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AN ACT altering the division lines between the counties of Hancock and Washington, and between Penobscot and Washington-Penobscot, Piscataquis and Aroostook-and between Piscataquis and Somerset.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen2 tatives in Legislature assembled as follows: 3 SECTION 1. That from and after the passing of this 4 act the division line between the counties of Hancock 5 and Washington be and hereby is established as fol6 lows, to wit: beginning at the south east corner of 7 township numbered seven in the south division of 8 Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, and the north east 9 corner of the town of Gouldsborough-thence south 10 easterly and southerly in the principal or middle chan11 nel of Gouldsborough harbor to the Atlantic Ocean. 12 And said line is declared to be the true boundary line 13 so far as it extends, any law to the contrary notwith13 standing.

SEC. 2. The division line between the counties of 2 Penobscot and Washington be and hereby is estab3 lished as follows, to wit: beginning in the westerly 4 line of the county of Penobscot as now established in 5 the northerly line of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, 6 thence running easterly in the north line of said Pur7 chase to the westerly line of township numbered six 8 in the first range north of said Purchase, thence north9 erly in the line dividing five and six in the first range 10 -six and seven in the second range-seven and eight 11 in the third range-and seven and eight in the fourth 12 range to the southerly line of Aroostook county. And 13 said line is hereby declared to be the true boundary 14 line so far as it extends, any law to the contrary not15 withstanding.

SEC. 3. The division line between the counties of 2 Penobscot, Piscataquis and Aroostook shall be and 3 hereby is established as follows, to wit: beginning at 4 the northeast corner of township numbered four in 5 the ninth range north of the Waldo Patent, thence 6 running westerly on the north line of said No. four to 7 the easterly line of township B in the tenth range of 8 townships west of the east line of the State, thence in 9 the line between the ninth and tenth ranges of town10 ships till you strike the west line of the fourth or up11 per Indian township-thence along said west line to 12 the northwest corner of said township, thence easterly 13 on the northerly line of said Indian township till you 14 strike the division line of the eighth and ninth ranges 15 of townships west of the east line of the State, thence 16 north in said division line between the eighth and ninth

17 ranges to the north line of the State. And said line 18 is hereby declared to be the true boundary line so far 19 as it extends, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

SEC. 4. The division line between the counties of 2 Piscataquis and Somerset be and hereby is established 3 as follows, to wit; beginning in the east line of Pis4 cataquis county in the southerly line of township W 5 at the head of Moosehead Lake, thence along its 6 southerly line easterly to its casterly line-thence 7 northerly along its easterly line to the northerly line 8 thereof, and along the easterly line of Sebomook 9 township to its northeasterly corner, thence westerly 10 along its northerly line till you strike the division line 11 between the fifteenth and sixteenth ranges of town12 ships west of the east line of the State, thence in said 13 division line of the fifteenth and sixteenth ranges to 14 the north line of the State-and said line is hereby 15 declared to be the true boundary line so far as it ex16 tends, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.


IN SENATE, February 22, 1844.

ORDERED: That 300 copies of the foregoing Bill be printed for the use of the Legislature.

JERE HASKELL, Secretary.

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