1. Expenses of foreign missions for fiscal year 1867. 2. Consular salaries and fees for fiscal year 1867..
3. Expenditures for relief of American seamen, 1867
4. Amounts refunded to citizens and seamen
5. Number of destitute American seamen returned to the United States....
6. Department accounts received and allowed..
7. Expenses of assessing the internal revenue taxes, 1867 8. Expenses of collecting the internal revenue taxes, 1867. 9. Expenses of collecting the internal revenue taxes from September 1, 1862, to June 30, 1865..
10. Expenses of collecting internal revenue taxes in insur- rectionary districts, 1867
11. Miscellaneous expenses of collecting internal revenue taxes, 1867
12. Drawbacks on merchandise refunded, 1867.
13. Amounts paid to internal revenue inspectors
Auditor, Sixth, (for Post Office Department).
Commissioner of Customs..
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Comptroller of Currency
1. Banks in voluntary liquidation for the purpose of con- solidation
2. Banks in voluntary liquidation
3. Banks in the hands of receiver
4. Employés of the bureau and their compensation
5. Bonds held by United States Treasurer in trust for banks
Comptroller, First
Comptroller, Second
Director of Bureau of Statistics
1. Imports and exports of coin from 1821 to 1867.
2. Exports of domestic merchandise from 1866 to 1867
3. Imports and re-exports of foreign merchandise from 1821 to 1867...
4. Exports of domestic products, 1867.
5. Re-exports of foreign merchandise, 1867 6. Imports of foreign merchandise, 1867..
7. Tonnage of American and foreign vessels entered and cleared at each collection district, 1867.
8. Tonnage of American and foreign vessels entered from and cleared to foreign countries, 1867
9. Bonded warehouse transactions from 1847 to 1867..
6. Silver coinage from 1853 to 1867
7. Deposits of domestic silver productions from 1841 to 1867. 8. Silver coins, their weight and value
9. Gold coins, their weight and value.
10. Gold, silver, and copper coinage from 1792 to 1867. Inspectors of steamboats
Light-house board
1. Public debt, statement from 1791 to 1867
2. Total revenue of the United States from 1791 to 1867...
3. Total expenditures of the United States from 1791 to
4. Marine hospital fund, receipts and expenditures, 1866 . 5. Marine hospital fund, receipts and expenditures, 1867.. 6. Tonnage of American vessels by collection districts, 1867. 7. Claims paid "not otherwise provided for," 1867 8. Customs employés and their compensation, 1867.. 9. Tonnage of United States vessels from 1789 to 1867. 10. Expenditures at each custom-house previous to 1867 Solicitor
1. Suits brought and business arising therefrom, 1867. Treasurer
1. Receipts and payments by the United States assistant treasurers and depositories..
2. Chickasaw Indian trust fund
3. Smithsonian Institution trust fund..
Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriation for the ser- vice of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869..
Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of March 25, relative to the sinking fund of the United States. from the Secretary of the
Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Postmaster General, relative to appropriations for the service of his department. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting estimates of the Secretary of War for the department under his charge. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of July 8, stating amount of revenue derived from tax on distilled spirits. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Treasury, relative to amount of taxes received from national banks. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, relative to the tonnage of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relative to the expenditure for salaries of supervisors and local inspectors. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, relative to the purchase and sale of bonds. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Treasury, transmitting a copy of a report of John Miller relative to the inspection of oil in Pennsylvania. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue relative to revenue collected in Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to twenty per cent. extra compensation. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, relative to the amount of revenue derived from dis- tilled spirits. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Treasury, transmitting estimate of appropriations required by the Paymaster General. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting communication from consul at Barce- lona relative to duty on corks. Letter from the Secretary of the......
Treasury, transmitting a communication from the First Comp- troller relative to deputy collectors and assistant assessors. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Treasury, transmitting report of the special Commissioner of the Revenue. Letter from the Secretary of the ..... Treasury, transmitting statement of deposit of government funds in the national banks. Letter from the Secretary of
Treasury, relative to the coinage of five cent pieces. Letter from the Secretary of the.
Treasury, relative to the revenue cutter service. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, relative to loans by national banks. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, transmitting annual statement of the expenditures of the contingent fund in his department. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to obstructions in the Savannah river. Let- ter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, relative to the expense incurred in printing currency
for circulation to the national banks. Letter from the Secre- tary of the....
Treasury, relative to the sale of ten-forty bonds. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to the sale of the Dismal Swamp Canal. Letter from the Attorney General; letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relative to suits pending in New York. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to special agents employed in that depart- ment since June, 1866. Letter from the Secretary of the... Treasury, relative to President Lincoln's instructions to the tax commissioners of South Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting estimate of expenses of revenue cutter service. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to the number of persons paying income tax in each State. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, transmitting letter from the Light-house Board relative to the sale of light-houses. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting draught of a bill relative to commercial relations with Spain. Letter from the Secretary of the...... Treasury, transmitting report of the Light-house Board relative to a beacon at Long Beach bar. Letter from the Secretary of the.....
Treasury, asking an appropriation for paying annuities to Cherokee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the... Treasury, relative to an increase of salary to appraiser of Savan- nah, Georgia, and treasurer at Charleston, South Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relative to the transfer to the Interior Department of jurisdiction over certain Indian affairs. Letter from the Sec- retary of the...............
Treasury, relative to the condition of the mint at San Francisco. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting report of the commission on life-saving inventions. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting letter from the director of the mint rela- tive to covering into the treasury certain moneys. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, transmitting annual report of the president of the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Company for the year 1867. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Treasury, approving the report of the commission to select a site for a post office and sub-treasury in the city of Boston. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, relative to contract for labor in the appraisers' department in the city of New York. Letter from the Secre tary of the.....
Treasury, transmitting the annual report of the Union Pacific railroad, eastern division. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, relative to the contents of a box in the treasury vault. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Treasury, transmitting report of the commission to examine spirit meters. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Treasury, relative to Edmund Cooper, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to regulations for the detection of frauds in the printing of postal currency. Letter from the Secretary of the. Treasury, transmitting a report by the Treasurer of the United States relative to national bank securities. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, asking for the amount paid for repairs on the New York custom-house for the past two years. Letter from the Secretary of the... Treasury, relative to the removal of J. B. Steedman, United States collector in Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, relative to an appropriation to facilitate the payment of soldiers' bounties. Letter from the Secretary of the... Treasury, transmitting communication from the Light-house Board relative to the erection of a light-house at the mouth of the Au Sable river. Letter from the Secretary of the....... Treasury, transmitting information as to the trade with the British provinces. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the contract with the Pacific Electric Tele- graph company. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to commissions paid on the sale of bonds. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relative to the proposed post office building in New York. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, transmitting memorial of the chamber of commerce of Geneva, Switzerland, relative to American finances. Let- ter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, transmitting a report relative to the necessity of a separate customs district in Maine. Letter from the Secre- tary of the....
Treasury, relative to reports of the Union Pacific and other railroads, to be made according to law. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury, relative to the number of vessels in the revenue ser- vice. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, relative to the sales of gold since March, 1861. Let- ter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury. relative to appointments in the treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relative to the establishment of a light-house at Port Austin, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statement of taxes collected on distilled spirits since first of January last. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Treasury, relative to the amount of whiskey seized in New York and Brooklyn. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Treasury, transmitting report of the president of the Union Pacific railroad, eastern division, for the years 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866. Letter from Secretary of the.... Treasury, transmitting statement of the expenses of the coast survey for year ending June 30, 1867. Letter from the Sec- retary of the...
Treasury relative to judgments in the Court of Claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statement of accounts paid during each year, since 1860, for legal service. Letter from the Secre- tary of the
Treasury, transmitting communication from George W. Briger relative to the Canadian fisheries. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury relative to efforts for the recovery of confederate prop- erty in Europe. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the custom-house at Toledo. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury transmitting statement of sums paid to the Brazil Mail Steamship Company. Letter from the Secretary of the.' Treasury, transmitting report of the mineral resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky mountains. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, transmitting J. W. Taylor's report of the mineral resources of the States and Territories east of the Rocky mountains. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to light-house at Black Rock. the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to the condition of custom-house buildings at Pittsburg. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the pay of deputy collectors. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, report on. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior in relation to Treaties with German states. Message from the President of the United States relative to...
Vessels, number of, in the navy. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy relative to
Vessels, prize. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy relative
Vessels, public sale of. Message of the President of the United States relative to, since the close of the rebellion Vessels, bought, sold, and chartered during the war. from the Secretary of the Navy relative to Votes cast for new constitutions.
Letter from the General of
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