APPROPRIATIONS. JOINT RESOLUTION For the payment of the enrolling and engrossing clerks. Be it resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That the enrolling and engrossing clerks of the present session of the legislative assembly and their assistants, shall be allowed the sum of five dollars per day, from the day of their appointment to the close of the session; and the territorial auditor is hereby authorized and required to issue territorial warrants to each of them, for their services at the above mentioned rate, upon the certificate of the speaker of the house and the president of the council. Approved January 7th, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTION In favor of Frederick Remer. Be it resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That the territorial auditor be, and the same is hereby instructed to issue warrants in favor of Frederick Remer for the sum of ten dollars, as compensation for his services as special clerk, to both the committee on privileges and elections, and to the special committee on the revenue bill. Approved January 7th, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTION To pay the page of the council. Be it resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That the territorial auditor be, and is hereby : authorized and directed to draw his order on the territorial treasury in favor of Joseph I. Unthank, page of the council, for the sum of one hundred dollars, which is to be in full for his services as page, &c. Approved January 10th, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTION For the relief of L. G. Jeffers. Be it resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That the territorial auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and instructed, to issue territorial warrants in favor of L. G. Jeffers, for the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents for services as clerk of the "committee of investigation." Approved January 11th, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTION In favor of Robert S. Knox. Be it resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That the territorial auditor be, and is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the territorial treasurer, in favor of Robert S. Knox, for the sum of forty dollars, as compensation for his services in copying "An act regulating the settlement of estates of decedents." Approved January 11th, 1861. AN ACT To provide for the publication of the laws of the territory of :: Nebraska. ! SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That Erastus D. Webster and Alfred Matthias be and are hereby declared public printers of the legislative assembly of the territory of Nebraska, and until their successor are elected and qualified. § 2. It shall be the duty of said public printers to print and publish the laws enacted by the legislative assembly of this territory, in folio pages, exactly uniform in length and breadth, and the same from year to year, with uniform width of margin; the body of the pages shall be printed on good long primer type, and the notes and marginal printing in good nonpareil type; the paper for the same shall be of good quality and as nearly uniform as possible in thickness, texture and color, and that the : statutes at large of the United States, as published by Little & Brown, shall be the standard for all book printing done for the territory. § 3. It shall be the duty of said printers to print the journals of either branch of the legislative assembly in folio pages, exactly uniform in length and breadth, and shall be printed in good long primer type. § 4. And the said public printers shall execute all the incidental printing, which shall be done under the direction of the chief clerk of the council and chief clerk of the house of representatives, as the same from time to time may be ordered by their respective houses, or under the direction of any committee or person appointed by either or both houses, and it shall be done in a neat, substantial workmanlike manner. : § 5. It shall be the duty of the public printers elected by this legislative assembly, as provided in the first section of this act, to take an oath before they enter upon the discharge of their duties, before some officer authorized to administer the same, that they will faithfully and impartially perform all the duties enjoined by this act, which shall be filed, together with a bond to be executed by said public printers to the territory of Nebraska, to be approved by the governor, with the territorial auditor; said bond shall be for not less than ten thousand dollars, conditioned that said printers will print and publish the laws and journals of either house of the legislative assembly for distribution as provided by this act, by the first day of May, A. D. 1861, and every year thereafter. § 6. The county clerk of each organized county in this territory, shall make requisition upon the public printer in the same manner as is provided by an act "to regulate the distribution of the laws and journals of Nebraska territory and for other purposes," approved January thirteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and all the provisions of said act shall apply as far as the same are applicable. § 7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the chief clerk of the council to furnish the public printers with a certified copy of all laws originating in the council, immediately upon their passage and approval by the governor; and it shall be the duty of the chief clerk of the house to furnish the said printers with a certified copy of all laws originating in the house immediately upon their passage and approval by the governor; and the following certificate shall be conclusive evidence that a law has been passed by the legislative assembly of this territory, to wit: I, chief clerk of the house (or council, as the case may be), do hereby certify that the foregoing act is a true copy of the original now on file in the secretary's office, and that the said act was passed on the day it purports to have been. (Signed.) : 1. Chief Clerk of the House (or Council, as the case may be). § 8. It shall be the duty of the chief clerk of the council, and the duty of the chief clerk of the house, to furnish a copy of the journals of their respective houses, within thirty days after the adjournment by the legislature, to the public printers. § 9. The laws and journals published in pursuance of this act may be read in evidence in all the courts of this territory, and the said public printers shall have the exclusive right to print and publish the laws and journals, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this act, shall be liable to the public printers for any damage they may sustain by reason thereof. § 10. It shall be the duty of the public printers to index the laws and journals in the most approved manner. § 11. No printed laws of the seventh nor of any future legislative assembly not published and printed in pursuance of this act, shall be read in evidence in any court of this territory. § 12. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the distribution of the laws and journals in pursuance of the act referred to in section six of this act. § 13. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 11th, 1861. AN ACT To provide for copying the journals of the Council and House of Representatives of the seventh session of the Territorial Assembly. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That George L. Seybolt, chief clerk of the House of Representatives, and E. P. Brewster, chief clerk of the Council, be and they are hereby authorized to copy the journals of the seventh session of the Legislature of Nebraska. § 2. If the clerks aforesaid shall not copy the journals within sixty days next after the adjournment of the Legislature, it shall be the duty of the secretary to cause the same to be done under his direction. § 3. The clerks aforesaid shall each be entitled to receive as compensation for such services the sum of two hundred dollars. § 4. It shall be the duty of the territorial auditor to draw an order upon the territorial treasurer in favor of each of the chief clerks herein named, upon their making affidavit before him that they have performed the duties required of them by the provisions of this act. § 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 11th, 1861. |