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Wisconsin Gazetteer: Containing the Names, Location, and Advantages, of the ... John Warren Hunt No preview available - 2018 |
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12 miles 9 school Bad Ax Baraboo centrally located centre church Columbia county corner county of Dane county of Sheboygan county seat Crawford Creek Croix Dane county Dodge county dwellings enters farming feet Fond du Lac Fox river Grant county Green Bay Iowa county Janesville Jefferson county judicial circuit Juneau Kenosha La Pointe county Lac county Lafayette county Lake Michigan Lake Superior land lumber Marquette county Menomonee miles east miles north miles northeast miles south miles southwest miles west Milwaukee Mississippi mouth northeast from Madison northwest Outagamie Ozaukee pine plank road Pointe county population in 1850 portion prairie Racine range 16 range 20 range 9 Richland Rock county Rock river runs southeast Sauk county saw mill school districts senate district small lake small stream soil timber town 13 town 9 township village Walworth county Washington county water power Waukesha county Waupacca Waushara Wisconsin river دو
Popular passages
Page 22 - ... loveliness, make up the natural scenery of the State. Three hundred and fifty thousand souls have, in a day, as it were, found a happy home in Wisconsin. But her millions of acres, equally beautiful, and all untouched, are still courting the hand of cultivation, and the adornings of art. EDUCATION. — The bounty of Congress has set apart the 16th section of every township in the State for the support and maintenance of common schools. From this source nearly 1,000,000 acres will accrue to the...
Page 5 - Beginning at the northeast corner of the state of Illinois — that is to say, at a point In the center of Lake Michigan where the line of forty-two degrees and thirty minutes of north latitude crosses the same; thence running with the boundary line of the state of Michigan, through Lake Michigan, Green Bay, to the mouth of the...
Page 5 - Brule river: thence up said last- mentioned river to Lake Brule; thence along the southern shore of Lake Brule in a direct line to the center of the channel between Middle and South Islands, in the Lake of the Desert; thence in a direct line to the head waters of the Montreal river, as marked upon the survey made by Captain Cram; thence down the main channel of the Montreal river to the middle of Lake Superior...
Page 6 - Cram ; thence down the main channel of the Montreal river to the middle of Lake Superior ; thence through the centre of Lake Superior to the mouth of the St. Louis river ; thence up the main channel of said river to the first rapids in the same, above the Indian village, according to Nicollet's map ; thence due south to the main branch of the river St.
Page 19 - ... tributaries is the most extensive, and distinguished still more for the fine quality than the inexhaustible quantities of its timber. The other localities of the white pine and other evergreens are mainly on the Wolf, the great northern affluent of the Fox, and on the LaCrosse, the Black, and the St.
Page 7 - No business was transacted, except the passage of several Memorials to Congress, among which was one asking for the organization of the Territory of Wisconsin, with the seat of government at Cassville, on the Mississippi.
Page 12 - ... less numerous throughout the limestone region. All of that section of the state which lies between Lake Superior on the North, and the Falls of St. Anthony on the Mississippi, and the falls of the other rivers flowing southerly, is primitive in its prevailing geological character; and it is within this primitive region that the copper mines of Lake Superior are found — probably the richest in the world, and apparently inexhaustible. In all that portion of the state lying between the primitive...
Page 6 - Croix; thence down the main channel of said river to the Mississippi; thence down the center of the main channel of that river to the northwest corner of the State of Illinois...
Page 6 - Superior to the mouth of the St. Louis river ; thence up the main channel of said river, to the first rapids in the same, above the Indian village, according to Nicollet's map; thence due south to the main branch of the river St. Croix ; thence down the main channel of said river to the Mississippi; thence down the...
Page 8 - A Convention was held at Madison, October 5th, 1846, for the purpose of drafting a State Constitution, which was adopted in Convention, December 16th, 1846, but rejected by the people at the election held on the first Tuesday in April, 1847. A second Convention was held December 16th, 1847, and a Constitution agreed to February 1st, 1848, which was approved of by the electors at the election held April, 1848, and Wisconsin was admitted into the Union, on an equal footing with the other States, on...