Report of the Annual Meeting, Issue 5J. Murray., 1836 |
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acid æther angle animal appears applied arteries ascertained Association axis ball Ballina beam Belmullet blood body branches calculated Cambridge cause centre Cetacea chord College colour Committee contained curve David Brewster deduced deflection determine disease distance Dublin earth easterly variation Edinburgh effect elastic electricity Enniskillen été experiments feet fluid force formulæ Fourier Hansteen heat horizontal hydrometer impact inches increase influence intensity intestines Ireland iron James John l'Académie latitude Limerick London mathematical mean temperature mémoire ment meridian Merrion Square metallic mucous membrane nearly needle observations obtained phænomena poison poles potash present produced Professor quantity Rathdrum Report Robert side solid angle solution sound Square sternum stomach Strabane Street sulphuric acid surface Taxodium Temp theory thermometer tion Trinity College tube typhus velocity ventricles vessels vibrations weight William wire zinc
Popular passages
Page v - To give a stronger impulse and a more systematic direction to scientific inquiry, — to promote the intercourse of those who cultivate Science in different parts of the British Empire, with one another, and with foreign philosophers, — to obtain a more general attention to the objects of Science, and a removal of any disadvantages of a public kind which impede its progress.
Page 48 - Id., tom. ii. de ces propositions un théorème fort élégant qui se trouve aujourd'hui dans plusieurs ouvrages élémentaires, et qui peut s'énoncer ainsi : un cône droit étant coupé par un plan, on peut en général concevoir deux sphères qui, touchant le cône dans son intérieur, touchent aussi le plan sécant : alors les deux points de contact du plan et des sphères sont les foyers de la section conique. M. Dandelin a donné une nouvelle extension à ce théorème dans un mémoire sur...
Page vi - The General Committee shall appoint, at each Meeting, Committees, consisting severally of the Members most conversant with the several branches of Science, to advise together for the advancement thereof. The...
Page vi - Committee two years in advance ; and the arrangements for it shall be entrusted to the Officers of the Association. General Committee. The General Committee shall sit during the week of the Meeting, or longer, to transact the business of the Association. It shall consist of the following persons : — CLASS...
Page 1 - His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX, President of the Royal Society, having desired that no unnecessary delay should take place in the publication of the above mentioned Treatises, they will appear at short intervals, as they are ready for publication.
Page vii - PAPERS AND COMMUNICATIONS. The Author of any paper or communication shall be at liberty to reserve his right of property therein.
Page 52 - Sur la question: Déterminer le moyen le plus avantageux d'élever l'eau à des hauteurs de plus de cent mètres, par le moyen de l'air atmosphérique; par M.
Page 53 - Plateau publiait une dissertation sur quelques propriétés des impressions produites par la lumière sur l'organe de la vue...
Page xlvi - ... members the opinions, views, and discoveries of each other ; in calling upon eminent men to prepare reports upon the existing state of knowledge in the principal departments of science ; and in publishing only abstracts or notices of all those other contributions which it has not as a body called for ; in short, in attempting to induce men of science to •work more together than they do elsewhere, to establish a system of more Strict co.operation between the labourers in one common field, and...
Page 250 - Ephraim M'Dowell, MD, MRIA, Censor of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of the Surgeons to the House of Industry. Bruce Joy, MD, Fellow of the College of Physicians. John Nolan, MD, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Dublin. Erory Kennedy, MD, Master of the Lying-in Hospital.