General Laws of the State of MinnesotaPioneer Company, 1893 For the years 1861-1864, the Special laws of the State of Minnesota were published with the General laws. |
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Common terms and phrases
act shall take act to amend aforesaid Amending gen amount appointed appropriated Approved April 17 Approved March assessment ballots board of county bonds canvass certificate chap chapter one hundred city or village common carrier copy corporation county auditor county commissioners county jail county seat county treasurer deemed district court dred duty easement eighteen hundred election district electors enacted ending July thirty-first eral laws expenses Fergus Falls filed force fund governor grain hereby amended hospital hundred dollars insane issued judges of election Legislature manner March 14 Meeker county ment Minnesota Minnesota river misdemeanor municipal notice paid party passage payment person polling printed prison proper purpose railroad real property receipt received register of deeds secretary sheriff special laws Stevens county superintendent take effect therein thereto thousand dollars thousand eight hundred tion town treasurer Tuesday voters warehouse
Popular passages
Page 52 - ... closing the polls, and such voter shall not because of so absenting himself be liable to any penalty, nor shall any deduction be made on account of such absence from his usual salary or wages.
Page 37 - You do solemnly swear [or affirm] that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you, touching your place of residence and qualifications as an elector at this election.
Page 33 - That place shall be considered and held to be the residence of a person in which his habitation is fixed, and to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning.
Page 108 - ... to return to actual custody any conditionally released or paroled prisoner, and it is hereby made the duty of all officers to execute said order the same as ordinary criminal process.
Page 105 - ... however, that the exercise of such manual labor in a private house or private room by the family dwelling therein, or by any of them, or in case a majority of the persons therein employed are members of such family, shall not of itself constitute such house or room a workshop within this definition.
Page 102 - And whenever male and female persons are employed as aforesaid together, water-closets, earth closets or privies, separate and apart, shall be provided for the use of each sex, and plainly so designated, and no person shall be allowed to use such closet or privy assigned to the other sex. Such...
Page 3 - In all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, no special law shall be enacted.
Page 147 - All fines recovered under this Act shall be paid into the Common School Fund of the county in which such conviction takes place.
Page 159 - ... by one or more sureties, or that such sureties shall be residents or householders or freeholders, or either or both, or possess any other qualification...
Page 218 - A party to the record of any civil action or proceeding or a person for whose immediate benefit such action or proceeding is prosecuted or defended, or the directors, officers, superintendent, or managing agent of any corporation which is a party to the record, may be examined by the adverse party as if under crossexamination, subject to the rules applicable to the examination of other witnesses.