Chap. 189. AN ACT for the relief of the Westchester Passed April 14th, 1858, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The period in which by the provisions of the forty-seventh section of the act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies, and to regulate the same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, the said Westchester County Railroad Company are required to begin the construction of their said road, and expend thereon ten per cent of the amount of its capital, is hereby extended to two years from the time of the passage of this act. 2. This act shall effect immediately. Chap. 190. AN ACT to enlarge the powers of the Boards of Supervisors. Passed April 14th, 1858, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: may be sum board. SECTION 1. Whenever the board of supervisors of any witnesses county shall deem it necessary or important to examine any moned by person as a witness, upon any subject or matter within the chairman of jurisdiction of such board or to examine any officer of the county, in relation to the discharge of his official duties, or to the receipt or disbursement by him of any moneys, or Duty of she riff. Committee, power of. Person subpœnaed. concerning the possession or disposition by him of any property belonging to the county; or to use, inspect or examine any book account, voucher or document, in the possession of such officer or other person, or under his control relating to the affairs or interests of such county, the chairman or president of such board shall issue a subpœna in proper form, commanding such person or officer to appear before such board at a time and place therein specified, to be examined as a witness, and such subpoena may contain a clause requiring such person or officer to produce on such examination all books, papers and documents in his possession, or under his control, relating to the affairs or interests of the county. § 2. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, or any deputy sheriff, or constable of the county, to whom the subpoena may be delivered, to serve the same by reading it to the person named therein, and at the same time delivering him a copy thereof; and his official return thereon, of the time and place of such service, shall be prima facie evidence thereof. § 3. Whenever the board of supervisors shall have appointed any member of their body, a committee upon any subject or matter of which the board has jurisdiction, and shall have conferred upon such committee power to send for persons and papers, the chairman of such committee shall possess all the powers, and be liable to all the duties herein given to and imposed upon the chairman or president of the board of supervisors. § 4. Whenever any person duly subpoenaed to appear and give evidence, or to produce any books and papers as herein provided, shall neglect or refuse to appear, or to produce such books and papers, according to the exigency of such subpœna, or shall refuse to testify before such board or committee, or to answer any question which a majority thereof shall decide to be proper and pertinent, he shall be deemed in contempt, and it shall be the duty of the chairman of the board or of the committee as the case may be, to report the facts to the county judge, or to a judge of the supreme court, or of the superior court, or of the court of common pleas of any of the cities of this state, who shall thereupon issue an attachment in the form usual in the court of which he shall be judge, directed to the sheriff of the county where such witness was required to appear and tes tify, commanding the said sheriff to attach such person, and forthwith bring him before the judge by whose order such attachment was issued. § 5. On the return of the attachment, and the production Attachment. of the body of the defendant, the said judge shall have jurisdiction of the matter, and the person charged may purge himself of the contempt in the same way, and the same proceedings shall be had, and the same penalties may be imposed, and the same punishment inflicted as in case of a witness subpoenaed to appear and give evidence on the trial of a civil cause before a circuit or special term of the supreme court. 6. The board of supervisors and any committee ap- Board may pointed by the board with power to send for persons and adjourn, &o papers, may adjourn from time to time, and such committee may hold meetings in pursuance of such adjournment, or on call of the chairman thereof, during the recess, or after the final adjournment of the said board of supervisors; but whenever an attachment shall have been issued according to the provisions of this act, and is not returned, such adjournment of the board or committee at whose instance it was issued shall be to a time and place certain, of which notice shall be given by the chairman to the judge before whom the said attachment shall be returnable, and in such case if the person against whom it issued, shall be arrested, he shall not be discharged from custody until he shall have entered into a bond to the board of supervisors of the county, in the penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, with two sufficient sureties to be approved by the said judge, with a condition that he will appear and submit to an examination before such board or committee as the case may be, at the time and place to which it shall have adjourned. § 7. Such bond shall be filed in the office of the clerk of Bond. the county, and if default shall be made in the condition thereof it shall be the duty of the district attorney of said county to sue for and collect the same, and the money when received, and all moneys received for fines and penalties under and by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be paid into the treasury of the county for the benefit of the poor of said county. sions, &c. §8. All orders, decisions and judgments made and given Orders, deat in proceedings under this act, by any judge out of court or term, shall be in writing subscribed by him, and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county where such proceedings are had, and the clerk shall thereupon enter the minister oaths. proper and necessary orders and rules, and such orders, decisions and judgments, shall have the like force and effect, as if made and given by the court at a regular term or session thereof. Power to ad- § 9. The chairman of the board of supervisors, and the chairman of any committee of such board, shall severally have power to administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses to be examined before such board or committee, and every witness so examined shall be obliged to answer all such questions as he would be held bound to answer in the same case in a court of justice according to the rules of evidence; but the testimony of any witness examined under the provisions of this act, shall not be given in evidence or used against him, on the trial of any indictment or criminal prosecution, other than for perjury committed on such examination. § 10. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 191. AN ACT to reimburse the county of Columbia certain moneys expended in bringing two convicts from Clinton State Prison, by order of the court. Passed April 14th, 1858, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The treasurer of the state of New York is hereby directed to pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropri ated, the sum of one hundred and eight dollars, to the treasurer of Columbia county, for the purpose of reimbursing said county said amount paid for transporting two convicts from Clinton state prison, by order of the court. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 192. AN ACT relating to the Clyde High School, in the town of Clyde. Passed April 14th, 1858, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The board of trustees of the Clyde High Trustees. School, shall have the power, and they are hereby authorized to raise from time to time by tax, to be levied equally upon all the real and personal property in said high school district, which shall be liable for ordinary school district taxes, such sum or sums of money, not exceeding one-half of one per cent in any one year, as the trustees may deem necessary for the payment of teachers' wages, after applying all other moneys belonging to said district applicable to teachers' wages; not more than two taxes for such purpose shall be raised in any one year. § 2. Said high school shall be free to all children between the ages of four and twenty-one years, residing in the district. Children,&c. § 3. Said board of trustees may call special meetings of Trustees to the inhabitants of said high school district, whenever they give notice. may deem it necessary, or whenever petitioned by twenty-five of the taxable inhabitants of said district; they shall give notice of the same by posting up a written or printed notice thereof, in at least three public places in said district, at least one week previous to the time fixed for such meeting; such notice shall state the time and place of holding such meeting, and the purpose for which the same is called, and no business shall be transacted at any such meeting except that stated in the notice calling the same. school house &c. § 4. Whenever, in the opinion of the trustees, it becomes Additional necessary to build an additional school house or houses in the district, or enlarge or repair the one already built, they shall submit the plans and estimated cost thereof to the electors of said district, at a special meeting to be called for that purpose, and if a majority of such electors, present at |