2 Issued May 5, 1908. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR. GEO. P. MCCABE, Solicitor. 709 758 LAWS APPLICABLE TO THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. S21 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR, Washington, D. C., February 13, 1908. The work of compilation, with the exception of those provisions I recommend the publication of this compilation for the use of the PREFACE. The purpose of this compilation is to bring together in convenient form, for reference by the officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture, the provisions of law which affect the Department. This compilation collects and presents all sections or portions thereof of the United States Revised Statutes and subsequent enactments from the Statutes at Large, general or permanent in their nature, and not obsolete, superseded, or repealed, including the enactments of the Fifty-ninth Congress, i. e., all provisions relating to the Department of Agriculture in force on July 1, 1907. Provisions of law relating exclusively to the civil service and to accounting have not been included. Provisions and riders from the appropriation acts for the Department of Agriculture have been included. Many of these have acquired more or less of permanency by repetition and observance from year to year, and it has been deemed appropriate to give as notes on such provisions full citations to the Statutes at Large in which they or similar provisions have appeared from year to year, by which their history and evolution may be traced. The provisions of the appropriation act for the Department of Agriculture for the current fiscal year, act of March 4, 1907 (excepting those designating officers, clerks, and employees, and their salaries, which are merely enumerative and are changed from year to year), have been included under the various bureaus, divisions, and offices to which they respectively relate. The wording, capitalization, punctuation, etc., of the printed statutes have been carefully followed. To economize space, enacting clauses have been omitted as unnecessary. In some cases sections of the Revised Statutes and provisions from the Statutes at Large have been omitted as obsolete or impracticable of enforcement by reason of changed conditions, or as repealed or superseded by implication or by subsequent legislation. Portions of provisions, sections, and acts deemed inapplicable have also been omitted, and such omissions, regardless of their brevity or length, are uniformly indicated by the substitution of three stars or asterisks. The same practice has been followed in the case of amounts in appropriation acts. At the close of each section or portion thereof is given a reference to the Revised Statutes (second edition) or to the volume and page of 3 |