EXHIBIT No. 9. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD Co. Statement showing revenue on basis of proposed advanced rates, present rates, and 1900 rates applied to tonnage moving in March, 1910, and September, 1909, as representative months. Where rates were not in effect in 1900 account stations not then in existence, the tonnage has been eliminated from all items. This statement indicates that under proposed rates the earnings would be during these two months $17,061.44 less than if the 1900 rates were applied. Comparison of commodity rates between Chicago, Ill., and Missouri River points, showing (1) classification of articles; (2) class rates at present date (August 1, 1910); (3) proposed advanced rates; (4) present commodity rates (August 1, 1910); (5) rates effective August 1, 1905; (6) rates effective August 1, 1900. Also of miscellaneous commodity rates between Missouri River points and specified points. Explanation. Chicago rates only are given in first section for illustration; similar changes occurring in Peoria, St. Louis, and St. Paul rates also. Rates are given in cents per 100 pounds, except as otherwise designated. Figures and letters designating classes in column headed "Classification," appear opposite the commodity classified, as described in the commodity column, and represent classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, D, and E, as per western classification. Where classification of articles in one commodity item is not uniform, the class rate for the class most nearly representing the character of the article is given in class-rate column. Reference marks, as appearing in connection with rate figures in rate columns, are explained (after corresponding reference marks) in the commodity column. MISSOURI RIVER RATES. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., Omaha, Nebr. and Agricultural implements and parts thereof, NOTE.-With shipments of wind- Westbound: Agricultural implements, hand, viz: Broad- 3.. 32 32 17 15 15 115 Ammonia (anhydrous), minimum weight, 24,000 pounds. 2.. Asphalt, asphaltum, in solid form, mini mum weight, 50,000 pounds. Asphalt, in solid form, originating east of Ꭰ . 18 12 རྨ 3 ཝེ སྲ 1900, 2; 1905, 36,000 pounds). Bags and bagging, in bales or rolls, viz: burlap, clayed, cotton grain, jute (minimum weight, 30,000 pounds). Bagging, clayed, originating east of the Illinois-Indiana State line (minimum weight, 40,000 pounds). Barn-door hangers, barn-door rails, hinges, 4 and 5.. butts, hasps, staples (minimum weight, Beer, beer tonic, hop tonic, hop tea tonic, 5. malt food, malt tonic, weiss beer (mini mum weight, 30,000 pounds). 1 Sulphuric acid only. 2 From St. Paul group. 70932°-S. Doc. 725, 61-3-vol 6——-13 425 27 121 40 35 21 27 Mississippi River points only. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued. From St. Paul and common points only. D. 181 183 17 15 20 Not classi- 8 27 121 10 10 12 Cement, except asbestos and mortar color and roofing tar and roofing pitch, in straight carloads. Cement, except asbestos and mortar color and roofing pitch, carloads. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued. Westbound-Continued. NOTE.-Minimum weight 40,000 pounds, except where for carrier's convenience a car of less capacity is furnished, in which event the marked capacity of the car, but not less than actual weight, will govern. Not classi- Depilatory (minimum weight 30,000...do..... pounds). Feldspar, cryolite, also fluor spar, in mixed carloads with foregoing articles (minimum weight 50,000 pounds). Fiber cans (minimum weight 10,000 pounds). NOTE.-Subject to Rule 6-B of western classification. 5. 17 27 1900, 3; 1905, 65 Forges (portable), blacksmiths'; blowers, 2. Glucose, glucose jelly, maple sirup substi- Eastbound: 223 31 26 52 32 65 31 1. 1900, D; (1900, 4, 4, D; 4-32 1905 and 320 5-27 1910, 5, 4, 4 20 D-18.5 D. Grapes, minimum weight 24,000 pounds.... 3.. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., Omaha, Nebr.-Continued. and Pipe (wrought iron or steel), welded or seamless and boiler tubes, straight or mixed carloads, minimum weight 46,000 pounds... Pipe (iron or steel), conduit, straight or mixed carloads, minimum weight 46,000 pounds. Pipe (cast-iron) and connections for same, straight or mixed carloads, minimum weight when 18 inches or less in diameter, 36,000 pounds; over 18 inches in diameter, 30,000 pounds Kansas City.. Drive-well points, iron pipe connections, iron body valves, iron pipe couplings, valves, iron pipe fittings, valve springs, iron body pipe couplings, water gates, iron body pipe connections, drill rods, iron body pipe fittings, separators (oil, steam, and water), steel-pipe connections, steel-pipe couplings, steel-pipe fittings, iron-body well-pipe screens, service curb or stopcock boxes; also brass valves,? bronze valves,2 steam traps, iron body valves, brass pipe fittings,2 strainers, in mixed carloads with the foregoing. Minimum weight 46,000 pounds, except drivewell points, in straight carloads, 30,000 pounds. NOTE.-Pipe fittings and valves under three (3) inches in diameter must be shipped in boxes, barrels, kegs, casks, or bags, or strung on wire. Iron or steel poles (telegraph, telephone, electric railway), minimum weight, 46,000 pounds. Iron borings, iron turnings, tin (scrap), iron (scrap), including axles (old), car wheels (old), cable (old), in pieces not exceeding 50 feet in length (invoice valuation not to exceed 14 cents per pound, and so receipted for); also second-hand rails, in mixed carloads with foregoing articles. Minimum, with advanced rate, 40.000 pounds, except scrap tin, straight carloads, 35,000 pounds. NOTE.-Minimum weight 50,000 pounds, except where, for carrier's convenience, a car of less capacity is furnished, in which event the marked capacity of car, but not less than actual weight, will govern. Eastbound: 1900 and 1905, 4; 1910, 5. Various..... Limestone (ground), minimum weight, C. 40,000 pounds. Liquors, alcoholic, in wood or in glass, packed in boxes, viz. (minimum weight, 181 32 32 5. Ꭰ . 24,000 pounds) Alcohol, cologne spirits, high wines, 1. 80 Whisky.... 2. 1 On some items, class rate 27. 38 335 2 Total weight of this article must not exceed 333 per cent of the total weight in any one carload. Class C. Scrap tin, in straight carloads, minimum weight 35,000 pounds. 38 |