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inserted "the cost of building and furnishing such schoolhouse shall in no case exceed five thousand dollars.”

council to

§ 12. The common council of the city of Poughkeepsie Common are hereby authorized to borrow for a period not exceeding borrow eighteen months the sum of two thousand five hundred dol-money. lars to pay the debts and expenses incurred by them for the extraordinary repairs of roads and bridges in said city, during the last year beyond the amount raised by them for such purposes and to assess, levy and collect the said sum of To levy and two thousand five hundred dollars in conjunction with the collect tax. general tax for highway purposes to be raised for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eight or eighteen hundred and fifty-nine under the act incorporating said city and in the same manner as if it were an additional part thereof and the said sum of twenty-five hundred dollars when thus raised and collected shall be forthwith applied to the payment of the moneys borrowed pursuant hereto.

report to

§ 13. Section fifteen of the amendment to said act passed overseer tc April twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, is hereby common amended so that the word " November" shall be substituted Council. in the place of the word "July" in the second paragraph thereof, and so that the words "next civil" shall be inserted between the words "the" and "year" in the same paragraph, and also so that at the end of last said section the following words be added thereto: "all moneys received by the overseer from whatsoever source except the city chamberlain shall immediately on receipt be paid over to the latter by said overseer, and he is hereby required to deliver to the common council quarterly on the first mondays of February, May, August and November in each and every year, and as much cftener as said council may require reports under his own signature and duly verified by his own affidavit in writing annexed thereto, stating in detail and under their proper dates the several amounts received and expended by him as such overseer, during each such quarter or other period prescribed by said council, together with the respective names and residence of the paupers relieved by him, and the said overseer shall in respect to keeping and rendering his To render an accounts and to the purchase and distribution of supplies account of for the poor be subject to the supervision and control of the ceived and said common council and to such rules as they from time to time may prescribe, and the said overseer shall in each year with the approval of the common council contract with some good physician or physicians to furhish medicines and render

moneys re

paid out.

Police con


services for all city paupers for one year, the common council are hereby authorized to remove the said overseer from his office if in their judgment he fails to perform all or any part of his duty as prescribed by this section or by any other law or statute of this state."

§ 14. The city of Poughkeepsie is hereby divided into two police districts; district number one to be composed of the First and Third wards of said city; district number two to be composed of the Second and Fourth wards of said

city 15. There shall be elected at each annual election

stable to be hereafter for the election of city and ward officers for said city, one police constable for each police district to be resident of the district from which he shall be chosen, and to be elected by the votes of the electors of the police district for which he is chosen.

Duties of


§ 16. Such police constables shall do and perform, all police con- the duties that constables are now required by law to perforin of a criminal character and to receive such compensation for these services, as is by said charter now provided, and in case of the sickness or absence of both of said police constables, said duties shall be performed during such sickness or absence by the civil constables of said city.

§ 17. All acts or parts of acts that are inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.

18. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 83.

AN ACT to assess the lands south of the Allegany river, in the town of Bucktooth, in the county of Cattaraugus, to build a bridge across said river, and to appoint a commissioner to superintend the same.

Passed April 2d, 1858, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

meeting to

SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the town clerk of the Special town town of Bucktooth, in the county of Cattaraugus, to call a be called. special town meeting of the freeholders of said town, residing on the south side of Allegany river on the first Tuesday of June next, to be held at the place where the last annual town meeting therein was held; said clerk shall give ten days notice of the time and place of said meeting by posting written or printed notices thereof in ten of the most public places in said town, at which town meeting the question shall be decided by a majority of the freeholders of the town residing on the south side of the Allegany river, whether a tax shall or shall not be imposed upon the lands in said town, lying south of the Allegany river, of seven cents upon each acre thereof, for the purpose of building a bridge across said river, near where the road down the Big Red House and Little Red House creek strikes said river.

ing, how conducted.

§2. The said town meeting shall be presided over and Town meetconducted as other town meetings are presided over and conducted, and the form of ballot to be used at such town meeting shall be the words "for the tax " and "against the tax," and the votes shall be counted, canvassed, certified and returned to the clerk of said county and the clerk of of the board of supervisors, by the presiding officers and clerk of said town meeting, in the manner now by law required of inspectors of elections for county officers.

§3. If a majority of the votes given at said special town Board of sumeeting shall be given for the tax, it shall be the duty of duty of.



Duty of



the board of supervisors of Cattaraugus county, at their next annual session, to cause the sum of seven cents per acre to be added to the assessment of all the taxable lands in the town of Bucktooth, lying south of the Allegany river, and to cause the same to be levied and collected as other contingent charges of the town of Bucktooth are levied and collected, and when collected, to be paid into the county treasury, and which money shall be held by the treasurer, subject to the draft of the commissioner hereinafter appointed to superintend the building of said bridge.

§ 4. O. P. Nichols of the town of Bucktooth, is hereby appointed commissioner to superintend the building of said bridge, who, before he enters upon the duties of the office, shall execute, with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the county treasurer, and deliver to him a bond in the penalty of four thousand dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully and honestly discharge his duties under this act, and will annually report his doings in the matter to the board of supervisors of the county of Cattaraugus, which said bond may be canceled by said board whenever they shall be satisfied that said commissioner shall have fully discharged his duties under this act.


§ 5. It shall be the duty of said commissioner to cause said bridge to be erected and finished and for that purpose he shall fix upon a plan upon which the same shall be built, and give twenty days notice of the time and place at which the contract will be let to the lowest bidder, who will give sufficient security for the faithful performance of his contract, and shall at the time and place so advertised, let said contract, provided the same can be so let at a reasonable rate; and for all services under this act, rendered by such commissioner, he shall be allowed the sum of one dollar per day, to be paid by the town of Bucktooth.

§ 6. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to create any liability upon the state.

Chap. 84.

AN ACT to remove the county site of Allegany county to the New York and Erie Railroad; to locate and procure a new county site; to rebuild county buildings thereon; to appoint commissioners therefor; to provide for the expenses of the same, and to authorize a sale of the old county site.

Passed April 2d, 1858, three-fifths being present.

"The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

locate coun


SECTION 1. William H. Mansfield, Jeremiah Osborne and CommisJohn Stilson, are hereby appointed commissioners to desig-sioners to nate some central and convenient point on the New York and ty buildErie railroad at which to locate the county buildings, and site of the county of Allegany. They shall proceed without delay to examine the premises, and make and file in the office of the clerk of Allegany county a certificate under the hands of them or a majority of them, designating such point by the name of the town and village in which the same is located on or before the first day of June next. The said commissioners shall each receive for services actually rendered under this act the sum of three dollars per day, and the same travel fees allowed members of the legislature for one journey from their place of residence to and from the said point designated. The account shall be made out in items and verified by the oath of the commissioners, and shall be paid by the treasurer of said county out of the contingent fund in the treasury, and the amount so paid shall be repaid to said fund out of moneys borrowed from the comptroller as hereinafter mentioned.


§2. Isaac W. Fassett, of the town of Wellsville, Charles CommisDavis, of the town of Amity, and Theodore F. Hall, of the stoners on town of Hume, in the county of Allegany, are hereby appointed commissioners to select and determine upon a suitable site whereon to build a court house, jail and clerk's

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