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ful fentence pronounced upon them, by Christ himself, at the last day, than the Prophet Jeremiah pronounced upon the difobedient Ifraelites. Ver. 16, 17. Because the fons of Jonadab, the fon of Rechab, have performed the commandments of their father, which he commanded them, but this people have not hearkened unto me; therefore, Thus faith the Lord God of bofts, the God of Ifrael, Behold I will bring upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitanis of Jerufalem, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; because I bave spoken unto them, but they have not heard, and I have called unto them, but they have not answered. Matt. vii. 22, 23. Not every one that faith unto me, Lord, Lord, fhall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will fay unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophefied in thy name, and in thy name have caft out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profefs unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity,


BOOKS written by Mr. THO. CHUBB, and printed for THO. Cox, fince the Publication of his Collection of Tracts in Quarto, viz.


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Difcourfe concerning reafon, with regard to religion and divine revelation. Wherein is fhewn, That reafon either is, or that it ought to be, a fufficient guide in matters of religion. Occafioned by the Lord Bifhop of London's fecond paftoral letter. To which are added, fome reflections upon the comparative excellency and usefulness of moral and pofitive duties. Occafioned by the controverfy that has arifen (with respect to this fubject) upon the publication of Dr. Clarke's expofition of the church catechifm. The fecond edition. Price I s.

II. An enquiry concerning the grounds and reafons, or what those principles are, upon which two of our anniverfary folemnities are founded, viz. that on the 30th of January, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles the Firft, appointed to be kept as a day of fafting; and that on the 5th of November, being the day of our deliverance from popery and flavery, by the happy arrival of his late Majefty, King William the Third, appointed to be kept as a day of thanksgiving. To which is added, The fufficiency of reafon in matters of religion, farther confidered. Wherein is fhewn, that reafon, when carefully ufed and followed, is to every man, who is answerable to God for his actions, under any or all the moft disadvantageous circumftances he can poffibly fall into, whether he refides in China, or at the Cape of Good Hope, a fufficient guide in matters of religion; that is, it is fufficient to guide him to God's favour, and the happiness of another world. Price 1 s.

III. Four Tracts, viz. First, An enquiry concerning the books of the New Teftament, whether they were written by divine infpiration, &c. Second, Remarks on Britannicus's letter, publifhed in the London Journals of the 4th and 11th of April, 1724; and republifhed in the Journals of the 5th and 12th of April, 1729; containing an argument drawn from the fingle fact of Chrift's refurrection, to prove the divinity of his miffion. Wherein is fhewn, that Britannicus's argument does not answer the purpose


for which it was intended. And in which is likewife fhewn, what was the great and main end that the refurrection of Christ was intended to be fubfervient to, viz. not to prove the divinity of his miffion, but to gather together his difciples, to commiffion, and qualify, and fend them forth to preach his gofpel to all nations. Third, The cafe of Abraham, with refpect to his being commanded by God to offer his fon Ifaac in facrifice, farther confidered: In anfwer to Mr. Stone's remarks. In a letter to the Rev. Mr. Stone. Fourth, The equity and reasonableness of a future judgment and retribution exemplified; or, a difcourfe on the parable of the unmerciful fervant; as it is related in Matth. xviii. from verse 23, to the end of the chapter. Price 2s.

IV. Some obfervations offered to publick confideration. Occafioned by the oppofition made to Dr. Rundle's election to the fee of Gloucester. In which the credit of the hiftory of the Old Teftament is particularly confidered. To which are added, three Tracts, viz. I. An anfwer to Mr. Stone's fecond remarks on the cafe of Abraham, with regard to his being commanded by God to offer up his fon Ifaac in facrifice. In a fecond letter to the Rev. Mr. Stone, M. A. and fellow of the learned fociety of Wadham-College in Oxford. II. A difcourfe on fincerity. Wherein is fhewn, That fincerity affords juft ground for peace and fatisfaction in a man's own mind, and renders his conduct justly approvable to every other intelligent Being. Occafioned by what Dr. Waterland has lately written on the fubject. In a letter to a gentleman, III. A Supplement to the Tract, intitled, The equity and reafonableness of a future judgment and retribution exemplified. In which the doctrine of the eternal and endless duration of punishment to the wicked, is more particularly and fully confidered. Price 1 s. 6d.

V. The equity and reasonableness of the divine conduct, in pardoning finners upon their repentance, exemplified: Or, a difcourfe on the parable of the prodigal fon. In which thofe doctrines, viz. That men are rendered acceptable to God, and that finners are recommended to his mercy, either by the perfect obedience, or the meri


torious fufferings, or the prevailing interceffion of Chrift, or by one or other, or all of thefe, are particularly confidered, and refuted. Occafioned by Dr. Butler's late book, intitled, The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the conftitution and course of nature. Offered to the confideration of the clergy, among all denominations of Chriftians. To which are added, two Differtations, viz. I. Concerning the fenfe and meaning of St. Paul's words, Titus iii. 10, II. A man that is an heretick, after the firft and fecond admonition, reject: Knowing, that he that is fuch, is fubverted, and finneth, being condemned of himself. II. Concerning the time for keeping a fabbath. Offered to the confideration of the Sabbatarians. In a letter to Mr. Elwall. To which is likewife added, The cafe of pecuniary mulets, with regard to Diffenters, particularly confidered. In a second letter to the Rev. Dr. Stebbing. Price I s. 6 d.

VI. The true Gospel of Jefus Chrift afferted. Wherein is fhewn, what is, and what is not that Gofpel; what was the great and good end it was intended to ferve; how it is excellently fuited to answer that purpose; and how, or by what means, that end has in a great measure been fruftrated. Humbly offered to publick confideration, and in particular to all those who efteem themselves, or are elteemed by others, to be Minifters of Jefus Chrift, and Preachers of his Gofpel; and more especially, to all those who have obtained the reputation of being the great Defenders of Chriftianity. Acts xvii. 6. They drew Jason, and certain brethren, unto the rulers of the city, crying, Thefe that bave turned the world upfide down, are come hither also. To which is added, A fhort Differtation on Providence.

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