BY THE NATIVES OF INDIA, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE EVENT OF THEIR SEVENTH EDITION. London: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, STRAND. 1810. 1081.e CONTENTS. 1. The MOSAIC JUBILEE; with its spirit- ual application to Redemption by Christ; preached on the Sunday before the Thanksgiving Day. - 2. The BRITISH JUBILEE; preached on the 25th October, 1809, being the Thanks- giving Day, appointed to commemo- rate the 50th year of the reign of his 3. The TRUE, or HEAVENLY JUBILEE; preached on the Sunday after the words," Blessed are they which are "called to the Marriage Supper of 4. "The STAR IN THE EAST;" a Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of St. James, Bristol, on Sunday, February 26, 1809; for the benefit of the Society for Missions to Africa and "the East;" from these words, "For 41 93 173 |