and descrip tion in clerk's office. office, in and for the county of Allegany, which site shall be within one mile of the present depot of the New York and Erie railroad, at such point as shall be designated in the certificate of the said commissioners, as provided in the File survey first section of this act. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall on or before the first day of July next, file a survey and description of said site in the office of the clerk of said county, with a certificate that they have selected the same for the purposes mentioned in this act, and the said commissioners are hereby authorized and required to procure a good and sufficient conveyance in fee of the title to the lands so selected as a site, to the supervisors of said county for said county, which conveyance shall be recorded in said county clerk's office. Commissioners to cause to be erected suitable §3. The said Isaac W. Fassett, Charles Davis and Theodore F. Hall, or any two of them, are hereby authorized and required to cause to be erected and built on the site buildings. aforesaid, a fit and convenient building, or fit and convenient buildings, for a court house, jail, and clerk's office, of said county. The said commissioners may let the same by contract, upon one month's notice of said letting, published in all the newspapers of said county, for sealed proposals, to the lowest responsible bidder giving satisfactory security for the performance of said work, in one contract or separate parcels, as they deem fit. But said buildings shall be completed on or before the first day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Comptroller loan money 4. The comptroller of the state is hereby authorized of state to and required to loan to the county of Allegany, the sum of to county. twenty thousand dollars, out of any money in the treasury of the state belonging to the common school fund, which shall be a charge upon said county, and payable within six years, as the board of supervisors shall direct, with an interest of seven per cent, payable annually. The said board of supervisors shall raise the same, and interest thereon, by tax, in annual instalments of nct to exceed five thousand dollars in each year, in the same manner as other contingent expenses of the county are assessed and collected. The comptroller shall pay over said money to the county treasurer, upon his executing and filing with said comptroller. the bond mentioned in the next section of this act. Treasurer of county to execute bond. § 5. The treasurer of the county of Allegany is hereby required to execute a bond in his name of office, to the comptroller of the state, conditioned that he will pay to said comptroller the money so loaned, with interest, in annual instalments of not more than five thousand dollars each, as the same is raised by tax by the board of supervisors of said county. The treasurer shall receive said money, and hold the same as the other public moneys of said county, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities which he is now under by law in reference to the other moneys of said county in the county treasury. pay out § 6. It shall be the duty of the said treasurer of the county, Treasurer to and he is hereby authorized and required, from and after money on the first day of May next, from time to time to pay out of warrant, &c. the treasury of the said county, on the warrant of the said building commissioners, or a majority of them, such sums not exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty thousand dollars, until the expenses of purchasing said lot or lots of land for said site, and erecting the said county buildings thereon, shall be fully paid, which expense shall not exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Each warrant shall state the object for which said money is drawn, and to whom the same is to be paid, and shall be verified by the oath of one of the said commissioners. commis § 7. It shall be the duty of the said building commis- Oath of sioners, before they enter on the duties required of them by sioners. this act, to take an oath before the county clerk of said county, well, faithfully and honestly to perform the same, and shall immediately thereafter, each give a bond to the board of supervisors aforesaid, with sufficient surety to be approved of by the clerk of said county, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful application of the moneys to be by them received or drawn as aforesaid, and to render a just and true account thereof to the said board of supervisors at the annual meeting thereof. supervisors of old court § 8. And be it further enacted, that the board of super-Board of visors of said county are hereby authorized and required to to dispose dispose of the old court house, jail and clerk's office, and house. the lands belonging to said county, and now constituting the county site of said county, for the use and benefit of said county; and they are hereby authorized to convey the same in such manner as by resolution a majority thereof may direct, provided that the said county retain possession thereof, until the new county buildings are completed as hereinbefore provided. commis § 9. And be it further enacted, that the said building Payof commissioners shall each be allowed and paid the sum of sioners. Supervisors to till vacancies. Certificates to be filed clerk, &c., when jail is ready for иве. two dollars for each day spent in the discharge of their duties on the business intended by this act, which shall be a county charge, and be audited and paid in the same manner as other county charges are by law required to be audited and paid; but the compensation of said commissioners shall not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars each. § 10. And be it further enacted, the board of supervisors shail have power from time to time, and it shall be their duty, to fill any vacancy that may occur by the refusal to act, death or resignation, of either of said commissioners; and such newly appointed commisssioners shall give the security and take the oath of office required by this act. § 11. And be it further enacted, that when, in the opinion with sheria, of the said building commissioners, and the county judge of the county of Allegany, or a major part of them, the court house shall be so far completed as to be convenient and suitable for holding courts therein, the jail for the reception and confinement of prisoners, and the clerk's office for the safe deposit of records and papers contained therein, they shall cause a certificate thereof under their hands and seals, to be filed in the clerk's office of said county, and a copy thereof to be served upon the sheriff of the said county: and the said buildings shall, in one week thereafter, be and remain. the court house, jail and clerk's office of the said county, and thereafter the said place shall be the county seat of said county; and all public officers required by law to reside thereat, shall there reside, and all public offices required to be there kept, shall be removed to and kept at said county Courts to bo buildings, &c. seat. 12. And be it further enacted, that when the said court held in such house, jail and clerk's office, shall be completed as hereinbefore provided, all business required by law to be transacted, and courts required by law to be held at the court house, in said county, shall thereafter be transacted and held at such new court house. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to remove all prisoners confined in such old jail or jail limits, to the new jail, the jail limits whereof shall be established in the manner now provided by law; and as soon as said new jail limits are established, to remove all prisoners confined within the old jail limits to the new, and bonds given for the limits as bail to the said sheriff, shall remain valid and as effectual after, as before such removal; nor shall any such removal be deemed an escape. county clerk shall carefully remove from the present clerk's Clerk's office. The office, all records and papers deposited therein, and deposit Chap. 85. AN ACT to incorporate the American College of Medical Science. Passed April 2d, 1858, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: rate. SECTION 1. James Boorman, Augustus C. Richards, Body corpoSamuel R. Betts, Caleb O. Halsted, Wilson G. Hunt, Isaac V. Fowler, Edmund Schermerhorn, F. H. Delano, L. S. Haskell, A. M. Sherman, Lorillard Spencer, Cyrus Curtiss, George S. Fox, E. R. Olcott, A. Oakley Hall, Fletcher Harper, R. H. Winslow, Edmund Dwight, Charles B. Fosdick, Dudley Persse, Horace H. Day, are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, to be known by the name of the American College of Medical Science, to be located in the city of New York; and by that name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal; and a majority of the persons named in this section, shall, on the second Monday in April, elect a board of Term of trustees of the said corporation, who shall continue in office trustees. for the term of one year, or until three trustees are elected in their places. office of style. § 2. The said trustees, and their successors in office, by Name and the name of The Trustees of the American College of Medical Science, shall be able and capable in law to take, hold, purchase, and receive by gift, bequest or otherwise, to Can hold real and per &c. Meet annually. them and their successors in office forever, any real or personal property not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars in amount, and have power to lease or mortgage such property as may seem to them most for the interest of said college. They shall have power to sue and be sued, and sonal estate, are hereby authorized to make such by-laws, rules and regulations, not contrary to the laws of the United States or this state, or which shall not be subversive of the spirit and purpose of this charter, as they may judge proper. Said board of trustees shall meet annually on the first Monday in November, for the election of trustees, or for such other bu siness as may come before the board. The board of trustees shall consist of at least ten, and not more than twenty persons; and should any vacancy occur in said board, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall, at the first stated meeting thereafter proceed to fill by ballot such vacancy. The board of trustees shall have power to elect by ballot, a president, vice president, clerk and treasurer of their board, together with as many professors as they may think requisite, and generally to transact and accomplish any business conducive to the objects of this institution; and two-thirds of said board shall constitute a quorum. Vacancy how filled. Censors. Board of trustees to confer degrees, &c. § 3. There shall be a board of censors, consisting of seven members, three of which shall be elected by the board of trustees, and three by the faculty of the college, and the seventh to be appointed by the six named and provided for in this section, which shall constitute a board for the examination of the students of this college, and five of said board shall make a quorum; and none of said censors shall, at time of censorship, be members of the faculty of said college. Two of said censors shall be appointed for two years, two for three years, two four years, and the seventh for five years. § 4. The board of trustees, upon satisfactory evidence that a candidate for a degree has passed an approved examination before the board of censors, in accordance with the by-laws of the college, shall have power to grant, such honors and degrees, giving such rights and privileges, as are usually granted by similar institutions, and in testimony thereof may deliver suitable diplomas. The by-laws shall provide that all examinations for a degree are to be public, and that the votes of the examiner in each candidate's case, together with a minute record of all examinations, shall be |