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may remove the charge of the Light House system from the custody of the present board.

Resolved, That the governor be requested to transmit the foregoing to our senators and representatives, to the president of the United States, and the governors of the several

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Resolved (if the assembly concur), That the members of congress from this state be requested to vote for a sufficient donation of the public lands to secure the construction of a canal around the falls of Niagara.

Resolved, That his excellency, the governor, be requested to communicate a copy of the above resolution to each of our members of congress.

By order of the senate,

S. P. ALLEN, Clerk.

In Assembly, April 17, 1858.

Resolutions concurred in.

D. WILSON, Clerk.

In Senate, April 17, 1858. (

Resolved (if the assembly concur), That professor Alexander D. Bache, be requested to continue the drawings of the maps known as the harbor commissioners map of the harbor of New York, and the land adjacent thereto, provided that the cost for the completion of the same shall not exceed the sum of five thousand five hundred dollars. By order of the senate,

S. P. ALLEN, Clerk.

In Assembly, April 17, 1858.

Resolution concurred in.

D. WILSON, Clerk.


Senate Chamber, Albany, April 17, 1858.

On motion of Mr. Boardman,

[ocr errors]

Resolved (if the assembly concur), That the clerks of the senate and assembly complete the index of the journals of their respective houses immediately after the legislature finally adjourns.

Resolved, That the secretary of state cause the journals, and laws to be bound and distributed to those entitled by law to receive them, and that said distribution be made on or before the first day of June next.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Relative to Income Insurance Company of the city of New


Acknowledgment of Deeds and other Conveyances.
Relative to,- ----



[blocks in formation]

Furniture, books, binding, printing, &c., appropriation

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Erection of the the town of,..........

Agent of the Onondaga Indians.

On the Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations, appropria-


tion to pay the,..


[blocks in formation]




Eye and Ear Infirmary, appropriation to,..

[ocr errors]

Grand and petit jurors in, to increase compensation of,..
Gymnasium, to incorporate the,...

Relative to Police Justices in,.

[ocr errors]

Repeal, an act to extend time for payment of taxes in,.. 501
Relative to the State Arsenal in,....

Albany County.



Penitentiary, relative to imprisonment of certain convicts
Village of Green Island, a separate road district,....... 290

Albany City and County.

To increase compensation to grand and petit jurors, ------

Albany County Penitentiary.


[blocks in formation]

Albany and New Baltimore Ship Canal & Basin Company.

Relative to,

Allegany County.

Relative to Board of Supervisors in the erection of the

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Assess lands south of, in town of Bucktooth,.

Allegany Valley Railroad Company.





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State title to house and lot in Oneida county released to,. 440

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