THE QUINTESSENCE O F English POETRY: Or, a COLLECTION of all the IN OUR POEMS and PLAYS: The WHOLE Inftructive, Moral, and Humour- Collected from many hundred Volumus, To which is prefix'd, An Alphabetical Catalogue of AUTHORS, POEMS, and In THREE VOLUMES, VOL I. LONDON: Printed for O. PAYNE at Horace's-Head in Pope's - fo The most comprehensive and exact common-place of the works of our most eminent poets throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth and afterwards. ENGLISH POETRY. WARTON'S HIST. OF TO THЕ : Honourable the Lady Wortley Montagu. DAM, T is an honour to the British Nation, that it has, from time to time, produced fo many illuftrious Patrons of the British Mufe; |