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For indexing the session laws and documents for the session laws. year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, to be paid on the certificate of the secretary of state, the sum of three hundred dollars, when done to the satisfaction of the secretary of state.


For deficiency in clerk hire in the office of the secretary in clerk hire, of state, for the current fiscal year, seventeen hundred dollars; and the further sum of one thousand dollars for extra clerk hire.

secretary of



pense, &c.

For incidental expenses connected with the transfer of history, ex- the Colonial History from the office of the secretary of state to the regents of the university, to be paid on the certificate of the secretary of state, the sum of one hundred dollars.

A. N. Wakefield.

Charles W.



Orville L.


To A. N. Wakefield, for extra services in the office of the secretary of state, the sum of two hundred dollars.

To Charles W. Ward, for extra services in the office of the secretary of state, the sum of two hundred dollars.

To David Vaughn, for preparing the senate and assembly register books, in the office of the secretary of state, for the years one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven and one thousand eight hundred fifty-eight, payable on the certificate of the secretary of state, the sum of thirty dollars.

To Orville L. Holley, for his services in making indexes to the books of patents and of deeds, in the secretary's office, for the fiscal year commencing on the first of October, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, the sum of eight hundred dollars.

For compiling, preparing and binding the original recensus, &c. turns of the census of this state, taken in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five, comprising eighty-four volumes for the state library, the sum of eight hundred and fifty dollars, payable on the certificate of the secretary of state.




private secretary.

To Royal Chamberlain, for extra services and help employed in the comptroller's office in making up insurance report, reading proof and arranging the same, two hundred dollars; and for expenses incurred and services rendered in visiting Boston, New York and Philadelphia, to collect marine duties which accrued prior to the first of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, due the state from the agents of marine insurance companies of other states, under the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, the sum of five hundred dollars.

To the private secretary of the governor, for deficiency in his salary under the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty

eight, chapter sixty-four, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.

For deficiency for clerical services and messenger in the Executive executive department, under the laws of eighteen hundred department. and fifty-eight, chapter sixty-four, the sum of five hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.


To David Wilson for making a general index to the bond David Wil books in the treasurer's office in eighteen hundred and fiftyseven, the sum of three hundred dollars.

For making out a complete register of all the state pro-Militia perty in the hands of the militia and in arsenals of this forms, &c. state, and for making out the forms referred to and required by the general regulations of eighteen hundred and fiftyeight, to be paid on the certificate of the adjutant-general, the sum of six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

To Franklin B. Hough, for his salary from the first of F.B.Hough. September to the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, for services in the census department of the secretary's office, four hundred dollars, and the further sum of twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents for traveling expenses, incurred under the direction of the secretary of state.


To Beverly R. Hasbouck, for extra service rendered by B. R. Hashim as a clerk in the comptroller's office during the years eighteen hundred and fifty-two eighteen hundred and fiftythree and eighteen hundred and fifty-four, the sum of five hundred and sixty-seven dollars.


and survey

deficiency in

For deficiency in clerk hire in the engineer and surveyor's Engineer office, the sum of two hundred and sixty-three dollars. or's office, To William G. Thompson, for his services as assistant clerk hire. clerk in the office of the clerk of the court of appeals, from Wm. G. the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, to the first day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, three hundred and sixty dollars.


To George W. Scott, for his services as clerk in the G. w. Scott. office of the clerk of the court of appeals, for eight months, ending first of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, the sum of four hundred dollars, in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated for clerk hire in said office.


To James M. Whelpley, for extra services in the office of James M. the clerk of the court of appeals, in arranging the papers of the late court of chancery and supreme court, three hundred dollars.

J. B. Law


N. P. Stantun.


Railroad department,

To Joseph B. Lawyer, for deficiency in his salary as clerk in the comptroller's office in the years one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and for extra services in said office in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five the sum of three hundred and thirty-three dollars.

To N. P. Stanton, for indexing the Session Laws for the years one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six and one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, two hundred dollars, or such a sum as will make, in addition to what has already been paid, the sum of six hundred dollars, to be paid on the certificate of the secretary of state.

To Duncan Campbell, for extra services as assistant adjutant-general, to be certified by the adjutant-general, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, a a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars.

For extra clerk hire in the state engineer and surveyor's clerk hire. office in the railroad department, in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and in preparing reports for one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and superintending the printing of the same, the sum of nineteen hundred and sixty-one dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid on the certificate of the late state engineer and surveyor, and the same shall be paid and refunded to the treasury by the several railroad companies of this state, in the manner as was provided per chapter five hundred and twenty-six of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five.

Superintendent of public instruction.

Levi S.

Books for transfer office, &c.

J. V. Vanderpoel.

To the superintendent of public instruction, for extra clerk hire for the current year, the sum of five hundred dollars.


To Levi S. Backus, for furnishing a newspaper called the Radii, to the deaf and dumb persons of this state, for the fiscal year, commencing first October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, per chapter three hundred and twenty-nine, laws of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, three hundred dollars.

For the purchase of books and stationery for the transfer office at the Manhattan company, one hundred and fortyone dollars and forty cents.

To I. V. Vanderpoel, treasurer, for expenses incurred by him in sending a messenger to Rochester and Oswego, to procure the approval of the president of the senate and speaker of the assembly of his bond to the people of this

state for the faithful execution of the duties of his office, twenty-nine dollars and seventy-four cents.

For deficiency in the appropriation for the fiscal year Fugitive. commencing first October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, for the apprehension of fugitives from justice, five thousand dollars.

To J. L. Yates, for work done and materials furnished in J. L. Yates. making blinds, &c., for the geological ball, in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, as certified by the secretary of the regents of the university, one hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty-six cents.

court of ap

For expenses of procuring the reports of the court of Reports of appeals and of the supreme court to be transmitted by the peals. governor to such states as may exchange with this state, five hundred dollars.


To the legal representatives of P. B. Babcock, deceased, P. B. Babfor allowance to him as a member of the assembly in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, as per resolution of the house, sixty-nine dollars.


To Hon. Alexander Bowen, or his legal representatives, Alex. Bowfor allowance to him as a member of the assembly in eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, as per resolution of the assembly of. that year, three hundred dollars.


For deficiency in the appropriation for the improvement Owasco of the Owasco lake outlet, three thousand one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and fifty-six cents.


To B. Davis Noxon and George F. Comstock, for in- Noxon and terest which accrued on the purchase money, up to May twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, for certain lands purchased of them by the commissioners of the land office, for the sum of fourteen thousand five hundred dollars, for the manufacture of coarse salt, one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and sixtyeight cents.

loans by

The sum of one hundred thousand dollars is hereby appro- Temporary priated for the re-payment of temporary loans, and the interest comptroller. thereon, made by the comptroller, or which may be required for the support of government.


To Anson Herrick, assignee of Herrick and Ropes, pro- Anson prietors of the New York Atlas, for publishing notices in said paper in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three and one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, by order of M. 1. Lockwood, agent of the Sing Sing state prison, the sum of thirty dollars.

Medal of Dr.

W. C. Little.



Henry D.

Daniel E.

H. E. Baker.



To the governor, for the purpose of procuring electrotypes of the medal presented to Dr. Kane, fifty dollars.

To W. C. Little, for books for the attorney general's library, the sum of four hundred and ten dollars and forty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable on the certificate of the attorney-general.

For counsel in the Lemmon slave case, the sum of two thousand dollars; and the further sum of five hundred dollars, for costs and expenses of attorney, payable on the certificate of the governor.

The sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the claim of Henry D. Boughton against the Bank of Lyons, on satisfactory evidence being furnished to the superintendent of the banking department of the validity of said claim, who is hereby authorized to inquire into and settle said claim, and to pay such sun out of the moneys belonging to the bank fund, or which were paid into the treasury on account of the assets of said bank, as he would equitably have been entitled to if his claim had been duly proved and submitted to the receiver of said bank.

To Daniel E. Sickles, for expenses and costs in defending his right to his seat in the senate, against the claims of Thomas J. Barr, four hundred dollars.

To Hezekiah Baker, for his services as counsel for Thomas J. Barr in contesting the seat in the senate held by Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. To Benjamin Brandreth, for expenses and costs in contesting the seat of John W. Ferdon, in the senate, four hundred and fifty-eight dollars.

To Monroe Henderson, for costs in contesting Queens Henderson. county clerkship, four hundred and eleven dollars and twenty-nine cents.


Norman and

To Charles Cook, five hundred dollars, being the amount of Hathaway, Diven and company against said Cook, for counsel fees and services in relation to alleged canal frauds.

To Henry H. Norman and E. Darwin Hughes, the sum of one hundred and sixty-four dollars, for costs in defense of a suit prosecuted against them by Letta Harr Tyrrell, according to the direction of the canal commissioner in charge of the western division, payable from any moneys appropri ated for the enlargement of the Erie canal, on the warrant of the auditor; this appropriation being in lieu of a like appropriation made by chapter four hundred and sixty-three, laws of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven.

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