitting report by Colonel Blunt, on the survey for a ship-canal to connect Lakes Erie and Ontario. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting communication relative to the harbor at Michigan City, Indiana. Letter from the Secretary of...... War, transmitting a communication from the Chief of Engineers relative to the harbor at Wilson, Niagara county, New York. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, transmitting application from the president of the Union Pacific railroad, eastern division, for aid from Congress in extending that road to Fort Lyon. Letter from the Secre- tary of....
War, transmitting revised estimates for harbor and river im- provements. Letter from the Secretary of...........
War relative to the number of soldiers stationed at certain military posts on the Pacific coast. Letter from the Secre- tary of...
War relative to the occupancy of San Juan island. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, submitting estimates of appropriations required for the Chippewa Indians. Letter from the Secretary of.. War, transmitting communication from the Chief of Engineers relative to the improvement of the Taunton river. Letter from the Secretary of......
War relative to the purchase of certain land on the Battery, in New York city. Letter from the Secretary of . War, transmitting estimates of appropriations to supply defi- ciencies in appropriations for public buildings. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting report of the Chief of Engineers relative to the sale of a portion of the Fort Gratiot military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of......
War, transmitting a report by Major General Meade relative to the State of Alabama. Letter from the Secretary of... War, transmitting communication from Lieutenant General Sherman relative to the subsistence of certain Indian tribes. Letter from the Secretary of......
War, transmitting communication from General Schofield rela- tive to the expenses of holding elections in the first military district. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, transmitting General Warren's report of a survey of the Upper Mississippi river. Letter from the Secretary of.......
War relative to the unsuitableness of the Bosque Redondo reservation in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of... War relative to the 84th New York volunteers. Letter from the Secretary of........
War relative to contracts made by ordnance department. Let- ter from the Secretary of....... War, transmitting statement of contracts by quartermasters' department during March, 1868. Letter from the Secretary of. War relative to the harbor at Alton, Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting report relative to the survey of Reedy island and Liston Point. Letter from the Secretary of.. War, transmitting communication from the Chief of Engineers relative to an appropriation for St. Clair Flats. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting report of the surveys on the Tennessee river. Letter from the Secretary of..............
War, transmitting reports relative to the condition of the second military district and the views of the General of the army. Letter from the Secretary of.......
War, transmitting General Michler's report of the survey of the Potomac river. Letter from the Secretary of.............. War, transmitting communication from commanding generel of the first military district relative to disqualification of certain civil officers. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a communication from the General of the army relative to the recent elections in Alabama. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, recommending an appropriation for the bridge at Rock island. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting papers relative to Bergen Heights arsenal. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, transmitting a communication from the Chief of Engineers relative to an appropriation for public buildings and grounds. Letter from the Secretary of...
War relative to Fort Riley military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of......
War, transmitting estimate of appropriations required for the execution of the reconstruction laws. Letter from the Sec- retary of....
War, transmitting statement of the estimated diminution of the army up to January 1, 1869, and July 1 of same year. Let- ter from the Secretary of.
War relative to an appropriation for the removal of obstruc- tions in the Delaware river. Letter from the Secretary of... War relative to reducing the number of majors and captains in the quartermasters' department. Letter from the Secre- tary of......
War relative to the number of bounties paid under the act of July 28, 1866. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to Indian hostilities in California. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to the construction of wharves at Oswego. Let- ter from the Secretary of.....
War relative to the condition of affairs in Kentucky and Ten- nessee. Letter from the Secretary of ...
War relative to the number of troops stationed on the Union Pacific railroad. Letter from the Secretary of.... War relative to amounts paid for legal services from 1860 to 1868. Letter from the Secretary of...
War relative to contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the Secretary of...
Warren and Costello, imprisonment of. Message from the President of the United States relative to the... Wharves in Oswego. Letter from the Secretary of War rela- tive to
Whiskey seized in New York and Brooklyn. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statement of quan- tity of.
Wirz. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of the trial of....
Yards and Docks, of the operations of his bureau during the year ending June 30, 1869. Report of the chief of the Bureau of...
For repairs and improvements at the stations.
For repairs of all kinds at the navy yards, summary state- ment of.....
Statement of expenditure and estimates for contingent fund.. Recapitulation of estimates for contingent .... Summary statement of estimates under cognizance of bureau. Abstract of accepted and rejected offers for supplies.....
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